August 2016 Moms

How long did it take for b6 to help your nausea?

I'm 6 weeks along and have been feeling increasingly queasy, but not actually vomiting, for two weeks now.  I've tried ginger, PSI bands, small frequent meals, etc. etc. to no avail.  I started taking vitamin b6 yesterday with approval from my doctor, but no relief yet, and actually worse this morning.  I tried to start small with 12.5 mg 3x per day, but after waking up this morning feeling certain I was going to puke and feeling awful for a couple hours, I'm upping to the 25 mg 3x per day approach.

For those of you that b6 has helped the nausea, how long did it take before you started to notice a difference?  I had hoped to feel a little better today, but feeling just awful this morning (and worse than any prior day) was not pleasant!

Re: How long did it take for b6 to help your nausea?

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    Try b6 + unisom, that might help more.

    And I've been taking b6 since before I was pregnant since I had hyperemesis gravidarum my last pregnancy. I also take magnesium, which supposedly (once it builds up) can help with nausea, but I'm not sure if the build up has to be prior to conception or not. :(
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Yeah, thinking I will add that if just B6 doesn't help after a couple days.  I have really bad allergies and am managing them with just a Benadryl before bed, so I'd have to cut that if I did the unisom.  Would rather be sneezing than feeling as terrible as I felt from about 6-9 am this morning though!
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    It took a little less than a week to start seeing the B6 help me. The first day it was worse, since the pill hit my stomach hard. Now I can get through a work day not at all sick, and start feeling ill about dinner time.

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    Yesterday was the first full day of 25 mg x3 of B6 dosing and a 1/2 unisom before bed.  I took it around 9 pm, slept like a rock, and was pretty groggy when I woke up at 7:30, and will still a little queasy, much much better than yesterday.  Food still wasn't too appealing this morning, but at least I felt like sitting at the table to eat instead of laying miserably on the bathroom floor like yesterday morning.  A step in the right direction!
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    Glad to hear there is some improvement!

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    It normally takes about a week for the b6 to really help. It is my go to for m/s!
    Mom to Carter, Kendall, Kiersten and Baby O #4

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I've had a few waves of nausea today, but was actually able to leave the house and be a normal person this afternoon.  Yesterday may have just been an unusually bad day, but today sure is looking better!
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