March 2016 Moms

UO Thursday 10/22


Re: UO Thursday 10/22

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    lcq5504 said:

    kynbar5 said:

    I'm so sorry, @lcq5504 :( If my nipples didn't look like tiny torpedos all the time, I might never wear a bra lol

    Lmao! You mean I'm not the only one?! If I didn't always wear at least a lightly padded bra in public I'd look like I was smuggling a 18k diamond in each side of my shirt! Hahahha
    You both should try those subtle flower petal pasties they sell at Target and let your girls hang free! :-bd
    Hahahaha! I don't think they make an adhesive strong enough to hold these puppies down!
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    I was a freak and literally never grew any boobs. Total flat A. So I got myself some new boobs for my 21rst birthday. I only went to a full C so not crazy big just wanted to look normal and even out my big butt. That being said I would never wear a bra if I didn't ha e huge nipples that show even through pasties!

    My Uo is that I hate most things flavored pumpkin except pumpkin bread. DS brought home a piece of pumpkin bread they made at daycare yesterday and it was so good (we shared it) even though I was reluctant to eat it since it was prepared by three-four years old. Going on the hunt for some more during lunch. I am thinking surely HEB has some right?

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    I was a D cup before my first pregnancy, was a G (!!!!) while breastfeeding, and deflated to a slightly saggy C when I stopped. 

    I've not had a bra fit me right since I got pregnant with my daughter in 2013, but I have no intention of buying new ones until I figure out what's going to happen to my boobs this time around. Bras are effing expensive, damn. 
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    ecwkecwk member
    edited October 2015
    kynbar5 said:

    I don't want anyone to love my babies. I don't want anyone buying things for them. I will throw my own shower for each and every one of my subsequent showers all spaced about a year apart. I will tell people what to buy me and how much to spend and if they don't I will pout, for days. When I find out that I'm not actually having the sex I wanted I will go into a deep depression and not even acknowledge I'm pregnant. I will start arguments with my SO over the most ridiculous things that don't even matter. I will also go to the internet for all of my medical advice no matter how big or small the issue because it just has to know more than my doctor, right?! With that in mind, I will also not even attempt to see if someone has already asked my question and just start my own because well, it's all about me! And please don't disagree with me or not take my side because that just makes you rude, mean bullies! Did I miss anything? Lmao ;))

    For a second when I started reading this I though you were genuinely talking about yourself. I was like "who is this woman and what has she done with kynbar5???'
    But yes, nail on the head, girl!
    I'm just loving how people on this BMB seem to be so similar in their approach to so many things!!

    I started this thread this morning before I left for work and still haven't had a chance to even add my own!
    I've probably mentioned it before but my UO is that people who mention every little aspect of their lives on Facebook annoy the absolute shit out of me. I am friends with a couple who will both check in at a restaurant on fb and tag each other and specify that they are, in fact, eating dinner. As if we can all sleep a little better tonight because we know this. And I know I could block them but they are family so I don't want to miss any actual important updates. Plus, DH and I will sometimes laugh about it together #mean

    Edited for spelling

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    llybeck said:
    lcq5504 said:
    My UO is I'm so over the "Waaahhhh, my MIL/Mom/family -blank-" threads! I agree with most of the reg's opinions on these topics. I don't comment because I'd be "mean" and tell them how I only wish I still had my mom and MIL around to shower us with all the overwhelming love, affection, attention, etc. Some people are so ridiculously self-absorbed, petty, and selfish and will never appreciate the great things in life until it might be too late. End
    Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis right here. I would like to say this isn't a UO but based on the number of people who are called mean/rude/etc, it must be. I have not always gotten along with MIL (and honestly she still makes me batty sometimes) but I don't know what I would do without her support and help. Seriously, even though we don't always see eye to eye or she does somethings that are annoying, I am so incredibly lucky that her and FIL has always been there for us. Same with my parents and my SIL and her family. My MIL was a boundary pusher but after honestly talking to her about it, she has gotten leaps and bounds better and more aware of it. And I've learned to let a lot of things go too because some of it isn't worth being upset about. 

    I think a lot of those people who are so upset by these things don't realize that if something is legitimately bothering you, just freaking talk to the person about it! These people are in your lives and they want to be in your lives, work with them and talk to them like you would anyone else you care about. Even if they aren't your blood "family" they are still going to be in your life, why not at least try to make it a pleasant relationship?
    Look I totes get needing to rant about something that is upsetting you that may not be of a popular opinion, but the thing that gets me the most is some of the AWFUL advice that is given. OP may be overacting a bit, but the mentality of other posters giving advice like "she's only going to get worse, cut that off now, you're the mom so you're the boss" is just astounding to me. She's only going to get worse at what, giving your kid stuff? Yes, that totally warrants you having a sit down with your future husband about how his mom is making you uncomfortable. By buying your kid stuff. And wanting to throw you a party. WTAF.
    I know! You can tell that these people are SUPER young and/or super new to marriage. The whole "tell your husband to stand up to her" advice made me laugh so hard I was peeing...gimme a break, it's HIS MOM. I mean, unless the woman is trying to push you down the stairs or steal your child, give. me. a. break. 
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    I don't know if this counts as an opinion, but...

    I don't like to eat dessert , and never order it when I'm out unless I know the person I'm with won't order their own without me doing it as well. I also hate cheesecake. HATE. 
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    I don't know if this counts as an opinion, but...

    I don't like to eat dessert , and never order it when I'm out unless I know the person I'm with won't order their own without me doing it as well. I also hate cheesecake. HATE. 
    I never order dessert either....well until recently where I'm being pretty generous with myself ;)

    However, the cheesecake thing? I don't think we can be friends anymore.....;)

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    @parker16772 - right there with you. Little size A boobs. They make it to B when I'm breastfeeding, but never bigger than that. 

    So that will be my UO today: if I had the money, I'd absolutely get some augmentation. Is it too late now that I'm 30? Haha.
    Married 7.29.05 :: DD1 5.11.10 :: DD2 1.23.13 :: Baby Boy due 3.13.16!

    March 2016 January Siggy: Pregnant Lady Problems
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    I will eat a medium rare steak but my burger has to be well done. I think having a medium burger makes the inside a weird texture. Do says I am killing the flavor. Whatever.

    @mrspepper05 it's never too late. I am definitely getting a mommy makeover as soon as I am done nursing this one. I have never had boobs and nursing doesn't even do anything for them. Plus I got a ton of stretch marks the first time around. I am all for loving your tiger stripes and all but mine make me super uncomfortable.
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    @jmathi0149 ugh, the stretch marks! I made it all the way to 38w with my first without any. Then all of a sudden, bam! There they were...and the sad thing is, I was already scheduled to be induced at 39w. Thankfully they weren't terrible, but still... #vanity
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    @ecwk lol about my post and your uo I totally agree. That's one of the most annoying things a lot of my family does. It just seems so over the top and fake. My cousin and his gf (whom he claims as "wifey" ugh that word) are constantly doing that. I could give a flying **** where y'all are at this second and I know in about 2 minutes y'all will be taking "selfies" together with some idiotic look on your faces. Then the constant "hey babe, I love you so much" "dinner was great honey" "what time will you be home" ummm seriously? fb is not a cell phone or text. That ish just works my nerves.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    I always joke with my flatter friends that I would do a boob transplant if I could.  Seems silly that I'm reducing and you want more.  I mean we should just be able to share what we have ha ha.
    BFP 2/11/15 (EDD 10/13/15). MMC 3/30/15 D&C 4/3/15 "We will always love you"
    DD1 - BFP 7/23/15 (EDD 3/31/16).  "We believe in you rainbow" DOB 4/2/16
    DD2 - BFP 2/9/18 (EDD 10/19/18).  "Grow baby grow!" DOB 10/24/18
    BFP 11/16/20 (EDD 7/31/21).  "Round 3 FIGHT!"
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    I always joke with my flatter friends that I would do a boob transplant if I could.  Seems silly that I'm reducing and you want more.  I mean we should just be able to share what we have ha ha.

    Haha I said the same to my friend who wants a reduction. I told her she could give the extra to me, God knows I need it! Lol

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    Hahaha, @ecwk and @Parker16772 I also hate cookies (except oatmeal raisin). I swear I'm not that weird, though, I just crave salty things. :)
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    kitteh81 said:

    Oatmeal chocolate chip = delicious

    Oatmeal raisin = Oh god, I thought those were chocolate chips! Gross, get it away!

    Yes!!! I feel the same way!
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    Yeah, my husband swears that oatmeal raisin cookies aren't really cookies at all. I like raisins, though. I snack on them a lot. I realize I'm a bit of a weirdo. :)
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    My husband likes oatmeal raisin. We almost didn't get married.
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    I only like oatmeal raisin cookies if they're chewy and have walnuts... Otherwise, yuck.

    December Siggy Challenge

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    Oatmeal raisin cookies are delicious and a perfectly acceptable breakfast food :p
    *TTC since July 2010
    *BFP #1- 11/12/12, m/c 11/16/12 @ 6 weeks
    *BFP #2- 1/23/13 EDD 10/4/13  

    *Emma Rose: 10/8/13

    *BFP #3- EDD 03/9/16

    March '16 December Siggy Challenge- Favorite Christmas Movie/Quote
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    red3ye said:

    I love snow... I might have posted this before somewhere, but I love it that much. Watching it fall, listening to the quite as it blankets the ground, drinking hot chocolate as it drifts onto your face, playing in it, driving in it.... love it.. SNOW SNOW SNOW! I so live in the wrong state.

    I definitely second that! Love, love, love, winter! Also, I love thunderstorms and rain in general. :)
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    kitteh81 said:

    Oatmeal chocolate chip = delicious

    Oatmeal raisin = Oh god, I thought those were chocolate chips! Gross, get it away!

    What is wrong with you people?? Oatmeal raisin is the best! I just had this conversation with DH today. Soft, chewy deliciousness. Drool.

    August '18 April Siggy Challenge: April Showers

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    ejverre said:

    I hate sriracha sauce!

    That's one of the ingredients in my special sauce everyone in my house always begs for me to make lol
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    JessKo08 said:

    I don't like the Bachelor, or the Bachelorette, or any reality dating shows. I feel like all my friends and coworkers are obsessed with them!

    We cannot be friends! Haahaa jk I do love them though
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