June 2018 Moms

Weekly Appointments - thru the end of 2017

I started a thread! It might be on the wrong day and there isn't a week left of the year... but if you had an appointment or have one this week, how did it go?

Re: Weekly Appointments - thru the end of 2017

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    @RatParade - That's the kind of appointment I want to have!

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @mytinc I'm trying to budget how regularly I can make these appointments :D  I mean, it's for the good of the baby right??

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @RatParade - Definitely for the baby.  ;) 

     Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    First Son - born 2013
    Second Son - born 2014 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) and Double Outlet Right Ventricle (DORV).  First open heart surgery at 5 days old.  He's had 3 open heart surgeries and several other procedures and is currently doing amazing.
    Third Son - due June 9, 2018
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    @RatParade I'm jealous. I use to have a monthly massage membership in 2015. It was awesome to have something to look forward to every month. It forced me to take time and money for me. I'd love to have it back someday.

    I have an appointment at lunch today. Just regular Doppler and spina bifida blood test.

    Me:27 DH: 31 Married Since: 08/2016
    TTC: 08/2017 EDD: 6/11/2018 FTM
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    I had my appointment yesterday.  Finally got to hear the heartbeat with the doppler.  The OB picked it up straight away and it was a strong 150.  It was the best feeling ever not to feel that anxiety when the OB can't seem to find it!  I also had the spina bifida blood test draw and just waiting for MFM to call me for my anatomy scan date.
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    We went in yesterday for our second ultrasound and more bloodwork. Measuring on time at 15wks and apparently doing flips. Heartbeat at 158, probably from all the tumbling. We are team green so our US tech said to look away a few times.... but truth be told there is no way I could have seen. She was talking us through seeing limbs, kidneys, brain, spine and everything else and I couldn't see a damn thing lol. They are amazing at what they do!
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    same as @becca_123 appointment when great heard heart beat with doppler and did spina bifida blood test draw. Next appointment is at 20 weeks this is SO CRAZY. I'm suppose to go to the hospital for the anatomy scan bc of the size of my fibroids my doctor wants the best picture possible. I'm going to try to make the hospital anatomy scan and 20 week OB appointment for the same afternoon so me and DH can take the rest of the day to celebrate the half way mark. And if he can't maybe I'll just treat myself to a celebration.

    Me:27 DH: 31 Married Since: 08/2016
    TTC: 08/2017 EDD: 6/11/2018 FTM
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    Had a regular monthly checkup this morning, as well as an ultrasound to check cervical length. Cervix looks A+, and we got to spend a lot of time ogling the baby, who looked creepy and adorable, as usual. I also got the first of my weekly progesterone shots that I’ll be getting until 36 weeks...it did not feel great, and I am not looking forward to these.  :#
    Me: 34 
    Husband: 35
    Married: June 2007
    Son Max born 1/10/17
    BFP #2: 10/5/17; EDD: 6/11/18
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    Had my 4 week OB check up today. They gave me an encyclopedia of info, instructed on pre registering for delivery, selecting a pediatrician, ordering a pump etc.  Whoa, s*** got real today folks...TW*It also was like them reassuring we were over the hump so to speak for anything unforeseen happening to baby TWend*

    My doc said all was perfect, baby boy was kicking the Doppler and his hb was 155. She said I shouldn't be concerned that I haven't felt definitive kicks/flutters yet especially as FTM so still waiting for those consistent moments.  On to my anatomy scan 1/10!
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    Have a regular OB appt today. I've only had one ultrasound and it was through the hospital for the NT screening. All offices have portables though right?  I hope so. I'd like them to check things out due to 2 instances of spotting with straining to use bathroom. Although they didn't seem too concerned when I called to report it, it would sure ease my mind. 

    @RatParade definitely for the baby! I'm thinking I better step it up and get on this train. 
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    The masseuse just texted me and had to cancel my massage because she's sick.  Next available appointment is Jan 16.

    Me: 32 | DH: 36

    Married June 2005

    1/2016 - TTC#1

    4/2017 - Initial RE visit, Dx: Severe MFI (Varicocele, 14% motility, 3% progression, but normal count)

    7/2017 - Stage 3 endometriosis discovered during laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst

    9/27/2017 - BFP at 10dpo (cycle 22), baby boy due June 9, 2018

    Pregnancy Ticker
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