Love these j15 babies! Mine loves grabbing her bare feet these days. She also loves her ball but gets frustrated that she can't get it in her mouth so she just licks it. Edited because autocomplete fail
We just bought that activity mat, it's LOs new favorite thing!
I have been considering this activity mat, but have held off because the actual mat part looks pretty small. LO over here is only barely beginning to reach out to the toys on his mat, and he grabs a one of them sometimes, but I'm not sure he's into it, and was wondering if he might like another better. Especially since this one has the piano to kick on (and transforms to play later when sitting). They like tho, huh?
Damnit! When is my kid going to get hair? Not like I'm going to put him in pigtails, but I'd like for him to have some locks. He is still rocking the baby hair-do.
@cait7425 jealous of those locks. She is really cute tho
@mellymar We LOVE this activity mat! We use it multiple times daily. The mat is kind of small but I always put a bigger blanket down behind the open part b/c l/o always plays for awhile and then rolls out from under it onto her belly. The mat is machine washable, definitely a plus!
@mellymar she was born with a ton of hair. So was I, and a good portion of my family. So to me, babies with hair was normal lol. My husband was a baldy, but by 2 had a full head of blonde curly locks down to his chin. My hair is super thin now, so I'm hoping Allie doesn't share my fate.
Also, I have that kick and play mat. She loves it. My 9 mo old niece does too.
I actually bought the mat yesterday and tried it last night, he did seem to enjoy it more than his skip hop one. At least, he kicked the crap out of the piano and talked up at his reflection for quite a while. I think he enjoyed having some push off against his feet when he kicked. I'm not sure he has yet to grasp the idea his kicking makes the music tho. He seems to enjoy looking at the toys more, too.
@mvargas12 thanks! I think baby looks like DH but they have the same haircut right now, so its hard to tell. I love when people say he looks like me, tho (don't tell DH I said that, ha!)
Re: HDBD 10/7
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Edited because autocomplete fail
Oct 6
Oct 1
@cait7425 jealous of those locks. She is really cute tho
Edited spelling
Edited for spelling
Also, I have that kick and play mat. She loves it. My 9 mo old niece does too.
@mellymar from the pictures I've seen of you, I think Master P looks like you!
ETA: (One sided as I've never seen your hubs)
@mvargas12 thanks! I think baby looks like DH but they have the same haircut right now, so its hard to tell. I love when people say he looks like me, tho (don't tell DH I said that, ha!)