Toddlers: 12 - 24 Months

Epidural first time around?

I had an epidural with LO and i was so sore for almost 2 weeks. I've talked to friends who had epidural's with their first child and then not with their second. And they said they weren't nearly as sore the second time without the epidural. I'm just wondering if you had an epidural, were you sore and would you consider not having one with the second?  I'm thinking of not getting one the second time around and my DH thinks i'm NUTS!

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Re: Epidural first time around?

  • I have had 3 children and 3 epidurals.  I've had placental abruptions each time I've gone into labor, so maybe if I had a normal labor, then I would consider going without an epidural.
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  • I was dead set on not getting one the first time but after 24 hours of labor I got. I have decided like the first time I do not want one but when time comes I will opt for one if I feel I need too.
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  • I didn't have an epi and certainly don't think you're crazy for wanting to go without one.  I had an amazing birth experience.  But, I'm kind of wondering if the difference in soreness is just because it's the second baby rather than because they didn't have an epi.

    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
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  • It could be that your friends were less sore the second time around just because, for many women, labor and recovery are better the second time around no matter what.  It may not have anything to do with the epidural.
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  • I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.
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  • I had an epi and it was the best decision I made during l&d.  delivery was a total breeze, it took 100% of my pain away, I don't think I was any more sore because I had an epi.  Maybe your friends recovery was easier because it was the 2nd time around and didn't really have much to do with epi or not??
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  • imageAmber68W:
    I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.

    See, and this is where not having an epi could make a difference.  You have more options for positions if you aren't numb which makes tearing less likely.


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • I had back labor with Katie.  There was no way I could have gone without the epidural.  I didn't have any issues with pain from the epidural, my pain was healing with stitches.
  • I had one because I wasnt dilating, and if I didnt they were talking about a c-sections.  I was sore, but I was okay.  I hear that recovery is much smoother when there is no epidural, and plan on going the natural route next time...unless of course I develop pre-e again.  In which case, Ill do anything to have the baby safely.
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  • imagesmilelari:

    I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.

    See, and this is where not having an epi could make a difference.  You have more options for positions if you aren't numb which makes tearing less likely.

    It also depends on your Dr. and how he decides to deliver.  I had a Dr. who should go back to medical school with the way he delivered DD.

  • I wasn't sore at all from the first time and sure in hell won't go w/o one next time. Kudos to you though. I would rather chop off my legs. I'm a bit of a weenie! ETA: let me rephrase, I wasn't sore from the epi. I was sore from everything else though.
  • imageIvana.Stolichnaya:

    I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.

    See, and this is where not having an epi could make a difference.  You have more options for positions if you aren't numb which makes tearing less likely.

    It also depends on your Dr. and how he decides to deliver.  I had a Dr. who should go back to medical school with the way he delivered DD.

    Me too.  My doctor made me get on my back when DS was crowning.  I'm pissed to this day (and I tore)


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • I didn't have an epi and my recovery couldn't have been better. I am planning to go without for this baby too. I was lucky though and only had bad contractions for a little over an hr before DS was born.


  • when you say you were sore, do you mean generalized low back soreness? i am an anesthesiologist, and i am super thankful for my epidural and would never choose to go without.  the incidence of low back pain after labor is no different between women who get epidurals and women who don't.  low back pain after labor is due to the labor process itself more commonly than not.  it is however very common to have a bruise sensation at the epidural insertion site from the needle going through your skin (similar to how you may be sore after an IV or flu shot) and thi resolves after a few days, shouldn't be terribly bothersome.
    DS1 10/5/09 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Sore? 

    Where they gave the epi in my back, that was sore for a couple of weeks.

    My stitches, hemorrhoids, and my tailbone were REALLY sore for 6 weeks. DD came out "sunny side up" and almost fractured my tailbone and tore everything down there.I also pushed myself too much...... She was out in under 15 minutes.

    I think if I didn't have an epi I would have listen to my body's natural pain responses and not red-lined it so much causing so much damage. As a result of the epi I had no urge to push so I just pushed and pushed.

    I don't know anyone else who tore as bad as myself with a 6 pound baby, but I don't regret getting the epi and will get an epi this time too.  

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  • imageZacksBride:
    when you say you were sore, do you mean generalized low back soreness? i am an anesthesiologist, and i am super thankful for my epidural and would never choose to go without.  the incidence of low back pain after labor is no different between women who get epidurals and women who don't.  low back pain after labor is due to the labor process itself more commonly than not.  it is however very common to have a bruise sensation at the epidural insertion site from the needle going through your skin (similar to how you may be sore after an IV or flu shot) and thi resolves after a few days, shouldn't be terribly bothersome.

     I had generalized pain everywhere! It felt like i had bruise my tailbone for about 2 weeks, i could barely sit down without pain.

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  • imagesmilelari:

    I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.

    See, and this is where not having an epi could make a difference.  You have more options for positions if you aren't numb which makes tearing less likely.

    Eh, I think if your going to tear your going to tear no matter what position you are in. The baby is still coming out. Some people do, some don't.
  • imageScooter359:

    I had an epidural with my first and was sore for a few days, but it was the tearing/stitches that killed me. I couldn't sit for almost 6 weeks.

    See, and this is where not having an epi could make a difference.  You have more options for positions if you aren't numb which makes tearing less likely.

    Eh, I think if your going to tear your going to tear no matter what position you are in. The baby is still coming out. Some people do, some don't.

    Well, everything certainly felt more comfortable when I was squatting vs. when I was on my back.  Everything was more open and able to stretch.  Stupid doctor. I'm convinced the tearing wouldn't have been as bad if she had left me alone.


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • imageBetsyDavis:
    I was dead set on not getting one the first time but after 24 hours of labor I got. I have decided like the first time I do not want one but when time comes I will opt for one if I feel I need too.

    Exactly this for me too.  I went for almost 18 hours before getting one after my water broke and things got too much for me to handle.  I hated every minute of having one though.  Afterward I had a twinge in my back for over two weeks after she was born.  I'm going to do my best this time around to NOT get one.

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  • imageZacksBride:
    when you say you were sore, do you mean generalized low back soreness? i am an anesthesiologist, and i am super thankful for my epidural and would never choose to go without.  the incidence of low back pain after labor is no different between women who get epidurals and women who don't.  low back pain after labor is due to the labor process itself more commonly than not.  it is however very common to have a bruise sensation at the epidural insertion site from the needle going through your skin (similar to how you may be sore after an IV or flu shot) and thi resolves after a few days, shouldn't be terribly bothersome.

    Is a spinal the same thing as an epi?  I had that before an emergency csection, with my last baby in May, and when I straighten my back, I can still occassionally feel the spot where they put it in.   It may be the same, but to me it felt worse than any of the epidurals I've had.

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  • imageKMT to JWH:

    when you say you were sore, do you mean generalized low back soreness? i am an anesthesiologist, and i am super thankful for my epidural and would never choose to go without.  the incidence of low back pain after labor is no different between women who get epidurals and women who don't.  low back pain after labor is due to the labor process itself more commonly than not.  it is however very common to have a bruise sensation at the epidural insertion site from the needle going through your skin (similar to how you may be sore after an IV or flu shot) and thi resolves after a few days, shouldn't be terribly bothersome.

     I had generalized pain everywhere! It felt like i had bruise my tailbone for about 2 weeks, i could barely sit down without pain.

    that's probably more from labor than the epidural.  the epidural doesn't get put in near your tailbone (it gets put in several inches above around the level of your hip bones), but the baby's head will have to navigate right near the tailbone as it goes down the pelvis on its way out.  there's a good chance you will be sore after giving birth regardless of whether you have an epidural. 

    DS1 10/5/09 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageShayna0182:

    when you say you were sore, do you mean generalized low back soreness? i am an anesthesiologist, and i am super thankful for my epidural and would never choose to go without.  the incidence of low back pain after labor is no different between women who get epidurals and women who don't.  low back pain after labor is due to the labor process itself more commonly than not.  it is however very common to have a bruise sensation at the epidural insertion site from the needle going through your skin (similar to how you may be sore after an IV or flu shot) and thi resolves after a few days, shouldn't be terribly bothersome.

    Is a spinal the same thing as an epi?  I had that before an emergency csection, with my last baby in May, and when I straighten my back, I can still occassionally feel the spot where they put it in.   It may be the same, but to me it felt worse than any of the epidurals I've had.

    spinal is similar, but the medicine goes in a different spot (so it kicks in right away vs epidural which takes a while), and the needle used is usually smaller. 

    DS1 10/5/09 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I would definitely consider going without an epidural next time, but I'll keep my options open. I'm hoping to have a singleton next time so as long as things go well and no complications, I should have more options.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I had an epi with both of my deliveries and I felt SO much better after my second than after my first. My labor was easier, pushing was less intense and everything was faster. I felt amazing after having DD2.

    I would consider going without an epi if I have #3. I almost didn't get one with #2, I went really quickly.

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
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