July 2016 Moms

UO Thursday


Re: UO Thursday

  • UO: after experiencing 2 previous miscarriages I am not on the "tell everyone because then you'll have more support" boat. I tell people who I know will support me if a misscariage happens. I'm not into having my Facebook friends telling me how sorry they are for my loss. I hate telling people I've had a miscarriage because I feel like my body has failed at doing something it was genetically programmed to do (yes I know it's a harsh opinion of myself and I would never say that someone who has a miscarriage failed I'm just hard on myself). Besides there are very few people in my close circle and I intend to keep it that way.
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  • Here's an UO: I know it's for support, and I know I'm a horrible person for thinking this but... I hate the "I'm no longer pregnant" threads. As a FTM, it makes miscarriage seem really common.
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • UO: I really like alcohol. Having a few very small sips per week of DH's wine or whatever isn't a problem.

    There is a lot of research from European countries that indicate that small amounts of alcohol really have no correlation to health issues in baby. I've known multiple women whose midwives told them a glass of wine a week was just fine. Personally, if you are lucky enough to not have wine turn your tummy sour during pregnancy (the thought makes my stomach do flips), sip away!!!
  • UO: I think the song "Pregnant Women Are Smug" by Garfunkel and Oates is incredibly funny. I catch myself singing it to myself and I feel bad because we all have a right to feel proud that we get to carry a baby (especially for those who struggle with loss or infertility).
  • Unpopular opinion: whenever people post that they're pregnant and single, or dating the dad but not married, I cringe. Marriage, then sex, then babies.
    My UO, I disagree with everything about this statement. I actually enjoyed sex before I got married. It's called being responsible, and anyone having/raising a baby and doing a great job as a single parent should not be judged by other people. Marriage then sex then babies...it's going to be 2016 not 1951.

    *edit* Raised by a single mom, and it took my dad 25 years to realize how to be a good father.*
    HELL. YES.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

  • @thebigoaktree I always say, if you're not paying my bills, stay out of my business.
    I wanted the excuse to tell people to go Vajazzle themselves as well. haha.
    Yes! I support you! ;)
    BabyFetus Ticker
    July BMB May Signature Challenge

  • chanfa said:
    My UO: I really dont like it when people use the word prego and preggers... Why the need to make it sound so "cute". (which isn't cute to me, it makes me want to punch something) PREGNANT... PREGNANT PREGNANT PREGNANT....

    This really made me want meat sauce. 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

  • chanfa said:

    My UO: I really dont like it when people use the word prego and preggers... Why the need to make it sound so "cute". (which isn't cute to me, it makes me want to punch something) PREGNANT... PREGNANT PREGNANT PREGNANT....

    This really made me want meat sauce. 

    Currently making myself some spaghetti with meat sauce :)
    The term Meat Sauce made me gag a little bit haha.
    I did question whether it was appropriate to post the term 'meat sauce.' Then I decided I was good if I didn't include a GIF. Sorry for your dry heave!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

  • msuzannah said:
    chanfa said:
    My UO: I really dont like it when people use the word prego and preggers... Why the need to make it sound so "cute". (which isn't cute to me, it makes me want to punch something) PREGNANT... PREGNANT PREGNANT PREGNANT....

    This really made me want meat sauce. 
    Currently making myself some spaghetti with meat sauce :)
    dammit now I need meat sauce + pasta
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • image

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • TaymillerTaymiller member
    edited December 2015

    Another one: Am I grateful to be pregnant? Hell yes. Am I grateful for this constant nausea and accompanying BS? Hell no.

    I hate when other women are like, "be grateful for those symptoms because they mean you're pregnant!" No. I will not. I'll go ahead and take the wonderful 2nd trimester, please. Thanks.
    @ButterMyBiscuit - you read my mind!

    Eta: isn't this a place where we can bitch about symptoms and bitch about how it sucks to feel crappy?! I don't need to tell you all how grateful I am, I thought it was just assumed!
  • Natinat6 said:

    My unpopular opinion is I dislike smug married people making judgements on other people's life choices.

    I also can't stand the person who was telling me if I truly studied the Bible, I would understand why I have to dissown my child if they were gay. I never even claimed to believe in the Bible. Someone telling me that a book should dictate how I love my unborn child is making me homicidal.

    Long and short- judgemental, closed minded people can bite me.

    Even though I personally consider myself a Christian, all of this. First of all, dissowning a child is not a Godly thing to do regardless of how you read the Bible.
    My ILs drive me crazy bc they are definitely the judgmental, close minded type that call themselves Christians. Someone actually posted a ridiculous meme on FB about Muslims and how they shouldn't be called bigots bc Islam isn't a race, but a set of ideas. *I cringed writing that.* I wanted to post the definition of bigot, but I need to keep the peace. They sure make it hard though!
  • @MotherOfDucks I am tired of the hands full comments too.

    It also infuriates me when people see I have three boys and say, "I'm sorry". Well eff you very much!!! Why the heck would you be sorry that I have three amazing, healthy boys?!

    While we have already told family and close friends about this pregnancy, I am dreading announcing on FB because I know all the, "FX it's a girl!" and "Are you going for #5 if it's another boy?" comments are coming. Blergh.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • nopegoatnopegoat member
    edited December 2015
    @reyesdnh I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it gets worse when the baby is born. Everyone is the perfect parent before they have kids and they have absolutely no problem telling you exactly what you are doing wrong and what their sister's best friend's cousin's did that worked so much better or even better what a random article on the Internet said.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • reyesdnhreyesdnh member
    edited December 2015

    Yay me, Can't wait.
  • reyesdnh said:

    My UO: I'm tired of people (whom have never been pregnant) tell me or suggest what I should and shouldn't eat, do, act, or whatever it may be. I'm researching everything, and I'm not doing anything that would jeopardize my unborn baby or myself, but the opinions of others are ridiculous!

    If I want to gather ideas on nurseries, showers, or photo shoots...That's my decision. If I want to have a sip or 2 of coffee in the morning... That's my decision.

    Since when does being pregnant mean you also have a sign on you're forehead that says, "give me all your unwanted opinions and advice on my unborn child!?"

    This! My 22 year old sil who is single with no children keeps doing this!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • reyesdnhreyesdnh member
    edited December 2015

    My SIL keeps doing the samething, except she's 34, and I'm 30. I honestly have no problem with advice to a certain degree, but she's taking it to another level. I think she's a little upset that she isn't the one giving her parents the first grandchild, and she's taken it upon herself to tell me everything I should be doing, and how she would do things differently if it was her. 

    She needs to go suck it, and leave me alone.
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