May 2016 Moms

Pregnancy Brain Stories

Anyone else already forgetting things more than they used to? I find myself losing count of things, forgetting something in the oven, etc and I feel like it's just going to get worse!

Wednesday night I took off my wedding rings before bed just like I do every night, but I still can't find them! I remember taking them off and thinking "don't put them there, they'll just fall in the floor and get lost," so I put them somewhere else. I wish I could remember where!

So I'm curious, does any one else have stupid things they've done since becoming pregnant?

Re: Pregnancy Brain Stories

  • I forget things all the time. It's insane, or i just won't hear people talking to me at all and 30 seconds later I'll be like "wait a sec.."

    It's hard because we haven't told my parents yet and they're "getting real sick of my s---"

    Sorry guys /=
  • I work as a bartender server and have to write down every order nowadays, even if it's just coffee or water! And forget being super woman at work. The bar and maybe 4 tables is my limit. My manager finally got the hint, when I couldn't stop crying after getting large group after large group on day because the other 2 servers were hungover or too busy on their phones. We're a small staff and somehow I kept getting sat the big parties (with all separate checks). I finally cracked.

    I take pride in my work ethic and keeping up with the guests details/orders, but this baby brain is irritating.
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  • mhc13mhc13 member
    edited October 2015
    Sent my daughter to school in an dress and cardigan that didn't remotely match for picture day. I was totally confused as to how I thought it matched when I bought it. I didn't even have the sense to take the dang cardi off.

    That evening I realize I put the wrong dress on her and the correct, matching, dress was hanging in her closest. So dumb...
    #1 Claire 12.17.13 & #2 EDD 5.11.16

  • I was trying to send out an evite for a party we are throwing 11/14 and put a different time and date on the evite, the FB event, and the text I sent to request BYOB to my drinking friends. Literally, 3 different dates...and none of them were the actual date. I spent half the day trying to clear up all the confusion. I shouldn't be in charge of things.

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • yogahhyogahh member
    edited October 2015
    I went to the grocery store with no money. As she started to ring up a weeks worth of groceries I realized it. Told the cashier Im pregnant, running home to get money, be right back. Woman in line behind me started laughing and said "been there, done that". I never do things like that!

    I also forget words and names much more easily now. I have turned into a mush!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • I work as a bartender server and have to write down every order nowadays, even if it's just coffee or water! And forget being super woman at work. The bar and maybe 4 tables is my limit. My manager finally got the hint, when I couldn't stop crying after getting large group after large group on day because the other 2 servers were hungover or too busy on their phones. We're a small staff and somehow I kept getting sat the big parties (with all separate checks). I finally cracked.

    I take pride in my work ethic and keeping up with the guests details/orders, but this baby brain is irritating.

    I commend you for serving while pregnant! I had thought about getting a part time job serving for some extra cash before the baby comes but knew I'd be brain dead and useless :)
  • I forget things frequently now or don't fully listen but my biggest one to date is that I left my purse at the grocery store. I have no idea if I left it in the cart, on the car hood, on the ground... Luckily someone turned it in!
  • I can't remember anything lately!
    My daughters birthday was last week and I bought her a doll in September, then completely forgot I bought it and bought the same doll in a different dress. Then almost bought the 1st doll again!
    Then a couple days ago while showering I conditioned my hair but completely forgot to wash it first. As I was drying my hair I realized it. I miss my brain...
  • The I other day I left the bathroom with the sink water still running. My husband was like,"Is that the water I hear?". Oops! Totally unlike me.
  • nevans77 said:

    The I other day I left the bathroom with the sink water still running. My husband was like,"Is that the water I hear?". Oops! Totally unlike me.

    I do this all the time, but in the kitchen! I rinse the dishes, put them in the dishwasher and walk away with the sink still running...I don't even want to see our water bill this month lol
  • amscape said:
    I forget things frequently now or don't fully listen but my biggest one to date is that I left my purse at the grocery store. I have no idea if I left it in the cart, on the car hood, on the ground... Luckily someone turned it in!
    I have left my purse at work, church, my mom's house, and Target so far. I have no idea why suddenly having a purse is such a foreign concept to me! I had to get one of those cross-body ones so that it is harder to lose.

    This kid better be a fricken genius, because I am becoming a total idiot!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm notorious for grabbing my wallet, setting the alarm, and getting to the car only to discover I've forgotten my keys. Also, I apparently cannot be trusted with grabbing all my groceries at check out and my keys. It's either one or the other. I used to remember everything...I don't know what I'll do if it gets worse!
  • Everyday this week when I leave work I have said "Have a great weekend!" to the secretary. She corrected me on Monday, but I think has given up on me.

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  • nerdymama15nerdymama15 member
    edited November 2015

    lol at all of the pp's.  Not laughing at you, but with you :)

    Let's see right before we got the BFP I was pregnant, but did not know it at the time.  Went to go to the FastMed Urgent Care due to some bronchitis.  Walked out of the door without my driver's license and without my debit card.  Only thing I took with me was my insurance card.  Oops!  Not sure if that qualifies enough for pregnancy brain that early on.

    Today I went to put a few bottles of water in the fridge, only I went to put them in the microwave instead. I caught myself in time, but ummm yeah.......

    I think DH has sympathy pregnancy brain if there is such a thing.  He almost put the milk in the pantry instead of the fridge lol

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

  • So not sure if this is PG related but thought I would share

    Today I had a pounding headache, so ran to the drugstore for some Tylenol. Picked up the attached box of Tylenol, took one, offered my boss one, and then realized....OMG its Tylenol PM! I feel like a zombie and my boss left early since she has a 2 hour drive home. Did my pregnancy brain miss something on the box? I am thinking of going back to complain to a manager. Why is a sticker covering half the box??

    cat fail animated GIF

  • @yogahh !!! I'm so sorry but I totally loled at your story! I'm impressed you're still awake enough to be bumpin!! Be very careful on the train ride home! Chew gum or something to stay awake until you get to your stop and let us know that you made it please!!
  • I used to be a great multitasker at work. Now every time I scan anything to email, I forget to email it. That's been the biggest pregnancy brain occurrence. I do make more lists now so I don't forget all of my daughter's social events, homework assignments, dr's appts, etc. 
  • I've been living in the same area for 15 years. Frequenting the same mall and Target.
    Today I got lost. In both the mall and Target. I went one way and couldn't recognize anything. Freaked for a second, turned around, and went the other way.

    Plus my memory is kind of in the clouds.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hubby will be talking to me and it takes like 5 seconds for me to realize he's saying something sometimes, its terrible. I lived at my parents house for 19 years, I can get there in my sleep and I forgot how to get there the other day, smh. Sometimes I feed the dogs 4 times...twice in the morning and twice in the evening because I can't remember if I fed them or not, they've gained 10lbs in the last month and I'll ask hubby the same question like 4 times before the answer sticks. Sometimes I do really good, and then sometimes my brain just shuts off in the middle of conversations and its like what we were talking about and what was I trying to say? 
  • I turned all of our clocks back an hour.  Totally normal, competent thing to do, right?  

    Problem is, I don't remember doing it.  At all.  In fact, I don't remember how to turn the clocks back.

    So I wake up Sunday morning and give DH a hug for changing all the clocks, and he gives me this weird look, and is like, "Do you not remember doing it?" After three hours of insisting that he'd done it and was messing with me (not typical behavior) I finally conceded.  But I still have no recollection of touching those damned clocks!!!
  • I work as a bartender server and have to write down every order nowadays, even if it's just coffee or water! And forget being super woman at work. The bar and maybe 4 tables is my limit. My manager finally got the hint, when I couldn't stop crying after getting large group after large group on day because the other 2 servers were hungover or too busy on their phones. We're a small staff and somehow I kept getting sat the big parties (with all separate checks). I finally cracked.

    I take pride in my work ethic and keeping up with the guests details/orders, but this baby brain is irritating.

    I'm in the exact same boat!!! The other night I had tables ask me 3 times for the same thing! I would get back to the bar and be like what was I doing??" And then getting distracted with something else. Ugh makes me feel so stupid!!
  • Yes, all the time!
  • No less than 3 times while driving to church, I felt completely disoriented and had no idea where I was. It was the most surreal and bizarre experience. I don't usually have the best sense of direction and I was driving from the bank versus home, but still, I shouldn't have been so hopelessly lost. At one point, I even pulled over, called MH (because I apparently forgot I could just use my phone's GPS) and sobbed that I was lost. He patiently tried to give me directions, but the only thing I recognized was "the Dunkin Donuts that doesn't melt the cheese all the way" and he burst out laughing! I had to laugh in spite of myself as well and I finally ended up getting to the church on time!

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  • I turned into an even more clumsy mess!

    In the past couple of days I have managed to iron my upper thigh (don't ask, but no I was not wearing the pants I was ironing) and slicing my finger open.

    It's funny, but I've got husband worried!

    Is anyone else hurting themselves like I am?
  • @charissadeats Yes. I've randomly dropped a pickle jar on Saturday that shattered all over the floor. I ended up cutting my foot while cleaning it up. 

    My awareness for myself was actually worse during the newborn stage though-- with my son, I was trying to sew something quickly while he was sleeping He cried. I looked up, and the sewing machine needle went right through my finger.  :((
  • I went through the Starbucks drive thru and got a drink and sandwich wrap thing and I swear I remember putting my card back in my wallet. Pull up and throw the receipt away at the little trash bin. Fast forward ten minutes I pull up to the drug store and reach in to get my card to pay for my prescription at the drive thru but there's only a folded receipt in the credit card slot. I had actually put the receipt in my wallet and my card in the trash. I never knew (even doubted) how real pregnancy brain was.
  • I am finishing up some graduate credits for my masters and I have definitely noticed some of my grades slipping. I've always been a good student so a B- is very unlike me. Luckily an email to my professors usually works to get more time to think through my assignments.
  • edited November 2015
    The other day, it took me no less than 4 attempts to successfully make coffee. First, when I went to grind the beans, I forgot to put the grind catcher in the machine, so the grounds got all over my counter. After I cleaned that up, I put the freshly ground coffee in the water reservoir. After dumping that out, and grinding more coffee, I put the coffee where the filter goes, but the filter was sitting on the counter. After all of that, I finally got it right, but I was running late for work and had no time to drink it. And I am NOT one of those people that can't function in the morning without coffee. Oh yeah, and I made coffee for a living at Starbucks before I got my current job.
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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