Hi Ladies, this is my 1st post in quite awhile, so I'll re-introduce myself. I spent a lot of time on this board after having my son in 10/2013; I found so much support and helpful information here. DS just turned two, and I successfully nursed until he was a year old. I stopped (at the advice of my doctor) at that time as I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now 5.5 months. With my son, I dealt with oversupply, fast let down & three episodes of mastitis. This time, I have avoided oversupply issues but have a strange problem I'm not sure what to do about. My daughter is a very laid back baby in general, but has become a "fussy" (lazy?) nurser. I think there are probably two contributing factors. First, she takes a pacifier, which my son never did. Secondly, I am a working mom so she gets pumped milk in bottles during the day. Ever since she was about 4 months, she's been resistant to nursing during the day. She seems too impatient to wait for let-down, pulls off & cries. Sometimes I can "trick her" with her pacifier and switch over to nursing. I thought it was a phase or strike, but it seems to be continuing & I'm getting frustrated. She nurses great overnight, latches right away with no crying. All of the problems occur during the daytime. Any suggestions? Avoiding bottles is not an option. I am planning to start taking away the pacifier fairly soon, but I don't know if that will help with this issue at this point anyway. Thoughts??
TTC #1 12/2009
BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
BFP #2 6/2010, DD lost to congenital heart disease,
we are heartbroken.
TTC #2 4/2011, diagnosed MTHFR, FVL
Four natural cycles BFN; Clomid IUI BFN; Follistim IUI BFN;
1/2012 IVF #1 BFN
4/2012 FET BFP #3
5/2012 7w1d u/s: anembryonic demise; M/C @ 8w.
6/2012 found Stage II/III endo on laparoscopy, removed w/ laser.
8/2012 IVF #2 epic fail: no viable embryos.
Vacation, break, second opinions, on to new RE.
1/2013 Surprise chemical pregnancy BFP #4 (break cycle), IVF #3 postponed.
2/2013 TI w/ hormonal support, prednisone, aspirin, Lovenox, acupuncture gave us a miracle BFP #5!
Heartbeat on U/S at 6w1d! Baby,please stay!!Our miracle baby boy arrived 10/2013! We are so in love!!
10/2014 Surprise BFP #6
Our second daughter arrived in May 2015! We are so grateful!

Re: (Re) Intro and fussy nurser
BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
BFP #2 6/2010, DD lost to congenital heart disease, we are heartbroken.
TTC #2 4/2011, diagnosed MTHFR, FVL
Four natural cycles BFN; Clomid IUI BFN; Follistim IUI BFN;
1/2012 IVF #1 BFN
4/2012 FET BFP #3
5/2012 7w1d u/s: anembryonic demise; M/C @ 8w.
6/2012 found Stage II/III endo on laparoscopy, removed w/ laser.
8/2012 IVF #2 epic fail: no viable embryos.
Vacation, break, second opinions, on to new RE.
1/2013 Surprise chemical pregnancy BFP #4 (break cycle), IVF #3 postponed.
2/2013 TI w/ hormonal support, prednisone, aspirin, Lovenox, acupuncture gave us a miracle BFP #5!
Heartbeat on U/S at 6w1d! Baby,please stay!!
BFP #1 1/2010, M/C 6 weeks
BFP #2 6/2010, DD lost to congenital heart disease, we are heartbroken.
TTC #2 4/2011, diagnosed MTHFR, FVL
Four natural cycles BFN; Clomid IUI BFN; Follistim IUI BFN;
1/2012 IVF #1 BFN
4/2012 FET BFP #3
5/2012 7w1d u/s: anembryonic demise; M/C @ 8w.
6/2012 found Stage II/III endo on laparoscopy, removed w/ laser.
8/2012 IVF #2 epic fail: no viable embryos.
Vacation, break, second opinions, on to new RE.
1/2013 Surprise chemical pregnancy BFP #4 (break cycle), IVF #3 postponed.
2/2013 TI w/ hormonal support, prednisone, aspirin, Lovenox, acupuncture gave us a miracle BFP #5!
Heartbeat on U/S at 6w1d! Baby,please stay!!