My 2 day old is not latching at all. I have tried with and without breast shield and have been successful once with the breast shield. For the most part, however, she just gets frustrated and starts crying the minute I put her to the breast. I talked to the laceration consultant and they said that her mouth opening is good, there is no lip or tongue tied and that I'm positioning correctly. I am unsure what to do next and the LC wasn't really helpful. I wonder if once my milk comes it will be easier for her and she will be less frustrated... Any suggestions? And thanks'
Re: Newborn not latching
@tracij12, how did the nipple shield make things more challenging?
How big is baby? Was she early?
I remember thinking BF'ing should be easy, but it was SO hard the first time around. I was stressed which made baby stressed which lead to a lot of anxiety for everyone.
It sounds like you are doing everything you can so just stick with it!
Also, I know nipple confusion is a challenge, but I pumped while I was in the hospital to help my milk come in and I did use a bottle to make sure my LO was getting enough in her tummy. It didn't impede her learning to latch. Again, just my experience and my opinion.
Good luck!!!!
@traci12j, she was born at 39w3d after induction. I really think she would have gone to 42 weeks if I wasn't induced for medical reasons. She weighs 6lb 15oz.
I would second everything @WanderingHeart said regarding the pacifier and bottle nipples. I always hesitate to give that advice on these boards because some people get crazy about nipple confusion, but it was actually the exact opposite with both of my girls. Just make sure if you do use a bottle use a nipple that is as low flow as possible so she gets used to having to work for it.
I probably sound like a broken record at this point but just try not to get discouraged. It should get easier
So today I had a doctors appointment and she thinks baby is not latching because she is beyond hungry. She recommended I supplement with 1 oz of formula or pumped breast milk. My milk has now come in and I was able to get 2-4oz in one pump session. She also latched for 8 minutes (not great, but way better)! My question now is, how often should I pump? I am getting a lot more milk than I need to supplement.