Baby Names

Bear as boy middle name?

My husband and I are naming out son Noah (my aunt was Nora and she passed away when I was in high school) and were planning on using Gavin as a middle name. Lately I just don't LOVE Gavin, both for the name itself and what it was chosen to represent. However, we always call him Noah Bear and the Bear thing has become really meaningful. My husband likes it too, and mom thinks I'm insane to even consider actually using Bear as his middle name, but I want to see what you all think. Am I totally crazy? Please, be honest!
FYI our last name is pretty common, two syllables and starts with S.
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Re: Bear as boy middle name?

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    Ahh I would just use Noah Bear as a nickname and find something else for the middle name spot. But I wouldn't say it's totally crazy.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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    I think it's terrible. Some day, he'll be a grown man wanting to be taken seriously, and he'll be officially named after the baby nickname his mom used to call him. No way. Also, it's an animal, not a name. I think your sentiment is sweet, but it's not something to name your child, who will someday be an adult.
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    Eh I would probably keep it as a pet name but not put it in ink on a birth certificate. It just doesn't sound solid IMO

    It seems a bit silly to if you think of Noah's Ark and then an animal as the mn.  

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    Just a nickname. We have a grown friend given bear as a nickname & people still call him that. He doesn't like it.
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    If it was a family name or honoring native heritage, sure.

    If neither of those conditions apply, than souch nope.
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    That would be so embarrassing for him as he got older. Just use it as a nn.
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    Don't do it.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since September 2012
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    You could translate Bear so it's a little less obvious as a cutesy nickname.

    In Swedish, Bear = Bjorn which is a totally legit name IMO.

    Noah Bjorn has my vote.
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    My vote is nickname. You'll be amazed at all the nicknames that you'll come up with once you meet him, Noah bear might just be a thing while your pregnant and you wouldn't want to get stuck with something you just loved for the time being. Hormones are a thing!
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
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    What if you use Robert...I have had a few classmates named Robert and we always called them bear for a nickname for it. It might be a french thing though lol
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    please dont
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    In Denmark Bear/Bjørn is a common name, but I would not name my son Bear. It would be cute as a nn.


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    I agree with others, I don't think Bear is a great choice. What about using a name that means bear? I looked on and found some names that contain the word "bear" in their meanings:

    Arthur, Bernard, Bjorn, Orson (bear cub, I think that meaning is super cute!)
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    Thanks everyone. I don't think I ever could have really done it but now I definitely won't!
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    Maybe Noah Theodore as another real name connected to Bear (Teddy). I also like Noah Arthur.
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    Orson (bear cub) or Theodore (Teddy)
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    It's not a good name choice imo BUT.. i have a lot of slack on that when it's a middle name. Middle names are hidden gems that mean something to the parent. They function also as a secondary option for the kid if for some reason he doesn't like his first name. A middle name doesn't have to ever make its way onto a resume, a paper or a book cover, right?

    So here's what i think. If you're hard set on it, so be it. But consider the suggestions of a "bear like" name to give him. Also, I'm hesitant to bring this up because it's technically a last name but you COULD give him Behr/Bhaer as a middle name. I HATE last names as given names but again, seeing as it's a middle name, I'd cut that some slack.
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    Yeah, I would go with Noah Theodore. Or even better... Thaddeus! Either way, I think Bear on it's own isn't good. It's cute for a NN of a little child but as he gets older, not so great. Truthfully, you can just call him Bear and have no relating name.

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    I feel like you should have fair warning that Bear is one of the most popular dog names out there right now. My dog Bear sends his regards.

    EDD for #1: 3/19/17
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    Oh see I kind of love Noah Bear. But it sounds like I am in the minority on that ;-)

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My son's name when I was pregnant was Flax (as in he was the size of a flax seed when we found out). We didn't name him that. I have always called my husband Bear as a pet name. We call DS Little Bear or Liam Bear ... but that's not his name.
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    It's really, really bad.

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

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