3rd Trimester

31 weeks pregnant with restless legs :(

So Everytime I go to bed my legs start really aching, I have been and seemed medical advice but they have informed me there is nothing I can take for restless legs. All I want is a decent sleep and it's preventing me from doing so. Someone please help me :( suggestions?

Re: 31 weeks pregnant with restless legs :(

  • For me I have been taking magnesium and calcium before bed, having a bath as well, and stretching, every night. Sometimes a warm pack in bed on the legs, and massage can be helpful. Helps me quite a bit. Some people have low iron, which needs to be supplemented, so I would ask your care provider about your levels.
  • Well I have also been craving wash powder like I literally dip my finger in it and eat it. I have googled this and it says about been a sign of low iron also. But when I have been to doctors and had my bloods done they say it's fine. So im struggling to think of what all my symptoms could be. I find my self goibg downstairs and sleeping on the sofa so I don't wake my partner which is no good when I wake with a bad back.

    Going to try the bath before bed and hot water bottle tonight. Really hope it works

    Thank you
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  • I think it's more the magnesium that is helpful for me, it was recommended to me by my midwife. I would ask your Dr again about your ferritin level, because having pica in pregnancy can definetly be a sign of low iron. Do you crave ice as well?
  • No I don't crave ice, it's literally just wash powder I crave. It's been my only craving throughout pregnancy. Sounds strange but wheh I was 3/4 I used to eat it aswell but then stopped for years now I'm pregnant it's started again
  • laurabwalkerlaurabwalker member
    edited December 2015
    Ah ok! Probably still talk with your Dr about it if you haven't
  • No I don't crave ice, it's literally just wash powder I crave. It's been my only craving throughout pregnancy. Sounds strange but wheh I was 3/4 I used to eat it aswell but then stopped for years now I'm pregnant it's started again
    does your Dr say it's ok to eat it even in small doses? I was under the impression that the non-food cravings were never ok to "indulge" in.


    February 2016


  • Well I have also been craving wash powder like I literally dip my finger in it and eat it. I have googled this and it says about been a sign of low iron also. But when I have been to doctors and had my bloods done they say it's fine. So im struggling to think of what all my symptoms could be. I find my self goibg downstairs and sleeping on the sofa so I don't wake my partner which is no good when I wake with a bad back.

    Going to try the bath before bed and hot water bottle tonight. Really hope it works

    Thank you

    By wash powder do you mean soap or laundry detergent? .... Please tell me wash powder means something different. I would up my water and vitamin intake and seek care from your provider.
  • @ashleighjade90 I really don't think you should be eating detergent. Is your Dr concerned about this?
  • No one seems to be concerned by It other then me and my partner. It's absolutely driving me mad but you all know if you fancy something it's so hard no to do it! I've been to the doctors and they've tested my iron and said everything about my bloods are fine!

  • The side of the box most likely has a number to Poison Control if it's ingested. I'd say that is something to be concerned about.


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  • No I don't crave ice, it's literally just wash powder I crave. It's been my only craving throughout pregnancy. Sounds strange but wheh I was 3/4 I used to eat it aswell but then stopped for years now I'm pregnant it's started again
    It sounds like you might have Pica. If your doctor's not concerned, I'd look for a new doctor. 
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  • For the restless legs.... Try eating a filling dinner, something with protein and fiber. Also stay away from sugars few hours before bed. It helps me with my restless legs. I also take a bath and use bath salts and soaps from bath and body works lavender scented stress line they have. Or try rubbing essential oil on your legs (i have friends that swear by it...me personally hate the feel of it) you could purchase at a health store. It also helps to have a calm environment before bed. Ill light candles then bubble bath or read with a cup of herbal tea. Also sex helps too.... With the detergent thing I'd get a second opinion from another doctor if you could. If you think it could be possible low iron try eating some foods high in iron, it can't hurt. Red meat is a good source and try eating more veggies. I had a sister that craved Epsom salts raw veggies and red meat was what they recommend for her. But like you her blood work came back normal. After pregnancy they saw her iron was really low. Being pregnant and all the body levels and chemicals are always changing nothing can be to accurate. Also your prenatal could be causing it just a thought
  • So I've just been discharged from hospital!! I felt ever so faint and dizzy yesterday and couldn't stop throwing up. Got sent straight to accident and emergency. I had my bloods and urine tested and everything in them were out! I had blood in my urine, ketones and protein. They said that I'm majorly dehydrated and kept me in for further observations. I had an ecg too and that suggested I was slightly tachy. As for the wash powder thing the doctor was concerned that I had poisoned myself and sent off for a toxicology. Which I've not yet had the results back from. Had to go in a saline drip to get my ketones down 3 bags later: it's still not down.

    So fed up of been pregnant at the minute, I actually feel like a sick note as I've not been at work for two weeks through feeling ill :(.

    Btw baby is absolutely fine!
  • I have a hard time believing that your obstetrician/midwife/whomever is providing your prenatal care isn't concerned that you're eating laundry detergent. This is either MUD or you need to find new caregivers or you haven't told them what you're doing. I'm leaning towards MUD or you're withholding vital information. What you're describing is PICA and can be dangerous.

    Are There Risks to the Baby?

    Eating non-food substances is potentially harmful to both you and your baby. Eating non-food substances may interfere with the nutrient absorption of healthy food substances and actually cause a deficiency. Pica cravings are also a concern because non-food items may contain toxic or parasitic ingredients.

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  • I had an appointment with a nurse practitioner with my local doctors surgery as I had gone due to feeling tired and lathargic all the time. When I was there she asked me how my pregnancy was and I told her it was absolutely fine although my love for wash powder had come back and she asked me what I meant and I told her. She thought it was hilarious as I used to do it when I was around 3/4. And that honestly was all that was said on the matter. Then she gave me some more gaviscon and said there was nothing she could do about me not sleeping cause she can't prescribe me anything with me been pregnant.
  • So my nurse practitioner is basically crap then?????
  • So my nurse practitioner is basically crap then?????
    If she isn't concerned that you're eating what is essentially poison, then yes.

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  • @ashleighjade90 Doesn't mean she's crap.... Honestly there could be nothing besides taking your blood and checking your levels that she can do for you. Try getting a second opinion about this from another obgyn. If it's something you can't stop you mentally need to try to! I've heard things here and there that things like this can be changed by diet and may need counseling.... But your doc should point you in that direction for that. If your just craving and not actually eating it just keep staying away from it. You would have to eat large amounts for it to have a potential danger just saying. Try eating those fun dip kid candy things its a powder candy might help with the sensation or something similar.
  • I've only seen my nurse practitioner about it and no she wasn't worried at all. However when I went to the hospital the other day they made a massive fuss over it and told me that talking to some one might help but instead I've opted for them tiny cherry lips as they taste of wash powder
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