Why do people think it's weird that I plan on breastfeeding until my LO is one? If I was formula feeding that wouldn't be weird. When they question me with their accusing "really?" I just say yes it's recommended for at least the first year. Either breastmilk or formula is their main source of food for the first year. But apparently it's strange to continue to feed my child to the recommended age. It's annoying.
Re: Why do people think it's weird?
Unexplained IF/RPL
TTC#1 2003 BFNs, 2004-2009

5 angels above
2010 IVF-PGS-FET#1, DD b. Aug-2011
TTC#2 2012 BFNs, 2013 FET#2, DS b. Nov-2013
TTC#3 2015 BFNs, FET#3
(my 6th and last angel above)
Journey Complete.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
One benefit for me was between 6 mo - 18 mo my son was really up and down about how much he would eat, but as long as I was nursing it didn't matter, because my milk would make up for it! Saved so much anxiety!
I really owned it, when I went back to work when he was a year I was very open about nursing and (I don't think) anyone seemed to think it was too weird.
Now that I'm pregnant again, if anyone were to ask my plans I would just say you never know! I'll be happy to make it 6 months
Good luck!