I got a few questions about co-sleeping and anti-"crying it out" methods. I have co-slept with my LO since he was a newborn however I do think I want to try and get him to at least nap or start out the night in his crib or his pack n play in our room. I keep asking people for advice but all I get is shamed for co-sleeping and "letting my son manipulate me" when he cries for me at night. I have taken all the precautions with sleeping with my LO and everything in my being tells me that when my son cries for me it is my duty as a mother to comfort him.
My question is, is there a method, that does not involve leaving my son to cry himself to sleep, that I can do so I can have a little time to myself and do not have to go to bed at the same time as my baby?
Please no more judgments!
Re: Any co-sleeping Mothers Out There?
He napped alone in the middle of our bed for a few months and then started nappi alone in his PnP. You might also consider putting one of your nursing tanks or something that smells like you into the crib with him, then take it out a little bit after he sleeps.
I have let my baby cry on a few occasions when I can tell it's an over-tired cry. I usually time it for 5 minutes and I usually pick him up and comfort him if it goes 5+ minutes. It's not the Ferber method, but it's what I can stand, and often e falls asleep within 5 minutes. Just as often, I can tell after 2 minutes that he just needs me, so I go in to comfort him.
I do this because we have him in a different home at least three nights a week. No consistency so I'm more sympathetic to him needing his mama.
Hope something helps. Good luck! Ignore the critics. Co-sleeping can be such a gift.
Edited to add: it feels nice to have other moms in the same boat! Best of luck to all you ladies and thank you for a place of advice/support.
*~Happily Married to my Best Friend!~*
TTC #1 since 2012, no luck!
4 Rounds of Clomid @ 100mg +Preseed, BFP November 2013!
MMC January 2014 @ 11w2d
Laparoscopy/Dye Test August 2014 showed blocked fallopian tubes - both cleared!
BFP September 2014!
It's a BOY! And I'm one happy mom
If your baby will take a swaddle, maybe try that for naps. We have Also found that white noise is super helpful. Good luck.
Oh and fuck all the people who have any option about how you and your LO sleep. None of their business
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
ETA: we're going on vacation in a few months and I just requested a king bed. I figure LO can just sleep in the bed with us. I'm not putting our pack n play on the plane and I don't really trust a hotel roll away crib.
Can you start doing the back and forth between the bed and the crib in the room at night? Maybe this will buy you a few day time naps in the crib?
If you want another resource you could try to "No Cry Sleep Solution" Book. I used these techniques with both my kids and it didn't make them sleep through the night or anything but it helped and eventually made by 1st easy to put down at night and a good napper. We did this a bit with LO when he started waking multiple times an hour but we haven't pushed it. We did get him to a sleeping from 7-10 or 11 and then up every 1.5-2 hours schedule and this is much better than having to be in with him starting at 8. I use the 3-4 hours to work or have some time to myself.
I usually rock LO to sleep. I dont mind and it works for us. When he is good and out I lay him in his co sleeper. He stays down for a few hours and then ends up in my bed. I'm ok with this for now. DD did much better after a year don't expect him to sleep alone all night until that age or later. I also lay him down for naps and whatever time he sleeps I let it be. We're happy, healthy, and confident in our method.
In our case bedtime is a breeze! I just nurse him to sleep about 8 pm, he falls deeply asleep in my bed, I go to sleep pretty soon after. No rocking to sleep or crying, no fuss or rituals, and we both usually get enough sleep. I love being able to provide love and security to him in the night, especially since I have to be gone during the day weekdays for work/school. He'll learn to sleep on his own when he's older and ready for it! He's not still gonna be sleeping with me at age 10! I might as well enjoy him in this little cuddly stage while it lasts:)
Cheers to another co-sleeping supporter - who just so happens to be sharing my bed :-)
/very early in the morning. Then he sleeps with us and I love it. Also his late nap and weekend naps we put him in our bed. I always lay with him for a few minutes. A few times I nap with him. Love it!!!
We bed shared from 2 - 5.5 mths and once it became clear that it wasn't working for us we transitioned her to her crib. She's now just over 7 months and sleeping well in her crib. If we co-sleep on holiday do you think she'll go back to her crib ok?
since i I haven't been able to implement the FERBER method completely, we do a combo of crib and co-sleeping (bed sharing). At around 5:45pm, LO takes a bath. By 6:00pm, do last solid feeding whch is always multigrain cereal. 6:15-6:45 go to living room and do some floor time. 6:45 go to room, dim lights, put on sleep sack, feed last bottle, rock until very drowsy and put in crib. By 7:00pm he is out! He wakes up around 12:00-1:00 wanting to feed and diaper change. He then comes into our bed. Sleeps the rest of the night until 7:00am!
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
I am hoping by 12 months or 18 months but I won't push hard.