March 2016 Moms

Flu shot


Re: Flu shot

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    Yes- I get it every year as per Dr's orders (I previously had pneumonia twice in one year and my immune system is just nt as strong as it used to be so I'll take any protection I can get, even if it's just a small amount).
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    jy725jy725 member
    edited September 2015
    Absolutely. I've gotten one each year since since pregnancy with DD. I've got to do what I can to protect my babies.
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    My company gives out vouchers for free ones, so as soon as they come out I'll get one. My OB practice highly recommends them for all pregnant women. The flu can be MUCH more serious when you're pregnant, since your immune system is compromised. Andplusalso, herd immunity. You never know when you're around someone with a compromised immune system, so vaccinating yourself is keeping the community healthier overall. /soapbox.
    Mr. & Mrs. B, Est. 10.23.2009
    m/c: 9/06/12
    LTB: 10/23/13
    Baby B 2.0 EDD: 3/15/16

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    kitteh81kitteh81 member
    edited September 2015
    kynbar5 said:

    In the past 20 years I've only gotten it once. That year was the 1st time I've ever gotten the flu. Haven't gotten another one since then and probably won't ever again (also haven't ever had the flu again).

    This is exactly what happened to me! Haven't gotten the flu shot since, or during either of my two previous pregnancies. Don't know if I plan on getting it this year either.
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    kynbar5 said:

    mb0112 said:

    RosyK said:

    Nope. Our pediatrician told me during a previous pregnancy to absolutely not get one.

    I never have anyway, and doubt I ever will.

    @RosyK just curious, did your pediatrician discuss the reason with you? I've never gotten it before, because I feel like I can fight the flu just fine, but now torn because I've been told all pregnant women should.
    You will always be told by medical professionals that all women should get the flu vaccine. Unless you come across one of the very few that aren't vaccine pushers. This is one of those decisions that you have to end up making on your own. Some don't get the shot, some do. I don't and haven't in a very long time but I'm not one of the people that tells people yes do or no don't. :)
    @kynbar5 I agree lots of doctors are vaccine pushers! And I work in a school where they encourage all of us to get it from the school nurse for free. Each year I have declined, and I declined the HPV vaccine from my old dr too because I felt uncomfortable with how they were pushing it.

    In general I trust my immune system to do its job and I can fight the flu if I get it. I just feel some guilt over making that choice while pregnant when it's not just me that it affects. I live in a cold climate and work with so many students that there are always germs! But what did our mothers do, right?
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    OneRainDropOneRainDrop member
    edited September 2015
    kynbar5 said:

    In the past 20 years I've only gotten it once. That year was the 1st time I've ever gotten the flu. Haven't gotten another one since then and probably won't ever again (also haven't ever had the flu again).

    In the same boat. I never, ever, get the flu shot. The first time I did was two years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter and I got SO sick! It was absolutely miserable!
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    My DH and I were just laughing about this because we drove by the medical clinic where we stood in a huge line for hours waiting for the H1N1 vaccination when I was pregnant with DS1. That was when the huge scare was going on and my doctor told me to get it right away. They were only giving it to high risk groups because there wasn't enough to go around and there was a line of old people and pregnant ladies down the block. I had never had the flu shot before. Since then I've gotten one every year just because I need to function and we have enough sickness in this house to go around as it is during cold season. I will get it again this time for sure. 
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    They dont really push it here. Ive never had the shot and neither my gp or midwife has pushed it. I wil ask though when i have my next appointment. Could be becuase we are going into spring here (although spring in nz is so wet plenty of people still get flu)
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    mb0112 said:
    Nope. Our pediatrician told me during a previous pregnancy to absolutely not get one. I never have anyway, and doubt I ever will.
    @RosyK just curious, did your pediatrician discuss the reason with you? I've never gotten it before, because I feel like I can fight the flu just fine, but now torn because I've been told all pregnant women should.
    You will always be told by medical professionals that all women should get the flu vaccine. Unless you come across one of the very few that aren't vaccine pushers. This is one of those decisions that you have to end up making on your own. Some don't get the shot, some do. I don't and haven't in a very long time but I'm not one of the people that tells people yes do or no don't. :)
    @kynbar5 I agree lots of doctors are vaccine pushers! And I work in a school where they encourage all of us to get it from the school nurse for free. Each year I have declined, and I declined the HPV vaccine from my old dr too because I felt uncomfortable with how they were pushing it. In general I trust my immune system to do its job and I can fight the flu if I get it. I just feel some guilt over making that choice while pregnant when it's not just me that it affects. I live in a cold climate and work with so many students that there are always germs! But what did our mothers do, right?

    This is going to sound snarky and there is really no way around it but....

    They smoke and drank. Just because that generation did that doesn't mean you would, too right?

    I will never understand why people (not anyone in particular, just a general statement) think their own anecdotal conclusions are more sound than the advice from trained medical professionals. If you don't trust them when they tell you that you need a simple vaccine, how on earth do you trust them with your health??

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    Eekkkk my last comment sounded really judgey. My apologies. I only mean that when women come on TB and talk about their doctors and how they disagree or think something is off, the advice is usually get a second opinion or find a doctor you trust and respect. I guess I don't know why that isn't also true with women that disagree with their physicians vaccine stance.

    Me: 29  DH: 31
    Married 10/13/12
    TTC Since 8/2016

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    I will trust my OB on this one and get it. I'd rather not put myself and my baby at risk.
    M & B
    miscarriage - September 2012 @ 9 weeks
    blighted ovum - November 2012
    BFP!!! - July 2015
    Amelia, my sweet little rainbow baby born March 4, 2016
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    @flowerpower5838 I think regardless of what side of the vaccine debate anyone stands on they are entitled to their own opinions. I personally hold no grudges or hard feelings in the "great vaccine debate" because I believe we all do what we think is best for us and our families. Also, the dr thing, there are doctors and medical professionals (and no, not a whole lot) that disagree with vaccines so a mother or person in general that decides not to go the vaccine route isn't always going against their doctor. :)
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    mb0112 said:

    kynbar5 said:

    mb0112 said:

    RosyK said:

    Nope. Our pediatrician told me during a previous pregnancy to absolutely not get one.

    I never have anyway, and doubt I ever will.

    @RosyK just curious, did your pediatrician discuss the reason with you? I've never gotten it before, because I feel like I can fight the flu just fine, but now torn because I've been told all pregnant women should.
    You will always be told by medical professionals that all women should get the flu vaccine. Unless you come across one of the very few that aren't vaccine pushers. This is one of those decisions that you have to end up making on your own. Some don't get the shot, some do. I don't and haven't in a very long time but I'm not one of the people that tells people yes do or no don't. :)
    @kynbar5 I agree lots of doctors are vaccine pushers! And I work in a school where they encourage all of us to get it from the school nurse for free. Each year I have declined, and I declined the HPV vaccine from my old dr too because I felt uncomfortable with how they were pushing it.

    In general I trust my immune system to do its job and I can fight the flu if I get it. I just feel some guilt over making that choice while pregnant when it's not just me that it affects. I live in a cold climate and work with so many students that there are always germs! But what did our mothers do, right?

    This is going to sound snarky and there is really no way around it but....

    They smoke and drank. Just because that generation did that doesn't mean you would, too right?

    I will never understand why people (not anyone in particular, just a general statement) think their own anecdotal conclusions are more sound than the advice from trained medical professionals. If you don't trust them when they tell you that you need a simple vaccine, how on earth do you trust them with your health??

    For me it's a tough one because I'm not convinced the flu shot is bad, but also can't just blindly take a doctor's word for it (or a second opinion) either. I think it's ok for intelligent people to question their doctors and weigh their options, and know there have been vaccines or medications used in the past that have later been found to be harmful. For me, skipping the flu shot means I MIGHT get the flu, and it might be bad enough to have harmful effects on me and my baby. But if I get the flu shot, it WILL introduce an unnatural substance into my body that I've never had before, and that might have consequences for me and my baby either now or long term.

    They say no study has shown it to be unsafe for pregnant women, but I don't believe there have been thorough studies on pregnant women...maybe someone can link us to one if you know of one.
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    I do know that the flu vaccine is not tested on pregnant women so the safety and effectiveness is not 100% in any case. This is on the insert of one of the flu vaccines that are recommended by the CDC.
    March '16 December Siggy Challenge - Favorite Christmas Movies/Quotes
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    I'm required by my work to have the flu shot (hospital) or I have to sign papers, wear a mask etc and my OB recommends it so I will be getting it.
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    I will be getting one this year. Pregnancy aside we have relatives with compromised immune systems (one on oxygen, another with an organ transplant) and bringing the flu to them could be lethal. Sure it's not 100% guaranteed effective but better than nothing.
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    On point, my friend! I totally agree.
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    Absolutely. The flu can be very serious in pregnant women, since your immune system is compromised.  Between that and the germs DS brings home from daycare, we are all getting the flu shot this year. 
    Mr. & Mrs. B, Est. 10.23.2009
    m/c: 9/06/12
    LTB: 10/23/13
    Baby B 2.0 EDD: 3/15/16

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    The doctor will recommend it. I'm personally not getting one. I had one years ago snd wasn't pregnant and I got terribly sick and ended up in hospital.
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