June 2015 Moms

Teething remedies

I have just ordered LO an amber anklet to see if it can offer her some relief during her teething. A couple of friends have sworn by the necklaces others aren't convinced.

Will you ladies use Amber to help LO through the process or any other natural remedies to give them a helping hand?

Re: Teething remedies

  • Definitely not getting a teething necklace. I'm extremely extremely skeptical that whatever healing chemicals are in real amber could be absorbed through the skin at all, let alone in enough quantity to make it through the bloodstream to the source of the baby's pain. You might as well rub an Advil on your baby's skin.
  • I'm staying away from the necklace due to strangulation or choking but I do like alternative treatments. I've personally found a lot of success in magnets and acupuncture for pain relief but only time will tell
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  • I bought one. It irritates her neck fat roll and gets stuck in it. And it's too big to be wrapped around her ankle. I know it's pseudo science and I'm usually always "SHOW ME THE RESEARCH" but there's no harm, I won't let her sleep in it if she ever wears it.
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • my mum got my twins an anklet because I think the necklaces are ugly to be honest ( I guess I'm that shallow lol) I wasn't sure but thought it doesn't hurt to try and WOW!! It has made such a difference with the drooling, like its amazing how much less they drool now. Might not work for everyone but it really has for my guys. It will be interesting to see if it does actually help when they start to actually get teeth.
  • Not a natural method, but I've always been a fan of the baby orajel.
  • Gripe water is also for teething. Mommy bliss is very popular
  • Oh shoot guys, I found a tooth this morning and LO is only 18 weeks!!

    My mom suggested frozen bagels... Ummm... I'll keep looking.

    Friends suggested the nuk teethers and this banana shaped 'toothbrush".

    What else are people using? Is this Sophie Giraffe thing worth the money?
  • Is Sophie meant to be better than others or Is it just cute
  • There's supposed to besomething about the smell and texture that is appealing about Sophie. Even one of my friends who went all crazy living off the earth after having her first kid swears by it. I have a small one with the rings on the sides to help her hold it. She seems to enjoy chewing on Sophie's ears and horns. Ha
  • @hoodoll82 my niece loves those little mesh teethers that you can put an ice cube or froze piece of fruit in. My sister has done frozen mini bagels and frozen wash cloth too. You just have to be vigilant about pieces being broken off.

    @mishmardhiono I personally hate the idea of a $25 chew toy. What's wrong with the $1.99 teethers you can stick in the fridge?
  • yes I can't wait for the mesh bag to be used. I have to agree with you, after posting my question on here I thought I'd Google good old Sophie and a lot of people said they require constant supervision because the legs get shoved down babies throat (on the full size Sophie) causing them to gag, I like giving her the keys and ring knowing I can go have a shower
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