Nurseries and Baby Gear

Absolute essentials?

I consider myself somewhat of a minimalist and I want to try to buy the least amount of baby stuff possible. If we decide later that we want something, we can always run to Babies R Us, so I figure it's no big deal to not have something right away. I do plan to buy the following:

- Glider/rocker

- Crib

- Diapers/wipes

- Bottles and breastpump (though these shouldn't be necessary at first, if I'm breastfeeding...right?)

- Carseat

- Clothes

- Baby bathtub

Money is not the issue...I just don't like having a lot of stuff and I figure generations ago, people raised babies without all the stuff and they did just fine. What else would you consider essential? Thanks in advance!

Re: Absolute essentials?

  • I am a ftm with a 4 month old. I would think you might want a swing and/or a bouncy seat or rock n play. I have both (intended to get one or the other but was given both as gift and kept them.) they have been lifesavers for us at times.

  • - We didn't bother with a glider or a specific "chair" for feeding or whatever. We found it was a waste of space and money. Once the baby is older, you barely use it.
    - In addition to a crib, we had a pack and play with a newborn bassinet attachment. Our 2 year old slept in that until she was 3 months, moved to the raised pack and play until she was 7 months, then into her crib full time by 8 months.
    - Some breast pumps come with small bottles, if you are getting a breast pump, I would also encourage you to get storage bags to freeze excess pumped milk.
    - I don't consider a baby bathtub essential. We barely used ours. When she was younger, we gave her sponge baths then moved onto baths in the kitchen sink, then once she could sit on her own we stuck her in the regular bath. We also co-bathe/shower with her.

    I agree with @Savanna111911 - I would get something else for the baby to be in during the day while you are doing things around the house. It could be a swing, bouncer, rock & play or a carrier of some sort. But, you will want to be able to put them somewhere safe so you can be hands-free.

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  • Unless baby will be in the same room as you at all times you'll probably want a baby monitor. These may fall under clothing, but you might want to add socks, mittens, and baby blankets to your list. A carrier or stroller is probably another.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • If you get a baby monitor I like our video Lorex. It's essential for sleep training so you probably don't need til 6 mos.

    Get sleepers with zipper or snaps. We didn't use any cute outfits in nb & 3 mos sizes. Wasted!

    A swing (fisher price) or bouncy seat or rock n play are a must. Baby needs to stay upright after feeding and sometimes you have to go to the loo!

    Mittens aren't necessary. Can actually cause harm with their physical development.

    Infant carrier car seat is essential. We liked our snap n go stroller attachment.

    In the house we like a baby carrier. Ktan under 3 mos ergo after.

    Summer infant swaddlers. Aden + Anais swaddler blankets.

    Skip bottles for now.

    I couldn't bathe baby alone without a tub.

  • I agree, it is handy to have some sort of seat for baby when you need to do something, A bouncer, swing or something. I also really like a baby carrier. I really like the beco Gemini, it fits newborns really well. I liked having a baby gym too, but you don't need it immediately.
  • 6-7 weeks you need a gym. Good for development.
  • We did not use a glider/rocker. I nursed her in my bed or on the couch and I currently read books by sitting on the floor with her. Her bedroom is tiny and I didn't want to take up the space. 

    I would add a pack n play with bassinet or a swing or bouncer as a place to place her in when you're doing something else and can't hold her. I also liked having the lillebaby carrier to use when we went out grocery shopping. 

    I would add a diaper pail to your list -- I couldn't be bothered to take out diapers to the outside trash bin every day so this came in very handy. 
  • Don't buy much clothes, if at all. Most of my friends (I'm not a mom) said that they received all the clothes their baby needed from friends and family.
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