Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Newborn Didn't Pass Hearing Test!

So my son is 2 weeks old today and at the hospital he did not passed his hearing test. Nurse said that most infants don't pass the first hearing test they scheduled a second hearing test to see if he just needed time and maybe he progressed. I wasn't so worried when she first told me. To put them in my apartment building our fire alarm went off and I noticed my son had no reaction didn't flinch didn't jump and now he has me very concerned that he may have a hearing problem.I talk to him all day and I'm noticing he doesn't turn in the direction of my voice I'm very worried and not sure what to do?
Has this happened to any other mothers? If so what was the result of second test?

Re: Newborn Didn't Pass Hearing Test!

  • When the fire alarm went off, was he awake or sleeping?  We didn't have an issue with the test, but our fire alarm right outside DS' room has gone off a few times (damn steam from the shower!), and if he's asleep, he doesn't even flinch.  But of course, if I want him to take a nap, his bionic ears can hear me on a different level of the house, yet he sleeps through the fire alarm.  Go figure.

    It sucks, but unfortunately, there is nothing to do but wait, which is the worst.  FWIW - I don't think DS started turning towards our voices until he was a month or two old.   
  • DH and I went through the same thing! Our LO failed his hearing test 3-4 times at the hospital. We were just sick about it! I dropped a cup right next to him on our concrete floor it bounced several times and he didn't flinch. There were times though that it seemed like he could hear and would startle at different noises and then sometimes no reaction at all. Our pediatrician referred us to an audiologist! Also our hospital test from what my husband read has a fairly high fail rate for the type of test that they use. Perhaps your hospital uses the same one? Our LO ended up passing at the audiologist who said it was very common for newborns to fail at the hospital because they can have fluid in ears, etc. and sometimes it can take weeks to work itself out. My thoughts and prayers go out to you as I know how stressful and upsetting it can be!
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  • Yes, the hearing tests given at hospital/nursery are for the lack of a better word, junk! They are very sensitive and often fail. Same thing happened to us, ended up referred to audiologist and passed instantly with flying colors as they use a high quality test. As for your babies response to sounds, they do not respond to them at this age...I can't say exactly when they do but I do know it's not this early. So don't worry! :)
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