
NIFR: Can I make a photobook with scanned pics or with hard copies of pics?

When I got married, it was almost 5 years ago and my pictures are not digital.?

I have scanned some of my wedding pics. I have them all as regular photos. I have always wanted to make a can I do that? Any ideas? I'm talking about making the book using something like or going to CVS to make it.

I am afraid that the scanned pics will not be good quality for an album. Hmmmm..?

DS born 7.30.11

Re: NIFR: Can I make a photobook with scanned pics or with hard copies of pics?

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    I made one in snapfish using scanned photos...but you are right the quality is not as good as the digitals, but not horrible either. I think it depends on the quality of your scanner. I was using my mom's crappy old one, but now that I just got a new combo printer/scanner/copier, I think the photos would scan much better.

    Places like Kinkos have pretty high quality scanners that would probably be best for a wedding photo book. HTH!

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    That was helpful- thanks!!
    Too bad I am so lazy that I wish I could do it online at my house and not have to leave! hehehe
    DS born 7.30.11
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    I've made one with childhood pics of me and my BFF as a pre-wedding gift through Shutterfly.  I make a ton of photobooks through Shutterfly and love them!  I used a scanner and scanned them in, the quality is obviously nowhere near a digital copy and some are a little fuzzy/dark, but Shutterfly will tell you if they think your picture won't print well and advise you not to use it... I really like that feature.  If your pictures aren't that old and are professional wedding pics, I doubt you'd have any issues with it not coming out well.
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    Thanks for that info, Sunshine.?
    So maybe I will try it!
    DS born 7.30.11
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    I don't think it would be too bad. Just have the scanner at a higher resolution. Not huge huge, since they would take forever to upload, but do make them higher. And also make sure the scanner is clean.
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  • Options is a great place to make books as well!

     However, I'm not sure about the scanned images.  When I made my wedding album a few years ago I forgot to tell the photographers to take a picture of my wedding invitation and so my hubby scanned it so I could add it to our book and you could tell the quality of the scanned image was so much worse than the digital images.

    If you do the scanned version make sure you don't use a variety of scanned and digital (at least not on the same page).

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    That was helpful- thanks!!
    Too bad I am so lazy that I wish I could do it online at my house and not have to leave! hehehe

    NP. Snapfish is an online website to make the book - very user friendly & lots of layout options! And cheap & QUICK shipping. 

    They also have the feature where they tell you if your photo quality is good enough to use. I used some even when it told me not to & they still looked fine IMO. I was just suggesting going to kinkos or something to scan the photos if you don't have a high quality scanner @ your house...if you already have one, then you should be fine & won't have to leave the house!  Big Smile

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    I think I am going to try it out now! I really have nothing else going on, so why not!? ?Thanks for the suggestions!
    DS born 7.30.11
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    I'm a graphic designer and we scan things all the time.  If you use a high-quality scanner (and many home scanners are now pretty good) you can get very good quality digital images.  I think many copy centers have high-quality scanners, so you might want to consider having them scanned for you if you don't have a decent one.  I use to make albums.  Very professional quality and some nice papers.

     Good luck!  You are ahead of me.  I've got loads of digital photos that I've never even bothered to print.Huh?

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