I will be high risk for this pregnancy since I lost a little girl at 37 weeks. I was just wondering if there are any other high risk momma's here and if so, do you know what's done differently at your prenatal visits? I tried looking online for some articles but nothing was very specific and I am honestly too nauseated to look anymore.
Re: High Risk Mommas
Married November 2011
TTC since June 2012
2014 Diagnosed with Complete Uterine Septum
October 28, 2015 BFP!!!
Today I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and on top I'm being monitored for hypertension. I knew with my weight all of this was a possibility but if felt like a double whammy. I have an appointment with an RN to show me how to use the monitor and strips on the 4th. Emotionally, I'm trying not to regret getting pregnant but with being high risk we haven't bought one thing for the baby. Haven't started the nursery and I feel like I can't relax and have fun or enjoy anything. I'm too stressed at the possibility of bed rest or having a c-section. Is anyone else going through something similar?
*TW previous loss mentioned**
while I'm not in the same exact situation, I am also high risk due to a previous later loss. I have lots of checks and once I hit 18 weeks, I will have growth scans every couple of weeks. The possibility of bed rest and steroids for baby have been mentioned for the future. Right now it's kind of just a "wait and see" thing and we are not doing anything yet for baby as far as a nursery. I'm not sure we'll ever be ready for a nursery.
Try not to blame your weight on anything. I failed my first glucose test and passed the three hour. I am almost 300 lbs and have not yet become hypertensive. It can be very demeaning to think of yourself as being "at fault" because of your weight and that isn't true at all. Plenty of women, skinny ones even, have both issues with Gestational Diabetes. My good friend who is eight weeks and weighs 100 lbs soaking wet failed her first glucose test.
Try to calm yourself. GD is very manageable with diet, and the stress will only add to your blood pressure issues. Try to enjoy it if you can.
I should also point out that its not the end of the world if you're put on bed rest or if you have a c-section. I'm almost promised both right from the start.
I hope olé once you have a chance to digest your diagnosis @DarkCat you will be able to find comfort with your doctor's too
I know it's super difficult but try to think of it as they will be keeping a close eye on LO which is good!
I had a c-section last time after a failed induction, and I just wanted to reassure first time moms who are looking at a probable or possible c-section that more often than not it's not a negative experience. My c-section was actually a very positive experience (although my overall labour, birth, and post-partum experience was not a good one) and I'm totally at peace with my decision to have a repeat c-section. If any first time moms (or moms looking at a first time probable/possible c-section) are feeling nervous and want more information from someone who has gone through it, feel free to ask questions or message me.
**lurking - I'm not currently high risk
@elldel definitely see if you can take your BP at different points in your appointment like @decbaby14 said. My BP is significantly effected by my nerves. I've had a couple readings that were very high at the start of appointments when I was nervous and then when taken later were back in the normal range. May be worth exploring if it makes sense for you!
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
@decbaby14 - blood pressure cuffs have lines on the inside to measure the circumference of your arm. If you use a cuff that's too small, it does act as a tourniquet and show a falsely high BP reading. Also, if you use a giant cuff it can show up as falsely low. Standard cuffs fit most average-size adults, but you may need a extra-large or extra-small depending on the size of your arms.
any updates anyone?