October 2013 Moms


I think @carriet is busy with her adorable baby soooooooooo

Let's here 'em!

(please entertain us baby less bumpies)


Re: ~~**FFFC**~~

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    To jump off of @kimbo1216 confession.....

    I'm not bummed i'm having a boy. Ok maybe in a weird way I am a little bit. Cause me and my sister are soooooo close and having 2 girls would have been amazing. I think it's just what I know though.  I feel like if I have a boy/girl or 2 boys the relationship is just different. Maybe not.
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    tmccord21 said:
    To jump off of @kimbo1216 confession.....

    I'm not bummed i'm having a boy. Ok maybe in a weird way I am a little bit. Cause me and my sister are soooooo close and having 2 girls would have been amazing. I think it's just what I know though.  I feel like if I have a boy/girl or 2 boys the relationship is just different. Maybe not.
    My parents only had two kids. My older brother and myself and my older brother is my best friend. He always has been. I think it has more to do with age difference and the temperament of the children.
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    tmccord21 said:

    Confession- I totally did my very own awkward maternity shots last night. Me and a friend got together and it got weird. He's still editing but sent me a few mild pics.  I may save the doozy for HDBD.

    You're my hero.
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    I can't wait to see the pictures!  @tmccord21

    Oh, and my brother and I are best friends, and if I could have picked the order of my kids I would have a boy, then a girl.  The older boy will most definitely look out for/rat on his little sister, which is totally a good thing when they are teenagers, then he will take care of her and defend her for the rest of their lives.   Having an older brother is a good thing!  :)  Mine is a year younger and he is still my bestfriend and looks out for me.  
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    Here's mine, and its a bit of a doozy. For a few months after DD2 was born, I hardly liked DD1. I loved her, but I didn't like her much. She was 24 months when DD2 was born and going through her terrible 2's really hard. It was also made worse by my MIL who took DD1 2-3x a week to give me a break. The problem was that DD1 would come home spoiled and bratty each time. Obviously I fought through it and was careful to never let her know how I was feeling. But it was rough. My MIL has already offered to take the older two a few times a week to give me time with the baby alone. It sounds dreamy, but after last time, I just can't let that happen again.
    Eleanor 1/8/10 Harriet 1/19/12 Margaret 10/31/2013
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    sfshorter said:
    I can't wait to see the pictures!  @tmccord21

    Oh, and my brother and I are best friends, and if I could have picked the order of my kids I would have a boy, then a girl.  The older boy will most definitely look out for/rat on his little sister, which is totally a good thing when they are teenagers, then he will take care of her and defend her for the rest of their lives.   Having an older brother is a good thing!  :)  Mine is a year younger and he is still my bestfriend and looks out for me.  
    @sfshorter I have an older brother but the gap was too big for us to be close (7yrs) He moved out right after HS. 
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    I am super pissed at DH, and I can't decide if it's irrational or not. He got me sick and I am freaking miserable. He's been sick for about a week, and refused to go to the doctor until Wednesday night, and now I'm 39 weeks and feel like shit. Throat is killing me, coughing makes me want to vomit, I have cold sweats. Ugh.

    I want to punch him in the face. 
    @charlie1178 totally punch worthy.
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    I am super pissed at DH, and I can't decide if it's irrational or not. He got me sick and I am freaking miserable. He's been sick for about a week, and refused to go to the doctor until Wednesday night, and now I'm 39 weeks and feel like shit. Throat is killing me, coughing makes me want to vomit, I have cold sweats. Ugh.

    I want to punch him in the face. 


    Punch him!

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    I'm getting so frustrated with the 4am feeding I want to start pumping in an attempt to get a bottles worth so I can sleep a little more and DH can feed him. But everything I read says to wait to pump and bottle feed..... I'm tired.
    image  image
    Baby Muffy Due July.8.2015!

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    tmccord21 said:

    There has been stress (on my part) on which set of parents will hold our LO first once he is here. My in laws are out if town until Sunday and I am hoping I have him while they are away so no one gets their feelings hurt and to avoid drama...... Now that I have said that I will go a week over my due date, but oh well.

    @brandontricia   Confession....I don't want my ILs touching the baby bc they are both heavy smokers. They always stink! And no matter how much FIL washes his hands they look dirty. He works outside a lot. But I really don't want anyone touching him.


    I told my bf that if his family smells like smoke they're not touching the baby. I don't even want them to come to the hospital. I was a smoker and grew up with smokers and I don't want my baby around it. 3rd hand is gross too.
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    missgpsu said:
    Another confession.  I nicknamed Bridget Princess Tiny Hinny.  I sometimes call her Royal Hinniest and I may or may not sing a song about it to her.  I think being home alone with a baby all day has messed with my mind  8-}  She does have such a small butt though and all of her pants (even the preemie ones) fall down.
    I sing a song to my Charlotte about her tiny butt too! Good to know I'm not alone. Seriously though, her butt is pretty much non-existent. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Today is my last day of work, but since I am working from home I am actually just sitting at my computer to move the mouse every 10 minutes or so to keep my profile active while I crochet hats for the baby. 

    Throwing my husband under the bus but he does the same thing when he works from home some days. I had no idea what he was doing but he finally confessed that he was making sure his profile stays active. Whatever it is nice to have him home an extra day every week.
    Charlotte 12.3.09
    Madeline 6.24.11
    Eleanor 9.30.13
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    Today is my last day of work, but since I am working from home I am actually just sitting at my computer to move the mouse every 10 minutes or so to keep my profile active while I crochet hats for the baby. 

    Ah! I accident pushed the flag button! I've never done that before so I don't know if I actually flagged you?! I didn't mean to! I meant to love it!

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    Today is my last day of work, but since I am working from home I am actually just sitting at my computer to move the mouse every 10 minutes or so to keep my profile active while I crochet hats for the baby. 
    Ah! I accident pushed the flag button! I've never done that before so I don't know if I actually flagged you?! I didn't mean to! I meant to love it! :-t
    LOL I don't think it took.
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    SuperTreesaSuperTreesa member
    edited October 2013

    Also.... I thought maybe I just didn't have enough exposure to newborns to know what people were talking about when they say they love "newborn smell", but I now live with my own little newborn, and I still don't know what people are talking about. Furthermore, when people say they love "newborn smell", all I can think of is how the baby has been basting in amniotic fluid for months- is that what they smell? If so, that's kind of gross, lol.
    I'm convinced that when people say the "newborn smell" they mean baby powder smell that is in so much baby products. My babies have never had a smell other than the occasional poop. I don't use any products with fragrance on my babies because I'm allergic to so many.
    Eleanor 1/8/10 Harriet 1/19/12 Margaret 10/31/2013
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    I am impressed with ladies who went med free now that I know how bad contractions can hurt, but I personally don't get it.- I LOVED my epi. I was so calm during my labor, I was able to rest the night before her birth, and I just feel like it was beneficial to bring her into the world calmly without all the stress and screaming. I regret nothing :)

    Also.... I thought maybe I just didn't have enough exposure to newborns to know what people were talking about when they say they love "newborn smell", but I now live with my own little newborn, and I still don't know what people are talking about. Furthermore, when people say they love "newborn smell", all I can think of is how the baby has been basting in amniotic fluid for months- is that what they smell? If so, that's kind of gross, lol.

    The whole smell thing weirds me out too. When people say they love the smell I think in my head..'you like the smell of someone else's vag?' Weirdos
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    Amjoy25Amjoy25 member
    edited October 2013
    MrsStuessyWI said: Amjoy25 said: I can't stand all the pain med free posts! They enrage me actually. I'm not impressed that you went pain med free, especially if you were not induced. Being induced is a different animal, and those moms should be getting pain meds! Many of our moms that did not go pain med free did so due to being induced. So stop being nasty to those moms who weren't lucky enough to progress naturally and needed to resort to pitocin and pain meds to get their babies out safely. Shame on you! ::steps off soapbox:: IT'S MY LAST DAY! YAY! Are there people being nasty? I mean, I told my med free birth story. I hope that isn't the kind of thing you are referring to. I would never want to make someone feel bad for having meds. Having a baby is freaking hard business and so I say do whatever you have to to get that baby out and into your arms safely.  I don't think I was referring to you specifically...I don't care for the term "brag" about having a pain med free birth and putting it your title; there's really no need to "brag" about it. We are all doing our best to get these babies out safely and healthily and it's not cool to brag to those who cannot do it without assistance. 

    I mean, you may as well say, those who have c-sections aren't really mothers ;) (this is a throw back to a 3rd tri post, for those about to get their panties in a bunch)...but that's what it sounds like people are saying when they brag. 

    ETA...I don't now why the paragraphs look all fucked up! Sorry!


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    I really dislike how my husband has been dealing with our very touchy toddler lately. His patience level is no where near as close to mine. He gets frustrated and you can easily tell by his body language with him. When I try to tell him how I would handle the situation differently he takes it as how he is a horrible father and can't do anything right. It's really pissing me off. I'm sick of saying I'm just trying to help and just starting to give up.
                                        Lilypie - (JNST)image
                                         Lilypie - (aqIx)
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