Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Fatigue! It's been horrible. I can't get enough sleep.
Questions for the group: Nothing at the moment.
GTKY: I love all types and styles of music, but my favorite is DMB. I've seen them across the country a bunch of times, and have taken DD to her first show when she was 1.
Rants/raves/symptoms: Headaches continue, mostly in the afternoon or evening.
GTKYN: Probably Markus Schulz followed by anyone else who's big in trance or progressive. I haven't been to any concerts, unfortunately. Too busy for any of that and attending would require at least a few hour's worth of travel anyway.
Upcoming Appointments: November 10 with my doctor, December 7 for my anatomy scan!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I can either cook meat or I can eat meat...I can't do both and it's really annoying! I've basically stopped cooking all together. About once a week I have some spotting/bleeding, but my doctor doesn't seem too worried. Even though I trust her, it still gets to me every time. I'm really hoping it will stay in the first trimester!
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? I'm so bad at any of these questions that have the word 'favorite'. I have no idea.
Week/Fruit: 11/Lime -- Ovia App says poker chip (sometimes I have a better idea conceptualizing the baby size with everyday objects rather than fruits and veggies. Let's be honest, I've seen both tiny limes and huge limes!)
Upcoming Appointments: I had one yesterday and they couldn't find the HB on doppler, so we did an U/S. Baby was doing somersaults and heart was beating away at 168. I cried!! A lot!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I'm feeling better!! Yeah! Plus, now I just want to go to bed at 8:30p.m. rather than 6:30p.m. Small victories.
Questions for the group: Okay, so I live in an area that doesn't have an boutique ultrasound places. I'm going to Lake Havasu (flying in and out of Vegas) and they have a bunch of ultrasound places that can do early sex determination with fairly high accuracy. I called and said I would be 13+2 days and they said they could probably tell as long as baby is cooperative. I kind of feeling silly having a special appointment just to see but trust me, I'm much more excited for the anatomy scan so I know baby is healthy. I would find out a month earlier for $50. Would you do it?
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? Hmm... I don't necessarily have an all time favorite musician and my music tastes really run the gamut. I like: -Jack Johnson - seen in concert -George Strait - seen in concert -Red Hot Chili Peppers - haven't seen -Justin Timberlake - seen in concert -DMB - seen in concert - Florence and the Machine - haven't seen
I also like 90s-00s rap/hip hop when I work out and I mostly listen to Christian radio in the car, lol. It doesn't make any sense, I know.
Me: 27 DH: 30 Married in 2011 Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014) Baby 2: Due May 2016
Week/Fruit: 11/Lime -- Ovia App says poker chip (sometimes I have a better idea conceptualizing the baby size with everyday objects rather than fruits and veggies. Let's be honest, I've seen both tiny limes and huge limes!)
Upcoming Appointments: I had one yesterday and they couldn't find the HB on doppler, so we did an U/S. Baby was doing somersaults and heart was beating away at 168. I cried!! A lot!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I'm feeling better!! Yeah! Plus, now I just want to go to bed at 8:30p.m. rather than 6:30p.m. Small victories.
Questions for the group: Okay, so I live in an area that doesn't have an boutique ultrasound places. I'm going to Lake Havasu (flying in and out of Vegas) and they have a bunch of ultrasound places that can do early sex determination with fairly high accuracy. I called and said I would be 13+2 days and they said they could probably tell as long as baby is cooperative. I kind of feeling silly having a special appointment just to see but trust me, I'm much more excited for the anatomy scan so I know baby is healthy. I would find out a month earlier for $50. Would you do it?
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? Hmm... I don't necessarily have an all time favorite musician and my music tastes really run the gamut. I like: -Jack Johnson - seen in concert -George Strait - seen in concert -Red Hot Chili Peppers - haven't seen -Justin Timberlake - seen in concert -DMB - seen in concert - Florence and the Machine - haven't seen
I also like 90s-00s rap/hip hop when I work out and I mostly listen to Christian radio in the car, lol. It doesn't make any sense, I know.
To answer your question, I personally would hang tight til your anatomy scan to find out the sex. To me it's $50 bucks in your pocket that you can use on cute clothes once you find out if you're having a boy or girl!
Secondly, RHCP was one of the most amazing concerts that I've ever seen! If you ever have the chance to go see them, do it! Also, H and I had tickets to see Flo and it was a severe thunderstorm the night she was playing...we decided to skip the concert but I have regretted that decision since then
@Jessie835235 I'm also really wanting to do an elective 2D ultrasound to find out the sex. I found a place that does it after 15 weeks for $60. I feel a bit silly about it too and of course will still be just as anxious and excited for the anatomy scan to make sure all is healthy. My husb is being supportive about it and is on board with it if I decide it is something I want to do but he did say he would prefer to find out from our doctor. I'm so torn! I know the sex isn't the end all be all defining information about who our LO is, but I still can't help but want to know ASAP.
Upcoming Appointments: Had to move it back a few days bc of a work meeting, so my second appointment is a week from today
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I feel great. I almost forget I'm pregnant sometimes and it doesn't really feel real after having such bad ms with my first.
Questions for the group: Is anyone doing prenatal testing? I think I'm going to see what insurance will cover toward the NIPT and/or NT scan. But I'm not sure. Part of me is terrified to find out bad news at them.
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? I'm a big dork and I'm kind of obsessed with Tom Petty. I've seen him twice, once at Austin City Limits music festival but it rained SO MUCH that he left the stage and we went home thinking it was over, and I was really disappointed to find out later he went back out and I missed it! The second time Joe Cocker was supposed to open for TP&HB, but he backed out and ZZ Top freaking opened for Tom Petty! It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to! So cool!
Questions for the group: Okay, so I live in an area that doesn't have an boutique ultrasound places. I'm going to Lake Havasu (flying in and out of Vegas) and they have a bunch of ultrasound places that can do early sex determination with fairly high accuracy. I called and said I would be 13+2 days and they said they could probably tell as long as baby is cooperative. I kind of feeling silly having a special appointment just to see but trust me, I'm much more excited for the anatomy scan so I know baby is healthy. I would find out a month earlier for $50. Would you do it?
I would wait. I'm with @jenly17, I would rather spend that on fun baby clothes or something helpful like a bouncer.
Upcoming Appointments: second OB appointment next Wednesday
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: nausea when I go more than an hour or so without a snack, lack of appetite, fatigue isn't as bad, zero sex drive
Questions for the group: none at the moment
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? Jimmy Buffett, I've been to 7 concerts (3 in Cincinnati, 1 in Cleveland, 1 in Birmingham, and 2 in Tampa)
We will see how my patience holds out when I'm in Vegas! I agree that the money could be spent on something much more useful. We will see! The other thing is that my H might be working when we have out A/S, so I don't want him to miss out on seeing the baby.
Me: 27 DH: 30 Married in 2011 Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014) Baby 2: Due May 2016
We will see how my patience holds out when I'm in Vegas! I agree that the money could be spent on something much more useful. We will see! The other thing is that my H might be working when we have out A/S, so I don't want him to miss out on seeing the baby.
Can you push the A/s back so that he can be present?
We will see how my patience holds out when I'm in Vegas! I agree that the money could be spent on something much more useful. We will see! The other thing is that my H might be working when we have out A/S, so I don't want him to miss out on seeing the baby.
Can you push the A/s back so that he can be present?
I'm hoping that we can push it up by a few days so he can be there (17.5 w), otherwise we would have to wait two weeks to do it. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal, but we're supposed to have an early A/S because our last baby had a heart condition and the providers (and us) want to know ASAP how everything is going.
Me: 27 DH: 30 Married in 2011 Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014) Baby 2: Due May 2016
Today's update is that during the visit the doctor hunted high and low for 5 minutes with a handheld audio ultrasound and couldn't find a heartbeat. She went off to go find the other kind of ultrasound with a screen and this time found the baby quickly. Apparently they just can't sit still (warning sign #1 that they do contain some of my genes). Thankfully everything was just fine after that. What surprised me was just how much they move around in there. Until recently I had no idea that they were capable of doing this sort of thing by now and I was basically clueless about what goes on except for the begging and end of the process which are pretty obvious.
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 10/29
Upcoming Appointments: November 18th.
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: Fatigue! It's been horrible. I can't get enough sleep.
Questions for the group: Nothing at the moment.
GTKY: I love all types and styles of music, but my favorite is DMB. I've seen them across the country a bunch of times, and have taken DD to her first show when she was 1.
Upcoming appointments: Today
Rants/raves/symptoms: Headaches continue, mostly in the afternoon or evening.
GTKYN: Probably Markus Schulz followed by anyone else who's big in trance or progressive. I haven't been to any concerts, unfortunately. Too busy for any of that and attending would require at least a few hour's worth of travel anyway.
Upcoming Appointments: November 10 with my doctor, December 7 for my anatomy scan!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I can either cook meat or I can eat meat...I can't do both and it's really annoying! I've basically stopped cooking all together. About once a week I have some spotting/bleeding, but my doctor doesn't seem too worried. Even though I trust her, it still gets to me every time. I'm really hoping it will stay in the first trimester!
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? I'm so bad at any of these questions that have the word 'favorite'. I have no idea.
Upcoming Appointments: I had one yesterday and they couldn't find the HB on doppler, so we did an U/S. Baby was doing somersaults and heart was beating away at 168. I cried!! A lot!
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I'm feeling better!! Yeah! Plus, now I just want to go to bed at 8:30p.m. rather than 6:30p.m. Small victories.
Questions for the group: Okay, so I live in an area that doesn't have an boutique ultrasound places. I'm going to Lake Havasu (flying in and out of Vegas) and they have a bunch of ultrasound places that can do early sex determination with fairly high accuracy. I called and said I would be 13+2 days and they said they could probably tell as long as baby is cooperative. I kind of feeling silly having a special appointment just to see but trust me, I'm much more excited for the anatomy scan so I know baby is healthy. I would find out a month earlier for $50. Would you do it?
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? Hmm... I don't necessarily have an all time favorite musician and my music tastes really run the gamut. I like:
-Jack Johnson - seen in concert
-George Strait - seen in concert
-Red Hot Chili Peppers - haven't seen
-Justin Timberlake - seen in concert
-DMB - seen in concert
- Florence and the Machine - haven't seen
I also like 90s-00s rap/hip hop when I work out and I mostly listen to Christian radio in the car, lol. It doesn't make any sense, I know.
Married in 2011
Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
Baby 2: Due May 2016
Secondly, RHCP was one of the most amazing concerts that I've ever seen! If you ever have the chance to go see them, do it! Also, H and I had tickets to see Flo and it was a severe thunderstorm the night she was playing...we decided to skip the concert but I have regretted that decision since then
Upcoming Appointments:
Had to move it back a few days bc of a work meeting, so my second appointment is a week from today
I feel great. I almost forget I'm pregnant sometimes and it doesn't really feel real after having such bad ms with my first.
Questions for the group:
Is anyone doing prenatal testing? I think I'm going to see what insurance will cover toward the NIPT and/or NT scan. But I'm not sure. Part of me is terrified to find out bad news at them.
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts?
I'm a big dork and I'm kind of obsessed with Tom Petty. I've seen him twice, once at Austin City Limits music festival but it rained SO MUCH that he left the stage and we went home thinking it was over, and I was really disappointed to find out later he went back out and I missed it! The second time Joe Cocker was supposed to open for TP&HB, but he backed out and ZZ Top freaking opened for Tom Petty! It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to! So cool!
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
Upcoming Appointments: second OB appointment next Wednesday
Rants/Raves/Symptoms: nausea when I go more than an hour or so without a snack, lack of appetite, fatigue isn't as bad, zero sex drive
Questions for the group: none at the moment
GTKY: Who's your favorite musician? Have you been to any of their concerts? Jimmy Buffett, I've been to 7 concerts (3 in Cincinnati, 1 in Cleveland, 1 in Birmingham, and 2 in Tampa)
Married in 2011
Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
Baby 2: Due May 2016
Married in 2011
Baby 1: Stillborn at 27 weeks (April 2014)
Baby 2: Due May 2016