
When did you know it was time for bed rest?

FTM - 28 weeks with twin boys. The last few days I have been miserable! I am so worn out and I feel like I can't make it any longer. The other night I even started crying because I was so uncomfortable - I think I really freaked out DH. I am still working a 40hr week at an office job so I'm not on my feet too much during the day. I just don't seem to have enough energy for it. I was wondering if bed rest would be assigned by my doctor or by me? Also, what was your experience with bed rest?

Re: When did you know it was time for bed rest?

  • I'm not on bed rest but stopped working at 33 weeks. I'm a nurse & was on my feet all day. I was having pretty bad contractions when I got home one night & knew I needed to be done. I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow & im really starting to slow down. I try to take a short walk each day but it's getting hard. I have a c section scheduled for 38w2d & im really hoping to make it.
    Just listen to your body. I hated to stop working but I need to keep my boys in as long as I can. If you are really exhausted, maybe it's time to slow down. My OB was very sympathetic, due to being a twin pregnancy, and told me just to call the office when I was ready to be off work.
    I don't think bed rest is really recommended anymore unless you have BP or other issues. Keeping moving some is healthy :)
    DH & I married 12/17/2012
    Me (31)-dx w/PCOS 2007, when married to ex-husband after MC
    DH (41)-no MFI
    07/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI= chem preg ;(
    08/2014-Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    09/2014-Clomid 100mg + trigger + IUI + 2nd trigger= BFN
    10/2014-benched due to RE out of town, tying naturally!
    11/2014-benched due to cyst
    12/2014-Femara 5mg + stair step with additional 5 days Femara 5mg + trigger + IUI=BFN
    01/2015-Femara 5mg + Gonal F 25 units + trigger (plus additional Gonal F 100 units on trigger night) + IUI= BFP!!! Twins due 10/2015
    09/28/2015- Surprise!  Conrad and Hudson born at 35w6d!  
  • Not what you want to hear, but my OB told me that she doesn't really believe in bedrest (unless an extremely high risk situation). She says there is no research to support that it does anything to help hold of preterm labor. That being said, if you're that tired maybe you can ask to have your work day shortened or take some extra time off to rest up. You may also just hit a point where it just doesn't work for you to keep working any longer. 

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  • Thanks ladies! I think I'll just have to stop doing so much at night and on the weekends, maybe that will help. Hopefully I can suck it up until the boys are ready to come. I'm counting down the days! :)
  • Like others have said bed rest isn't recommended, but I'm sure your OB would write for reduced work hours. I will also say that I was sick Saturday and spent most of the day in bed, I felt awful and achey. It's good to have a combo of rest and activity.
  • The doctors mandated that I went on bed rest after I went into preterm labor at 31 weeks. I think it's usually the doctor who tells you if you need it.
    I felt miserable for much of my pregnancy too. Maybe first try reducing your work hours and resting as much as you can. Also be sure you're drinking a lot of water. 
    Married 07.07.07. Mom to 3: Ruby 11/08 and Oliver & Austin 12/11
  • I seriously must be the odd woman out. Lol. I worked on my feet 40 hours a week. I only got to sit down on my breaks and when I got home. Yes, it was super uncomfortable, but I made it through. I bought a belly band to help support the extra weight, I put my feet up the minute I got home, and my dh gave me amazing massages every night before bed. I was exhausted, but I didn't even consider cutting back or quitting work before my scheduled c-section. I wanted all my time after my twins were born, not sitting at home bored. I had my scheduled c-section at 38w2d. I stopped working at 38 weeks to give myself a day to get some sleep before they were born, and spend quality one on one time with ds.

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  • I'm on salary so I wouldn't really be able to reduce my hours. At my job it would be all or nothing. I am going to try reducing my activity while I'm at home and see if that helps. I just want to keep these boys in as long as I can!
  • when your doctor puts you on bedrest. there is a difference between bed rest andtaking it easy. 
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
  • No bed rest. Just stopped working at 30 weeks to make it more restful.
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