To all the BF ladies: I'm curious how long you want/plan on BF. Is there a certain length you want? Will you do it as long as you're able and LO is willing? Do you have any specific reasons? No judgment, I'm just curious.
With DS, I pumped for 9 months but had enough milk to get him to 1 year. He was a biter, so I stopped nursing at 6 mo. I'd like to get LO to a year as well but I hate pumping, so we'll see. Hopefully she doesn't bite like DS.
ETA typing 1 handed
Re: BF goals
I was miserable for the first 6 weeks, so even making it to now seems like a huge accomplishment. Now I love it.
If I make it to 6 months without having to buy any formula, I am going to treat myself to Frye Boots that I've wanted for a decade. This is the only thing that gets me through each pump session. Already halfway to mama's new boots!
Given our strong start, I'd probably be disappointed if we didn't make it to 6 months as EBF. And if it worked out to go 2 years with BF playing some kind of role, I'd probably let that happen. Or maybe that will weird me out, who knows. My kid will decide, and we'll try BLW at 6 months. My mom said I just refused to nurse after 7 months.
For me, this is kind of like a birth plan - I don't really want anything beyond broad parameters, so I don't set myself up for disappointment.
I did a year of almost EBF with DS2 (he got a bedtime bottle of dairy free formula) then quit on his first birthday because he only nursed to sleep and was up several times every night.
I'm definitely aiming for at least a year this time, maybe longer since I am comfortable drinking alcohol this time. On the other hand I am really looking forward to my body being all mine again after 5 years of ttc/pg/bf so maybe I won't last long after a year.
I assumed we'd do BLW then told DH about this thread, and apparently he'd been looking forward to making homemade baby food! So who knows what will happen.
And oo, good points about your kid being able to ask for the boob after a year or so. I can see why that might feel awkward. I once saw an actual kid (not infant, not toddler - little man was 4 or 5) nurse on the subway, and when he was done, his mom asked if he wanted a sandwich. (He did.) I'm not judgmental, but that was, um, interesting!
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Now with DD I'm a little torn on when to stop. My goal has always been a year, but I'm anticipating some pretty strong sad feelings about stopping this time because she's my last baby. I'm like the others on this one. I'll just wait and see, but one year has been our goal from the start.
I decided not to go back to work until Sept. 2016 (I'm a teacher), so without my income I am hoping to keep pumping and giving BM until then so I don't have to pay for formula. Fingers crossed!
A year ago the articles we had up on our floor (OB) were benefits for 6 months.
science. Always changing.
Baby steps.
Formula prob wouldn't be an added expense if I stopped eating a country every week.......