July 2016 Moms

High Risk Mommas

I will be high risk for this pregnancy since I lost a little girl  at 37 weeks. I was just wondering if there are any other high risk momma's here and if so, do you know what's done differently at your prenatal visits? I tried looking online for some articles but nothing was very specific and I am honestly too nauseated to look anymore.

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Re: High Risk Mommas

  • I was high risk with my daughter and the appointments weren't different from when I wasn't high risk. I think they're pretty much the same.
  • I was high risk last time so I saw a MFM in addition to my ob. The MFM came up with a treatment plan that the ob followed through on. For me, I only needed to meet with the MFM twice. And I had growth ultrasounds every two weeks starting at 30w with the ob.
    TTC #2: 12/2012
    Back to our beloved RE 10/2013
    BFP #5 3/5/14
    Beta 1: 47. Beta 2: 87. Beta 3: 482!

    Baby CCH v2.0 due 11.14.14

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  • I will be high risk as well. The only real difference from a normal pregnancy (from what I can tell) is that my doctor is sending me in as an early referral to the OB clinic in case they want to monitor earlier than 20 weeks.


    Married November 2011

    TTC since June 2012

    2014 Diagnosed with Complete Uterine Septum

    October 28, 2015 BFP!!!


  • I was just told on Monday that I was being referred to a MFM dr in addition to my regular ob. I have a level two ultra sound scheduled for 12/29 when I will be 14 weeks. All I know so far is that they told me it would be a two hour appointment 1 hour for the ultrasound and 1 hour with the dr.
  • I was high risk with ds. Last pregnancy after 28 weeks I had an ultrasound, a dr appt, labs weekly and nsts bi weekly and was induced at 36.5 weeks. So far I just had a crap load of base line blood tests done, an ultrasound and everything else is normal. They should just monitor you more closely and you need to be proactive about making sure that happens!
  • The only difference for me is all the extra appointments. But they don't do anything different at them. Just keep a closer eye on you. In my case, I will also have surgery and some extra ultrasounds because of it.
  • I was high risk with my DD and I will be high risk with this one too. I saw an MFM in addition to my regular OB. The OB did all the regular apppintments, every month, then every 3 weeks, then every 2 weeks and she delivered me. The MFM did cervix checks, more in depth growth scans, the NT exam, and I saw her in between appointments with my OB, so I probably had twice as many appointments as a non-high risk patient.
  • I hope no one minds I bumped this thread rather than create a new one. I hope other high risk mom's can add their info and maybe we can start a weekly check in?

    Today I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and on top I'm being monitored for hypertension. I knew with my weight all of this was a possibility but if felt like a double whammy. I have an appointment with an RN to show me how to use the monitor and strips on the 4th. Emotionally, I'm trying not to regret getting pregnant but with being high risk we haven't bought one thing for the baby. Haven't started the nursery and I feel like I can't relax and have fun or enjoy anything. I'm too stressed at the possibility of bed rest or having a c-section. Is anyone else going through something similar? 
  • @DarkCat try not to get too hung up on these things! Being stressed will only make htn worse and gestational diabetes is something that is very manageable in pregnancy! I felt like that my last pregnancy bc I had a placenta previa and cholestasis of pregnancy. But I realized that stressing and being upset about it wouldn't change a darn thing, so I went with the flow and did what I had to do! Thats all you can really do! When pregnant we have no control over our bodies so keep your head up and concentrate on the good things going for you! 
  • @DarkCat I think a high risk check in might be a good idea!

    *TW previous loss mentioned**

    while I'm not in the same exact situation, I am also high risk due to a previous later loss. I have lots of checks and once I hit 18 weeks, I will have growth scans every couple of weeks. The possibility of bed rest and steroids for baby have been mentioned for the future. Right now it's kind of just a "wait and see" thing and we are not doing anything yet for baby as far as a nursery. I'm not sure we'll ever be ready for a nursery.

    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • I am high risk because I have a previous preterm labor (30 weeker). Also, because we did IVF that automatically makes you high risk for some reason? Things have been complicated because I got a big bleed that started at 13 weeks. At 16 weeks it is still pretty large, and has started to tear my placenta. Ive been on bedrest since 13 weeks, and am 17.5 now. I go back at 20 weeks for the anatomy scan, and to see what's going on with the bleed. I am starting p17 progesterone shots for the preterm labor. So far I really haven't had to go in for extra monitoring, but I have a good relationship with my dr so he knows I'll call if something is up. 
  • jlgriff11jlgriff11 member
    edited January 2016
    DarkCat said:
    I hope no one minds I bumped this thread rather than create a new one. I hope other high risk mom's can add their info and maybe we can start a weekly check in?

    Today I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and on top I'm being monitored for hypertension. I knew with my weight all of this was a possibility but if felt like a double whammy. I have an appointment with an RN to show me how to use the monitor and strips on the 4th. Emotionally, I'm trying not to regret getting pregnant but with being high risk we haven't bought one thing for the baby. Haven't started the nursery and I feel like I can't relax and have fun or enjoy anything. I'm too stressed at the possibility of bed rest or having a c-section. Is anyone else going through something similar? 
    While I haven't been diagnosed with GD, and I am not yet hypertensive, I am also high risk because I have had a loss (early), am obese, and am carrying twins.

    Try not to blame your weight on anything. I failed my first glucose test and passed the three hour. I am almost 300 lbs and have not yet become hypertensive. It can be very demeaning to think of yourself as being "at fault" because of your weight and that isn't true at all. Plenty of women, skinny ones even, have both issues with Gestational Diabetes. My good friend who is eight weeks and weighs 100 lbs soaking wet failed her first glucose test.

    Try to calm yourself. GD is very manageable with diet, and the stress will only add to your blood pressure issues. Try to enjoy it if you can.  ;)

    I should also point out that its not the end of the world if you're put on bed rest or if you have a c-section. I'm almost promised both right from the start.
  • I try to not focus on the high risk as a bad thing. I look at as I have more check ins with doctors and there's a team prepared for anything that could go wrong. So far my epilepsy has not been a complication however I have noticed I'm getting more frequent migraines and sketchy moments so I'm following the tips from my doctor and making sure to relax as much as possible since stress can cause seizures for me.   

    I hope olé once you have a chance to digest your diagnosis @DarkCat you will be able to find comfort with your doctor's too 
  • I am very much so high risk all pregnancies. I have two different type of blood clotting disorders, pcos, incompetent cervix, and pre term labor. For me all I see is a mfm. My visits and care are much different. Tuesday I turned 13 wks and had a preventive cerclage placed. I am due Aug 2 but they will not allow me to go past 39 due to these issues so I will be induced the end of july or if she comes sooner.
  • I'm high risk too due to hypertension.  I had it last pregnancy, had a preterm labour and a small baby.  They want me to start taking daily aspirin, but I've had conflicting information from 2 different midwives.  I see a consultant on Wednesday so I'll ask them about it.

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  • Thank you everyone for your encouragement. I'm trying to remain more positive and not focus on it too much.
  • @DarkCat I had GD with my son, hypertension that I was put on bed rest for and it turned into Helpp and they ended up doing a c section at 32 weeks and ds spent 6 weeks in the nicu. The GD is NOT a big deal. Monitoring yourself is easy, adhering to the diet is easy (and this is coming from someone who has never been on a diet their entire life), my only issue was I couldn't exercise because of the bed rest/modified bed rest. The c section was NOT A big deal. I was in the hospital for a couple days before they decided to induce me due to the helpp and they decided after the induction started to do the c/s to prevent there from being an emergency one and I was fine with that. I'm considered high risk due to all this, also had an early loss, and luckily have passed my early glucose test. And in regards to the body issues....trust me we all have that "why is my body failing this baby, women have been doing this for centuries why can't I" breakdown when this shit happens. I'm not considered obese. I weighed more than my "normal" but was still considered "average." Shit happens girl and you can't blame yourself, but trust me I know just how you feel. 

  • So who wants to start a weekly check in? What day works best for everyone? 
  • Hey everyone.  I had my appointment with my consultant today.  They put me on daily aspirin for the "potential" hypertension, but also scared the crap out of me saying they'd rather not let me go past 39 weeks as there is a small risk as mums over 40 have a greater chance of a stillbirth over 40 weeks......so they'll be doing a sweep to push me along if I've not labored naturally.... Boo. 

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  • Hugs @Pankers
    I know it's super difficult but try to think of it as they will be keeping a close eye on LO which is good!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • @Pankers I think there are a lot of us who will be induced at 39 weeks as well. I know I will be if they let me go that long. Due to being on blood thinners. As long as everything is ok it works for me! 
  • I'm not currently high risk, but in my last pregnancy I was put on medical leave from work for the last 2 months of my pregnancy due to high blood pressure, and just barely passed my 1 and 3 hour blood glucose test. My doctor said I am at a higher risk for both gestational diabetes and hypertension during this pregnancy, so she'll be watching me a bit more closely than the average mom. She asked me to monitor my BP at home between appointments, and will be doing more urine tests than she normally does to watch for glucose or protein in my urine.

    I had a c-section last time after a failed induction, and I just wanted to reassure first time moms who are looking at a probable or possible c-section that more often than not it's not a negative experience. My c-section was actually a very positive experience (although my overall labour, birth, and post-partum experience was not a good one) and I'm totally at peace with my decision to have a repeat c-section. If any first time moms (or moms looking at a first time probable/possible c-section) are feeling nervous and want more information from someone who has gone through it, feel free to ask questions or message me.
  • Agreed @DobbysSock I had a c section with the first baby as she was breech and it was not a bad experience at all.  I'm trying for a VBAC this time and was told I was 75% likely it'd be successful as I laboured last time and healed well, but if I have to have a c section I will.  I did feel like I missed an emotional aspect but physically it was not bad at all.  I was driving in 2 weeks, slept in my own bed upstairs after leaving hospital 4 days after the birth.

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  • I'm really thankful that I found this thread. At my last OB appointment, she labeled me high risk because of "potential hypertension" (which she warned could be a sign of preeclampsia later on) and my weight. So of course, I'm quite worried. It's nice to hear I'm not alone!
  • elldel said:
    I'm really thankful that I found this thread. At my last OB appointment, she labeled me high risk because of "potential hypertension" (which she warned could be a sign of preeclampsia later on) and my weight. So of course, I'm quite worried. It's nice to hear I'm not alone!
    Hugs to you, it's definitely not fun to be labeled it, but we're all in this together!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • Hugs back to you, @MamaBish. It's nice to know others are in the same boat and can relate! <3
  • @ elldel, do you happen to have anxiety?  I had some hypertension in my last pregnancy, but it was all over the place.  At some appt my BP was fine, others it was higher.  At about 32 weeks I was labeled with this but then I switched doctors and my BP went back down, so I wonder if anxiety plays a true roll.  Do they take it at the beginning of an appt?  You can always have them take it at the end of middle once you've been sitting and see what they say.  Sometimes this is what you'll need to get you out of high risk.  I've done that this pregnancy and when taken in the middle, my BP has been fine (highest was 125/80 I believe).  
  • **lurking - I'm not currently high risk

    @elldel definitely see if you can take your BP at different points in your appointment like @decbaby14 said.  My BP is significantly effected by my nerves.  I've had a couple readings that were very high at the start of appointments when I was nervous and then when taken later were back in the normal range.  May be worth exploring if it makes sense for you!

    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
  • One thing I have learned recently about bp is to make sure they are using the correct cuff. I technically barely fit in one cuff and my bp is always awful. If they switch to the bigger cuff my bp is more normal. This has happened at my last 3 appointments, I never knew this was a thing before. 
  • @mckcak23, how would you know to use a different cuff?  I'm pretty small so I'm thinking that isn't the problem but am curious.
  • @decbaby14 I don't really know the answer lol. This is just something that was mentioned to me by the last Nurse. For me I know I need the bigger one so if I see them trying to stretch the smaller one since it technically fits I will say something. I have never had this come up until recently. I don't know if it's because I'm right In between sizes or what. 
  • Thank you @sboston06 !!! Words were failing me. 
  • @decbaby14 and @megstervt :: thanks for the advice! I do have a bit of anxiety, and I wonder if that's contributing. I also like the idea of having them take it mid-appointment or even at the end. I'm going to remember that for next time!
  • I also find I have a better BP with the old fashioned manual cuff and stethoscope.  If it's high I ask the to use a manual one and it usually drops a little bit.

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  • Yes I was dx with CPP and had a week of hell until they ruled out Vasa Previa 

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  • Hi there... Just wanted to check-in as one of the high riskers (multiple reasons.)
  • Im having twins so that puts me as high risk. Im having a lot more ultrasounds (at every visit) and way more appointments 
  • Good bump @BostonBaby1 .  How is everyone doing?  All progressing well I hope.  I'm not seeing a midwife or consultant now until 28 weeks.  I have my a/s next week so hope to see baby moving in there as I can't feel anything yet (anterior placenta).

    any updates anyone?

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