December 2015 Moms

UO Thursday 10/29

What's your Unpopular Opinion this week?
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Re: UO Thursday 10/29

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    @Mother0fDragons I've never even seen the movie. And I have no desire to, either.
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    edited October 2015
    I have a cousin who has lost a ton of weight, and has embraced a very healthy lifestyle! I'm super proud of her, and truly admire her commitment and motivation! She's done it all on her own!!

    This being said, I do not really care what you do at the gym every night! I don't understand why people feel the need to share this information! If someone asks, share it privately. Gah!

    Edit to add, she's now "training" through beach body so she has a trainer page, which I choose to follow. I can understand her posting there, makes sense, but now I get to see these posts twice!!
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    TomekiaB said:

    I don't understand freezer meals, I have a hard time remembering to thaw meat for dinner how am I supposed to remember to thaw the entire meal or put it in the oven that much longer? However, I am wondering if it is to early to bake and freeze some Christmas cookies--because I do have priorities and it isn't Christmas without homemade cookies!

    Most of the freezer meals say you can freeze up to 3 months. I would think cookies would be ok as long as you have them properly sealed so they don't pick up nasty freezer flavor.
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    I don't like the movie Hocus Pocus.


    This was going to be mine!!! Oh thank God I'm not the only one! It must be a nostalgia thing for people because it's not that great a movie.

    My big one this week... I don't want to work anymore. I was planning to work up until I go into labor but I'm so miserable I just want to take STD early! My blood pressure has been high at work (I'm a nurse and can check it there) and I'm not going to suck it up, I'm taking that info to my OB and I will say what I need in order to get her to approve STD next week.
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    kristen2b said:
    Here's mine and it a biggie. I don't let my kids believe in Santa or any other mythical character. There was a point in which I did. My oldest was 7 when he found out Santa wasn't real through some older kids at school. He was heartbroken and mad. His exact words "you've been lying to me this whole time!!" I couldn't salvage it because I knew once he figured it out again he would be just as upset for being lied to yet again. So they all know the story of Santa and that other kids believe he is real. They play along with their peers and teachers regarding santa. Another reason I don't do Santa.... I figured this out later on... some kids don't get the a lot for Christmas because their parents can't afford it. I know I have been there. So when kids go back to school and one kid gets a new Xbox from Santa and another gets puzzles from him... I'm sure there are some hurt feelings there especially if a kid asks for something that they don't get. I just think Santa gets too much credit for what we as parents are really doing. If my kids did believe I wouldn't let them think that Santa gave them the most important present. I would take credit for that. Santa could give the simple toys and gifts. I mean after all he's a big fat man most kids are scared of that they never really see and is only around once a year. I'm the one busting my butt day in and out to care for my kids. So yeah I would want them to know that the gifts they wanted the most came from the one who loves them the most and from someone they know and trust not a big fat scary stranger..... Let the flames begin....
    My kids get one toy from Santa and it's NEVER the best toy. I'm too selfish for that! He also does the stockings. But that's it.
    At my house, Santa only does the stockings. My parents did that with us, and I think that's part of why it wasn't a big deal to find out the truth about Santa. I don't even remember how old I was that un-traumatic, lol.

    I usually don't even let grandparents get the credit for the super-awesome gifts. The only exception is if the thing my kids want the most is too expensive for us to get for them. :)

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    @hplunketkett2883 I think your approach to Santa makes a lot of sense.  I always assumed my child would have the Santa experience because I did, but now I am second guessing how much I want him to take credit for.  I remember finding out about Santa (I was in Kindergarten I think) and I was crushed.  My mom gave me the whole 'spirit of Santa is real' speech.  I will say that even after I knew there was no real Santa, the gift disparity was still very recognizable and hurtful.  My gifts were always rather small compared to my peers.  I remember the year everyone was getting Nintendos and I think I got some clothes, shoes and other smaller gifts.  I want to give my children the gift of experiences (traditions, adopting Christmas angels, travel) and downplay the presents.  
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    We've talked about what to do about Santa. DH was crushed when he found out Santa wasn't real. I don't remember it being that big of a deal for me. I also have some great memories of a few Christmases where "Santa" did something special like leave the paint can and paint brushes for a small doll house the elves assembled.

    That being said, I think we don't want to have Santa bring the best gift. We also want to attach some kind of volunteer service to it. Make Christmas more about helping others than receiving awesome gifts.
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    As a first time mom and lover of all things Christmas, I'm not are what I'm going to do yet!!! However a friend of mine has a great philosophy for her kids at Christmas.. "Something you want, something you need, something you wear and something you read". Her kids are pretty small still but I thought what a great idea. I also like what everyone is saying about Santa doing just stockings (which was always my favorite part of Christmas and still is!)

    I figured out there was no Santa at a young age, like 7. My parents were divorced by the time I was 2 so I would alternate Christmas mornings every year. At my Dads, Santa never wrapped his gifts, at my Moms he did! Also my Mom used the same wrapping paper! I don't remember being upset and it took be 3 years to tell my parents that I knew because I wanted the extra presents
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    @nz113 I workout regularly and when people feel the need to post every healthy choices it makes me wonder a) what they are selling b) if they are new to working out or eating healthy.
    I also dislike the judgement from many of the posts, I stopped following a girl I was friends with because she kept posting, "I did x-workout, what's you excuse?"  to which my mental response was, "I don't have or need an excuse, I worked out too but I do not have to post on facebook for my workout to count or to otherwise validate my life!"
    I also don't understand posting the maps as a female who has been harassed by guys in cars etc. on runs. I make sure the only people that can see my actual routes are my DH or training partner(s).
    I totally understand people posting their accomplishments and I love to see people's race pictures or other achievements but not so much their 20 minute elliptical workout at "magazine reading speed."

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    yl1m32015 said:

    I absolutely loathe candy corn. It's gross. It makes me gag.


    This 1000x. I hate hate hate candy corn.
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    TomekiaBTomekiaB member
    edited October 2015
    @hppluckettket2883 I was the kid that didn't believe in Santa...because all the stories had a chimney and we didn't have one (my mom tried a master key story but I didn't buy it). As a result my little brother didn't ever really get the chance.

    Do you tell your kids Santa isn't real or do you just not reinforce what they pick up elsewhere? I am contemplating not telling them about Santa but letting them believe in him if they pick it up elsewhere. However, if my child(ren) asks I refuse to lie to them about it. How do you prevent them from telling other kids he isn't real (since many parents would be upset if Santa was "ruined")? Do you tell them about Santa as a historical character and the "spirit of Christmas?"

    Do you still do Easter baskets and tooth fairy gifts and just avoid the "mythical creature" discussion?
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    kristen2b said:
    I don't like the movie Hocus Pocus.
    Reevaluating our friendship in 3..2...1...

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    edited October 2015
    yl1m32015 said:
    I absolutely loathe candy corn. It's gross. It makes me gag.

    I like it, but in moderation. If I eat too many it makes me want to gag too!
    ETA I love that gif!!
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    I don't see the appeal in Benedict Cumberbatch. Eww.

    We call him Benadryl Cumberbun in our house!
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    I don't really know how to go about the Santa thing. DH's family are strong Christians so I don't think they ever really put too much into the Santa thing, but growing up in a home with a Buddhist background (my dad grew up Protestant, but never went to church) my mom loved doing the whole Santa thing with my aunt (my daddy's sister). My sister and I weren't upset when we found out there was no Santa, and from then on we called my Aunt, Sandra Clause. Her name is Sandra. :))

    We still call her Sandra Clause when she goes all out for gifts from Santa.

    I guess I need to see what DH wants to do. I think this year Dom would understand more in terms of gifts and who they are from.
    Married 05.19.07 | Together since 03.11.00 | Dom Born 02.06.12 
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    I don't see the appeal in Benedict Cumberbatch. Eww.

    We call him Benadryl Cumberbun in our house!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I don't see the appeal in Benedict Cumberbatch. Eww.

    We call him Benadryl Cumberbun in our house!
    Omg!! That was hilarious! Sending that to my hubby right now!
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    Penelope from Criminal Minds is annoying...

    Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers
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    I find mommy groups annoying as hell.

    If I'm making the effort to get out of the house and walk to the library with a crazy almost 2 year old, I don't want to sit around and chit chat about bowel movements, what stroller is the best stroller ever, and what classes you've signed your special snowflake up for.

    I understand my kid needs to socialize with other kids, but there has to be a way to do it without my brain melting and leaking out my ear in the process.
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    How will you all go about the easter bunny and tooth fairy thing? Just curious.

    My UO..
    It's starting to get really chilly here and I hate it! All summer long I was looking forward to fall and cooler weather. But now that it's here I want the sun back. Also, I do not have any warm maternity clothes and don't want to buy any with 8 weeks left. Baahumbug.
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    Penelope from Criminal Minds is annoying...



    This is where we part ways. I love that show!
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