February 2016 Moms

Thankful Thread 11/25

Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving I figure we'll all be a bit preoccupied, so let's start the thanks early! What three things are you thankful for this week?

Re: Thankful Thread 11/25

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    1. I am thankful that my baby girl is still growing and developing the way she is suppose to.
    2. I am thankful for my mom who is my best friend and is always there for me.
    3. I am thankful that God has chosen me to become a mommy in a few months.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Exactly what @skschnake said! I would also like to add I'm thankful for my husband who is my rock and I'm grateful to be going through this life with him.
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    1) I'm thankful for my rambunctious, strong willed, free spirited daughter. She amazes me constantly and there just isn't a big enough word to describe how much I love her!

    2) I'm thankful I get to experience the joys of raising a daughter times two! It was such a pleasant surprise finding out we were having another girl! DH and I are quite smitten with raising daughters!

    3) I'm thankful for such a great parenting partner in DH. He is soft where I'm tough and he instills confidence in our daughter in ways that neither one of them will ever fully understand. He and DD have a crazy bond that has brought a lot of healing to his life and will give her so much self worth in her future. He was born to raise strong independent women and I'm proud to raise a family with him.
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    1.) Thankful for my amazing husband who keeps me grounded when I completely lose my shit about nothing important and will bring me back down to Earth.

    2.) Thankful for the amazing family I was born into as well as married into.

    3.) Thankful for the friends I've made throughout my life that are still in the picture.


    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    1- I am super thankful to be getting to see the babies today. We get to finally find out with we're having boys/girls/one of each. 
    2- I am thankful for my wonderful family who is being very understanding about me not feeling super well right now and not being upset about us not coming to a big Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.
    3- I am thankful that I made it to Thanksgiving break for school. Now I only have two weeks with students to try and finish off and if I can't that's okay too.

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    1. I'm thankful for the close relationship I've grown with my siblings. I hope our children get along together as well :)
    2. I'm thankful for the meals I'll get to share with my dad and then my mom and her family.
    3. I'm thankful for my husband and daughter putting a smile on my face. The other day she said "Who made that mess?" while pointing to the clouds, lol.
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    1- I am super thankful to be getting to see the babies today. We get to finally find out with we're having boys/girls/one of each. 
    2- I am thankful for my wonderful family who is being very understanding about me not feeling super well right now and not being upset about us not coming to a big Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.
    3- I am thankful that I made it to Thanksgiving break for school. Now I only have two weeks with students to try and finish off and if I can't that's okay too.
    That's so excited, good luck and hope your babies cooperate :)
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    1. I'm thankful that we are able to travel to see family and friends this week/weekend. We live a few hours away and don't get to see them as often as we'd like.

    2. I'm thankful for doctors and nurses who give up their holidays to take care of the sick. My mom was admitted to the hospital last night and is in surgery right now, and I feel terrible that I can't be there.

    3. I'm thankful that work has been super flexible and has allowed me to work an adjusted schedule in order to keep my paid time off for when the baby comes.

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    1. I am thankful to be having another little girl. So Aletheia will have a sister.

    2. I am thankful for my wonderful husband.

    3. I am thankful for all of my siblings and their families. I love my big family! 
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    1) I am thankful I passed my three hour glucose yesterday! Now I can enjoy yummy food

    2) I am thankful for my wonderful hubby. Who not only bought me a new car yesterday but also cleaned, packed, and gave me a backrub without me asking

    3) I am thankful for my beautiful daughter who even with her enormous amounts of energy can always make me smile no matter how bad I feel.

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
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    Happy almost Thanksgiving!

    1) I'm thankful for a half day of work today and then 4 days off! December is a crazy time and I need a moment to recharge.

    2) I'm thankful for my amazing husband! He set up the crib last weekend to surprise me and he is making Thanksgiving dinner basically by himself.

    3) I'm thankful that my sister gets to come home for T-day, AND my shower two weeks later, AND around Christmas! So much sister time!
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    (Added to above)I somehow deleted the first part of my post. I am so incredibly thankful for my daughter. The love that I feel for her is beyond words. And the fact my husband and I get to have and raise another daughter I feel beyond blessed.
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    1. Thankful for a rockstar of a husband who is picking up so much slack lately!

    2. Thankful I get to be a mother a second time. Still feels like a miracle after being told I couldn't have kids at 19.

    3. I'm thankful my sister is coming to stay with us the week I'm being induced, so excited to have family around at that time (they are all in Australia).
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    1-I'm thankful for my husband who loves me and cares about me and who I know would do anything for me. He's going to be an amazing daddy
    2-I'm thankful for the little dude rolling around in my belly every morning when I wake up. Thankful that hes healthy and that pregnancy has been pretty easy for me so far.
    3-I'm Thankful for my family and friends who are so supportive and have so much love to give at this exciting time of our lives. I feel so lucky.
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    1. Tums
    2. Sleep
    3. My Grandma (my dads mom) for so many reasons
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