
What could my CD21 progesterone levels mean? Did I ovulate? *BFP and loss mentioned*

RipleyLV426RipleyLV426 member
edited December 2015 in Infertility
So I begged my doctor to schedule me for a day 7 progesterone blood test, to make sure that I ovulated (6th IUI only one BFP and ended in a MC) I got my results and they said its greater than 40, which is what they like to see, and not much else. I'm honestly kinda bummed out they didn't give me my exact number, and whether or not that number meant I ovulated. I had a 20.2mm 15.3mm and a 14.5mm follicle the morning of the day I triggered (7pm trigger and IUI 37 hours later) And I got the test to see if I could have possibly ovulated more than one follicle. Anyone here know anything about progesterone levels?
*BFP and Loss Warning*

Married 10/01/11 to my partner in crime
TTC #1 since 01/15 
3 cycles of Clomid + TI - BFN
IUI #1 Femara + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
MC 07/15
IUI #2-4 Femara + Ovidrel +Crinone - BFFN >:(
IUI #5-6 Follistim + Ovidrel + Crinone - BFFN!
  IUI #7 Follistim + Ganirelix + Ovidrel + Prometrium + Baby Aspirin - BFP! PLEASE STICK!!!
1/25 Beta #1: 389, #2: 940! IT'S TWINS! 
  Pregnancy Ticker

Re: What could my CD21 progesterone levels mean? Did I ovulate? *BFP and loss mentioned*

  • ecb3588ecb3588 member
    edited December 2015
    Hi! So first I want to clarify, I think you are talking about a day 21 progesterone level? That is drawn 7 days post ovulation. Cause you wouldn't have ovulated day 7 of your cycle. I am betting your lab has a reference range that only goes to 40, so when they say yours was >40, that's because that is as high as your lab's range goes. That means you very very likely ovulated! Good luck, FX for you!
  • Progesterone levels vary so much per individual and cycle, I doubt they'd be able to tell whether you ovulated with one or more follies. The good news is you seem to have ovulated, and your levels are looking good! Good luck!
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  • yup! 7DPO! I'm an idiot! That's definitely what I meant...Derp. I hope I did! Not sure how much longer I can stick myself in the stomach with needles :( 
    *BFP and Loss Warning*

    Married 10/01/11 to my partner in crime
    TTC #1 since 01/15 
    Me: PCOS 
    3 cycles of Clomid + TI - BFN
    IUI #1 Femara + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    MC 07/15
    IUI #2-4 Femara + Ovidrel +Crinone - BFFN >:(
    IUI #5-6 Follistim + Ovidrel + Crinone - BFFN!
      IUI #7 Follistim + Ganirelix + Ovidrel + Prometrium + Baby Aspirin - BFP! PLEASE STICK!!!
    1/25 Beta #1: 389, #2: 940! IT'S TWINS! 
      Pregnancy Ticker
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