1st Trimester

Nuchal transculency ultrasound

Hope I spelled that right lol...but im getting one tomorrow, because my uncle has hydrosyphilis(?) Or water on the brain. But I also know it can detect for downs syndrome..it seems so interesting to me, because when my mom got tested before I think she said they actually had to get the amnio fluid from the belly to check or sonething. I was wondering if anyone else had this test? Is it common to do or because of my uncle's disability?

Re: Nuchal transculency ultrasound

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    I had it, I believe it's fairly common. I had it though I have no family history of Downs or other chromosomal issues.
    Your mother had an amniocentesis which is a different procedure with more accurate result than the NT scan but that carries risk of m/c.

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    from what i know it's pretty common. i had it done & have no family history of chromosomal abnormalities. it was just something that was offered to me when i first found out i was pregnant, & me & my SO thought it would be a good idea.
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    It's very common to be offered the NTS during your first tri. You have a specific window to get it done it. But by no means is this screening mandatory. It checks possibility for downs and the trisonomies through ultrasound and blood work. Many families choose to do the NTS to feel "prepared" if the baby is marked for those. But on the other hand many choose not to have the screening, because they feel it will not make a difference, they will love and accept their LO all of the same. Then you come back for a second blood work in your second trimester.

    Amniocentesis is a different procedure to check for abnormalities. This is typically offered to older women, high risk pregnancies, or women who need further testing from their NTS.

    I personally chose to do the screening because I am a planner and if my child was born with something, I wanted to do research and feel prepared. That is just my personality. But I would love my child all the same no matter what.

    The choice is up to you but it makes you no more no less of a mother if you plan to do it or vice versa.
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    I had mine done yesterday. Totally non-invasive, not much to worry about aside from the results. It was actually pretty cool because our little nugget was dancing and thrashing around :) it also refused to stretch his/her little legs at all.

    I was adopted so I have zero medical history. We had the NT done to rule out what we could with it, along with the blood work you get done in first tri.

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    Thank you guys for all your help. Without really having anyone to talk to get, it is really nice to have a place to go to discuss, especially when I have not really told anyone yet. I'm planning on telling my parents right after, and the rest of my family on Thanksgiving. I was over my parents last night, but I chickened out lol.
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    I had it, my OB suggests it for everyone as part of first trimester screening. I'm glad I did it because it helped ease my mind a little- also it was nice to see my son again on ultrasound :-)
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