May 2015 Moms

5 months old with uti

My daughter just turned 5 months and we had to take her to her pediatrician because of a high fever they took a urine sample and suspected a UTI and put her on antibiotics they called me this morning to confirm the UTI and i have to come in to get a sonogram of her kidneys...anyone else experience this? Im super worried

Re: 5 months old with uti

  • My niece had bad luck getting them when she was small.  They just can't ask her if her kidneys hurt too (the infection can spread), so they like to be sure it's just a 'regular' uti.  I know they told her mom too, to be sure to clean her diaper area front to back only, and avoid stuff like bubble bath in her baths.  It's hard because they're so little to be so miserable and sick.  Good luck mama.
  • Unfotunaltely I am very experienced with this! My daughter had back to back UTIs with bacterial blood infections when she was 6 and 8 weeks old (she is now 5 months old). We were in the hospital for about a month and we saw a urologist in Philadelphia who told us he believed it was merely "bad luck." We've always wiped her front to back and we didn't give her bubble baths so we had no idea how she was getting the infections. She had two ultrasounds done on her kidneys and bladder, she had two spinal taps (to rule out meningitis since she had blood infections) and she had a VCUG (they check to see if the urine is backflushing into the kidneys). Everything came back with good results and nothing out of the oridinary which puzzles me even more. I have no clue how she could have gotten them. My daughter is currently on a prophylactic (Bactrim) for 6 months to prevent any further infections. The urologist we saw said he sees cases like my daughter's at least once a month and it was nothing unusual to him. That blew my mind because I'd never heard of this happening before. He told us most babies grow out of any anatomy issues by the time they are 1. Knowing your little one is 5 months old, I think you will fare better than we did. We had to spend so much time in the hospital because she was so young and had to be on IV antibiotics. Hang in there!! The antibiotics she'll be on will help and she will be on the mend before you know it. I am here if you want to chat more about it. But really, hang in there! All will be will soon!

    Married 8.27.2011 ~ EDD 5.13.15

    Doxie Mama


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