May 2016 Moms

Anyone over morning sickness?


Re: Anyone over morning sickness?

  • I have to do a shout out to all the ladies with full time jobs and/or other babies out there. You people are amazing. I've been feeling so bad since day one of week 6 that I can't even imagine trying to care for a baby or heading to work. I feel very lucky that I don't have to be a job every morning but also sort of like a wimp. It's not the sort of nausea that I ever imagined it would be I just generally feel exhausted and ill the majority of every day. I have so much anxiety over food and what I'm going to eat next because it's the only thing that somewhat alleviates it and it's so hard to decide what is edible. Obviously this is my first :-) it's great to hear everyone else's responses and feel somewhat normal :-)
    P.s. I'm currently 7 weeks 6 days!
  • Mine just started yesterday at 7 weeks 5 days are you kidding me!
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  • I had some minor queasiness that went away at 5 w 4 d. Never had any ms. Now I only have some hit and miss queasy at almost 8 wks. I actually havent really had any symptoms, scared to go to my first appt. next week.
  • So How many people are completely out because of morning sickness? I seriously can't stand up for more than like 5 minutes before feeling faint and needing to lay down. It's nausea... Back pain... Sore throught (probably for throwing up!)... And last night I didn't sleep for more than 2 hours. This is my first kiddo and I work for myself... But I can't imagine what I would do if I had responsibilities to take care of... I'm seriously out of commission... I've been sick for 2 weeks... But only couch and bathroom floor ridden for a couple Days! Not sure what to do if it continues!! Trying unisom... And hoping for the best!
  • Yes at night and when i wake up. After that i am ok
  • Get your OB or GP to prescribe you with zofran!!!! I am swearing by it!!! It's a miracle, I'm 9 1/2 weeks and pretty much only taking it twice a day even though I'm able to take it 4 times a day!!! You'll forget your even pregnant that's how amazing it is!!!!
  • Wow... Im 6weeks and 4days and I havent felt a thing beside light heartburn. Everyone says it will kick in but a lot have it way before me!
  • I only had slight nausea until 8 weeks. I really thought I wasn't going to have an issue, but it hit hard at that point.  It's only bad in the late afternoon/evening, which sucks because it's always about the time I should start dinner. At that point, any plans I had to cook go out the window and we end up with pizza, or something.  
  • I an only 6w4d and only started getting nausea about a week ago. Although I found it releasing at first since this is my first I fear it's going to get worse since I'm having twins. I did find that eating frequently keeps it at bay and not taking Meds in the am on an empty stomach is super stupid as it makes me throw up. Best of luck to all ypu ladies and hope that we all feel better soon.
  • 7 weeks 1 day and I'm miserable. The thought or sight of any food is unbearable. I'm forcing myself to eat fruit and water but if I smell anything remotely bad even that will come up. Working in the medical field I'm guaranteed to smell foul bodily things so I feel doomed about this upcoming week.


  • The worst of it lifted for me 4 days ago!! I'm 10 weeks today.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Please oh please, let the 10 week mark be my friend [-O< . This is miserable all day long naseous and tired and brain dead. I snack all day long but if I lose any sleep it's gonna be a bad day. My sister felt the need to remind me that she was sick the whole time during her last pregnancy. Not cool sis, not cool. I feel the Lord will be kind and relieve me by 12 weeks.
  • caterincaterin member
    edited October 2015
    10 weeks and 3 days and still going strong.... I can't wait for this morning/allday sickness to stop! I didn't check my weight yet but I think I lost a little actually.....
  • Nearing the 10 week mark, my nausea is decreasing significantly --as long as I stay hydrated and don't go more than 4-5hrs without eating. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself!) With my son, it didn't get better until 14 weeks. Regardless, stay hopeful--it's pretty uncommon for ms to stick around past the first trimester!
  • I'm at 11w2d and I've felt better this weekend Than I have since week 6. Symptoms aren't entirely gone and evenings are still rough starting at 7:30 through the night but my days have been MS free. Also hoping I don't jinx myself with this post and the nausea-free afternoons continue!
  • I'm 6w 5d. MD prescribed diclegis. Helps a lot. Is FDA approved and category A safe for pregnancy. Has helped a ton. Otherwise I'm throwing up and/or feeling sick all day
  • My nausea seems to be letting up. I felt okay yesterday and pretty wonderful today. I was even able to get up and do house work and cook. I'm hoping this is the end of it. I'm 9 weeks and 4 days. It's been a horrible go. I've been nauseous all day every day since about late in week 5. Hopefully everything is okay and I get some actual work done at my job this week.
  • It started at 6.5 weeks and still is going strong at 8 weeks and 2 days. I get sick every morning right after getting out of bed. I too also hope it doesn't last long. I have found a piece of plain toast is all I can stomach any time before 11. Also depending on the day have been nauseous through the entire day. I have been getting through work on water and preggy pops hard candy. :(
  • Still throwing up every day, mostly in the evening. Absolutely sick and tired of it. I'm 10 weeks and 4 days and have my second appointment on Wednesday. I usually want to just use natural remedies but I still need to function. Strange how not even one mother in my family was nauseated and I have it every day...
  • 8wks & 4days, I was so proud pf my self and feeling pretty good about this whole precnency thing. I had high energy, felt congident, proud, until today... MS with a vengence!!! Extreme hunger, nausea, boob pain, uncomfortable clothes, complete fatigue... Need I say more? Gingerale and saltines are now my friends. On a kinda good note, I am greatful for the Bump community and a supportive husband who is feeling the cravings and nausea with me.
  • I'm 7 wk and 1 day.  This is the worst I have felt.  I'm struggling at work and am not sure how I am supposed to make it through 3 - 2 hour client meetings every day....
  • Finally felt better today after 2 weeks straight of wanting to throw up all day every day. I did throw up 3 times. I'm 9 weeks 6 days. With my first I started feeling better at 10.5 weeks so I'm hoping this one is going just like it *Fingers crossed it stays away*.
  • I'm 6w6d and have nausea on and off all day long for about 1-2 weeks. It's worse when I think about food. The only things I can stomach are pasta, bread, eggs, fruit or juice. I am usually a meat and veggie girl. I'm fearing that it's only going to get worse before it gets better. Good luck mamas!
  • I am 7 w 4 d and I have only felt a little bit nauseous the other day. I haven't thrown up yet. Maybe it is coming though.....
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited October 2015
    Just reading the title to this made me stabby and want to cry at the same time. 9 weeks now and am having the roughest time ever, hate food, no energy, can't find anything to work this pregnancy to help (unlike last time). Feel like I am on a boat rocking back and forth all day and basically feel like crap all day every day 24/7 for weeks now.
  • My SO is making fun of me because I've been so sick and exhausted and complaining constantly, and I'm 10w5d now, and my fatigue and m/s are gone, so I'm freaking out. I'm worried something is wrong... I never thought I would say this but I want my sickness and fatigue back!
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