Oh @halips I forgot to mention your transfer!! So exciting keep us posted on what's going on!! The PIO shots were bad during my IVF cycle. Just ice the tush and then put a warm compress after the shot so it doesn't get hard!
@rachd110 I am so sorry, there is nothing else I can say except how sorry I am that you are enduring this pain. It's just not fair, and as much as I know we have to stay positive, sometimes it's just too darn hard. My heart goes out to you and DH.
@christinav2015 I guess if there is an upside to us having BFNs together, it is that we get to go through FETs together! 2016 is going to be the year for us!!!!
@thejessicanicol Phew! Thank goodness the bleeding was medication related! So happy for you and your little bean!
I don't know how I'm going to make it through the holidays. I'm having such a hard time getting through the work day and I've only been here for an hour. I have a coworker, who has turned into a close friend over the years, and she is about 5 months pregnant. I am so happy for her, but I can't stand to look at her. I don't know what I'm going to do. It makes me so sad when I see her. I completely avoided her yesterday, but I don't think I can keep doing that. I was crying to DH this morning because I hate that I have these feelings inside of me, but I can't do anything about it.
I think I'm going to skip Christmas this year. I don't think I can be around family, friends, pregnant friends and kids when I'm feeling so depressed. Every year we have two family holiday parties (DH's side and mine) and a friend holiday party. This year, my girlfriend who hosts the friend holiday party, decided to split it into two parties. Brunch for the girlfriends and kids and the other for just adults. She already told me she expects me at the girlfriend and kids party even though I don't have any kids. Well, she is going to be disappointed and I really don't care if she gets upset with me. She is the same girlfriend that told me yesterday to pray and that I will find peace if I lift this burden up to the lord. I really wanted to tell her to shut the F*** up because she has no idea how I am feeling, but I just didn't respond. She has two lovely boys, one is my godson the other is my hubby's godson, so we are very close. She had no trouble whatsoever conceiving. Her second son was conceived the month they decided to try. She really tries to be supportive, she just doesn't say the right things. I think I just need to tell her to stop pushing her religious beliefs on me. I believe in God, but this...it's all science. When I told her I was pregnant, she said it was all God. Ummm...I think I remember almost peeing on my RE while he stuck a catheter in me and released my embaby.
@Rachd110 Thank you! As for your rant, don't apologize. We all understand, get it out! I'm so sorry that you have to go through this right now and I hope you are able to find the comfort you need. Lots of hugs to you and DH.
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Thank you everyone for all the kind words. After going through all the stims and having nothing after PGS, I took a little break. But, I am back and trying to stay positive. We met with the RE this morning to discuss our options. We had above average number of eggs, above average mature eggs and above average eggs fertilized. All good news... except all had chromosomal abnormalities. So, RE said there is no reason why we would not try again. She suggested to give my ovaries a break and we can start the end of January/early February. Here we go again...
Hang in there, @Rachd110. Some people can be very insensitive and they don't mean to be. I hope you can find some peace in all this. It is such a rollercoaster. Vent as much as you need to. This group of ladies can certainly take it and relate to what you are going through. Don't miss out on Christmas! Try to enjoy the little things and be thankful for your friends and family... no matter how bad you may want to strangle them! LOL.
@christinav2015 and @erinscaren get ready for round two! I am hoping 2016 is better for all of us! I am ready for some Christmas wine! Cheers to us!
@halips, good luck to you! Can't wait to hear the update. Only a few more days!!!
@Rachd110 I don't blame you for wanting to skip the holidays this year. It is hard to feel cheery when you're going through something as tough as you are. But try to find joy wherever you can. A funny holiday movie, or lots of Christmas cookies! And I definitely think you can pass on going to the girlfriend and kids party. If she can't understand why you don't want to be there, she can pray on it! I am all for having faith, but you're right, she shouldn't be pushing her views on you, especially when she can't relate to what you're going through!
@ChristinaV2015 How are you doing, how was your appointment yesterday?
@smitty18 You still there? Been thinking abo it you and hope you are doing ok!
@AmyReneeF I can't wait to see how many perfect embabies you get in the new year! Team 2016!!!!
@erinscaren I'm doing better today although yesterday I was heartbroken. My numbers are starting to go down so the bleed I am experiencing is a miscarriage. It hurts but I remain hopeful and have faith that 2016 will bring good news!
@ChristinaV2015 glad to hear you are feeling better. I am as well. Although, I'm still waiting to bleed and I'm sure once it starts all the emotions will come back. I just want to get this over with already. 2016 will indeed bring us all good news!
@erinscaren@AmyReneeF I decided to still put up my Christmas tree at home. That way DH and I can still enjoy it together. How are you ladies feeling?
@halips did you have your transfer already? How'd it go?
@erinscaren@ChristinaV2015@AmyReneeF looks like the three of us will be trying again in January. I'm hoping the next few weeks go by really fast and we can remain strong and positive. I know it's going to be extra hard during the holidays and especially if we have to see babies and pregnant women at holiday parties, but we will get through it. Our dreams will come true early next year and we will get our BFP that will stick for a healthy nine months.
@AmyReneeF thank you, Wednesday can't come soon enough! I'm glad you are hanging in there and have talked next steps. I hope you are able to enjoy the holidays and relax a little!
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Just got the call, my transfer is at 12:30pm tomorrow!
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Well I had a rough couple days. I started bleeding Monday morning and cramping started shortly after. It was a little more painful than my normal period cramps. Last night I was up all night do to very intense cramping. I think my uterus was contracting to expel the embryo. I think I passed the embryo a couple hours ago. Didn't really get to see it because it fell right in the toilet and was covered with blood (sorry tmi). My cramping has since subsided, so I'm pretty sure it was the embryo/sac. It was very small. I stayed home from work today to relax.
@Drumski Congratulations! That's great news! 6th times the charm!
@Rachd110 I feel so bad for what you're going through. Hopefully the worst is over. Like the emotional pain isn't bad enough, there has to be physical pain, too? So unfair. You're so strong! Keep it up!
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Congratulations @halips that is a perfect looking embaby!!
@Rachd110 I had a similar AF but my cramps were mild although the last 2 days I keep getting pain down below that has me a little concerned. I have Bloodwork again Friday to confirm my levels are 0 now. Then I'm making an informative appointment with my doc to discuss next steps and to find out why my snowflakes were frozen on day 3.
@ChristinaV2015 I also go in on Friday to make sure HCG level is at zero. I have my appointment next Wednesday with RE to discuss next steps. I am ready to move on and look forward to my FET. Hopefully, my next AF comes in 4 weeks so I can start my FET cycle in January. Hoping your cramps is just your body trying to get back to normal and nothing serious.
Congrats on your transfer @halips! Great looking embaby you got there.
@erinscaren I'm hoping the worst is over too! On to our FETs!
Hi ladies. Wow lots has been happening. I'm sorry I've been MIA. I've been thinking of all of you! I think it is just more wearing on me than I though it would be. Let me add to the mix- as if just the day to day with ivf isn't bad enough, I've been through the mill this past week. I hope this doesn't happen to any of you. My frozen transfer scheduled for 12/16 just got canceled due to a nurses error on my medication cycle!!!! She wrote down to start a med on the wrong day. I of course followed directions but because the nurse wrote it down wrong it messed everything up! I am so pissed!!! I'll be joining @erinscaren and @ChristinaV2015 in January. Boy this isn't easy. Thanks for thinking of me @erinscaren - how are you doing?
@Rachd110 I am so sorry for what you are going through. Unless someone has endured this they can't possibly understand how devastating this is. Don't for a second feel bad about laying low for the holidays. I feel like doing that myself
Good luck to you @halips. Congrats on a successful transfer. I'll be watching for your BFP!
@smitty18 Wow that sucks. I'm so sorry! I hope the clinic is giving you a refund or something on the meds and/or monitoring appts you've had to pay out in prep for the FET. Fx that 2016 is a much better year for you!
*TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13 Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole IUI #1 & #2- BFN IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9 IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes! FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!! Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010 Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18 FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round. IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@smitty18 it's great to hear from you. Thanks for updating us. I understand needing a break, no need to apologize about being MIA. I am so sorry about the canceled cycle. I agree with @halips you should get refunded the meds since it was the nurses error. I hope the next few weeks will move fast for you. I hope you'll be able to enjoy the holidays.
I had another beta yesterday to make sure my levels dropped to zero and they didn't! It actually increased to 56 from 18 a week ago. I have to go in on Monday for another beta and an US to rule out an ectopic. Just as I was starting to emotionally feel better and move on they drop this on me. I have never been through such an emotional roller coaster in my life. This really sucks! At a beta so low, I don't think an US will show anything.
I was told to go to the ER if I start feeling pain that restricts me from doing normal activities. I'm still bleeding, and since Thursday night I've been feeling very bloated and constipated. Last night I started to feel light left-sided pelvic pain. Nothing that really limits my activities, but I am taking it easy.
Oh and the best news I heard yesterday...another coworker that just got married earlier this year is pregnant. I am so happy for her, but makes me feel so sad for myself. DH and I having been trying for almost two years now and we keep failing. Now I get to go to work everyday and see two pregnant, happy coworkers. I just want to crawl under a rock and not come out until this is all over.
@smitty18 I was so livid for you reading your post. I know we are all human and mistakes happen, but this is a BIG BIG deal to people and that should not have happened! They better refund you all costs you incurred for meds/labs/etc. But @AmyReneeF and I have discussed that even numbered years are so much better than odd numbered ones, so I am happy to have you with us for a January 2016 fet! You, @Rachd110, @christinav2015, @AmyReneeF and I are gonna rock 2016!
@Rachd110 My heart also sank reading your post. You have been through enough with this. I am truly amazed by your strength and perseverance through all this. I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs in this very difficult time!
@christinav2015 I was thinking the same thing, but figured everyone is just trying to make it through the holidays! I go on Wednesday for the endometrial stimulation and will get my meds and schedule the same day. AF should be here around the 26th, it can vary by a few days with me though. How about you? I'm kind of dreading wednesday, the last couple weeks my hormones have leveled off and anxiety has calmed down. Now that there will be stuff to do again, I feel like all the emotion will flare back up! What has been going on with you?
@erinscaren it's funny that you say that your anxiety leveled out because as my hormones are leveling out my anxiety has been out of control. I've had panic attacks for years but while on the hormones they went away. So odd how our bodies react.
I went on Friday for Bloodwork and my level was back to 0. As I stood in the doc office I started to cry because I could hear a woman in the other room crying because she just had her first sonogram of her baby. I felt badly that I cried bc I don't want to become that person who feels bad. It took me a few minutes but I recovered and I've been doing well since. My AF should be here on the 26th also... we may be cycle buddies!!
Hi @ChristinaV2015 and @erinscaren! I feel like I've been a little emotional the last few days. My US showed my ovaries are calm and back to normal. I'm still waiting for my blood results. I'm a little frustrated with my doc office, but I'm not going to talk about it because I'm trying to be positive and move on. If my HCG is not at zero then they will give me methotrexate. I'm hoping my level is at zero so I don't have to take any meds and delay my FET.
I'm not really sure when AF will start. I'm still spotting now. I've heard first period after mc can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks.
@christinav2015 I completely understand. You hate to be the one who isn't happy for others, but it's so hard when you're hurting. A few weeks ago DH and I were walking through the market and passed a pregnant woman who also had a small child and I muttered under my breath "yeah easy for you!" And DH said "you don't know that it was." I guess he is right, but it is still so frustrating. I try to remember that everyone has their own personal struggles in life. However, that doesn't always work as I quit social media a few days before my beta and still haven't rejoined because I don't want to see a million pictures of other people's babies at Christmas! Our time is coming though, just a few more weeks!
My progesterone was 0.1 today, so I didn't ovulate this month. My body must be on hiatus from last month. Going to start provera today to induce AF. My fet should be around the 2nd week in January. I had that endometrial activation procedure today, too. I expected it to be way worse than it was. I only rated it a 3 out of 10 on the pain scale. Anyone else getting very frustrated with the amount of red tape we have to cross through? DH and I have to sign and notarize a paper that literally says we want to thaw our embryo and have it placed in the uterus of the female partner.....as opposed to when they place it in the uterus of the male partner???????
@erinscaren totally understand quitting social media. I quit FB in October 2014 and it's been the best thing I've done. I have to admit that I sometimes still go on and creep a bit, but nothing like I used to.
So after weeks of my HCG levels increasing and decreasing to only increase again, I was finally given methotrexate today--two doses, one on each side of my bum. I'm really worried about the side effects. I'm already starting to feel cramping in my abdomen. I've already been bloated for 6 days and bleeding for 8 days; I hope it doesn't get worse. I'm glad that this will soon be over and I can finally move on, but sad that my FET will not happen in January. RE said hopefully in February.
@erinscaren 4 days after shot and I'm not feeling too bad. Very tired, on/off cramps that aren't too bad and spotting. I do wonder if I'm going to bleed heavier once my HCG is at zero. Thanks for asking. How are you? Are you looking forward to the holidays. Two weeks ago I was dreading Christmas parties. Now, I think it will be a nice distraction from all this stuff going on in my belly. Although, I have decided I am not going to girlfriends/kids holiday brunch on Saturday. I am not going to put myself through that.
Re: October/November IVF
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@ChristinaV2015 How are you doing, how was your appointment yesterday?
@smitty18 You still there? Been thinking abo it you and hope you are doing ok!
@AmyReneeF I can't wait to see how many perfect embabies you get in the new year! Team 2016!!!!
Team 2016!!
@erinscaren @AmyReneeF I decided to still put up my Christmas tree at home. That way DH and I can still enjoy it together. How are you ladies feeling?
@halips did you have your transfer already? How'd it go?
@erinscaren @ChristinaV2015 @AmyReneeF looks like the three of us will be trying again in January. I'm hoping the next few weeks go by really fast and we can remain strong and positive. I know it's going to be extra hard during the holidays and especially if we have to see babies and pregnant women at holiday parties, but we will get through it. Our dreams will come true early next year and we will get our BFP that will stick for a healthy nine months.
@AmyReneeF thank you, Wednesday can't come soon enough! I'm glad you are hanging in there and have talked next steps. I hope you are able to enjoy the holidays and relax a little!
@Rachd110 Dec 9th is the day! Only 2 more days!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@halips Best of luck tomorrow! So excited for you!
Me: 24 DH: 29
MFI: Low Morphology Low Count due to radiation
IVF with ICSI Round 1: November 2015
D&C January 2016
Anticipated FET April 2016
@halips hope your transfer went well. PUPO!
@Rachd110 I feel so bad for what you're going through. Hopefully the worst is over. Like the emotional pain isn't bad enough, there has to be physical pain, too? So unfair. You're so strong! Keep it up!
@Drumski congrats on the bfp! Fx for a h&h 9 months!
@Rachd110 I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Lots of hugs to you!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
@Rachd110 I had a similar AF but my cramps were mild although the last 2 days I keep getting pain down below that has me a little concerned. I have Bloodwork again Friday to confirm my levels are 0 now. Then I'm making an informative appointment with my doc to discuss next steps and to find out why my snowflakes were frozen on day 3.
Congrats on your transfer @halips! Great looking embaby you got there.
@erinscaren I'm hoping the worst is over too! On to our FETs!
Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
IUI #1 & #2- BFN
IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
IVF #2- started stims 10/24 ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16 ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
FET #3- 2 embryos transferred August 14,2016 BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22 Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368
Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w.
FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8 Miscarriage on 9/18
FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841
Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!
I had another beta yesterday to make sure my levels dropped to zero and they didn't! It actually increased to 56 from 18 a week ago. I have to go in on Monday for another beta and an US to rule out an ectopic. Just as I was starting to emotionally feel better and move on they drop this on me. I have never been through such an emotional roller coaster in my life. This really sucks! At a beta so low, I don't think an US will show anything.
I was told to go to the ER if I start feeling pain that restricts me from doing normal activities. I'm still bleeding, and since Thursday night I've been feeling very bloated and constipated. Last night I started to feel light left-sided pelvic pain. Nothing that really limits my activities, but I am taking it easy.
Oh and the best news I heard yesterday...another coworker that just got married earlier this year is pregnant. I am so happy for her, but makes me feel so sad for myself. DH and I having been trying for almost two years now and we keep failing. Now I get to go to work everyday and see two pregnant, happy coworkers. I just want to crawl under a rock and not come out until this is all over.
@Rachd110 My heart also sank reading your post. You have been through enough with this. I am truly amazed by your strength and perseverance through all this. I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs in this very difficult time!
@smitty18 did you speak with your doc office about the mistake?
@Rachd110 how are things going?
@erinscaren and @amyreneef when is your AF expected so you can start prepping for next cycle?
I went on Friday for Bloodwork and my level was back to 0. As I stood in the doc office I started to cry because I could hear a woman in the other room crying because she just had her first sonogram of her baby. I felt badly that I cried bc I don't want to become that person who feels bad. It took me a few minutes but I recovered and I've been doing well since. My AF should be here on the 26th also... we may be cycle buddies!!
I'm not really sure when AF will start. I'm still spotting now. I've heard first period after mc can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks.
@Rachd110 Did you find out your level?
So after weeks of my HCG levels increasing and decreasing to only increase again, I was finally given methotrexate today--two doses, one on each side of my bum. I'm really worried about the side effects. I'm already starting to feel cramping in my abdomen. I've already been bloated for 6 days and bleeding for 8 days; I hope it doesn't get worse. I'm glad that this will soon be over and I can finally move on, but sad that my FET will not happen in January. RE said hopefully in February.
@ChristinaV2015 @smitty18 @AmyReneeF Everyone making it through the holidays?
@thejessicanicol You and baby doing ok?
@halips when is your beta?