Baby Names

Family Names

So I've been going back through family names and trying to find some useable ones. I would love for my child to have a name rich with family history. Which of these names do you love/like/hate? Which ones translate well into this century?


Lois (I was thinking maybe Eloise?)




Amore (my grandmother's MN, I was only thinking of using in the MN slot as well)

Margaret (I much prefer Margot)

Re: Family Names

  • i love estella and eloise! i don't like the rest.
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  • I love Eloise.

    My friends had a  little girl and call her Nellie, but her full name is Nicoletta. 

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  • Estella -- sounds like an old lady to me

    Lois -- I like this one, but I like Eloise as well

    Lucina -- not sure about this one, I associate it with Lucinda, which I like

    Josephine -- was going to name my daughter this when I read Little Women the first time; now that I've grown up, the name has lost its charm to me

    Nellie -- LOVE

    Amore -- would be a great middle name

    Margaret -- eh, can take or leave it, Margot is the same

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  • My grandmother's name was Lois, if that means anything.

    Lucina is OK but I prefer Lucia.

    Dislike Nellie b/c it makes me think of that mean girl on Little House on the Praire.

    The rest are NMS. 

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  • Love Estella!
  • My picks would be Estella, Josephine (my favorite), and Margaret.
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  • Eloise is so pretty!
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  • Meh.  I think they sound like old lady names, but I do like Josephine with a nn of Josie.
  • Lucina is nice, and it's not something you hear all the time. It's a beautiful name, and I think the history makes it even better. Love Amore as a mn.

    Lucina Amore sounds like a winner!

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  • Josephine or Margaret

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  • I like Margaret and Lucina...although I might go with Lucinda or Lucia instead.
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  • Josephine Amore

    Margaret Amore

    Mother of  Sable Rene' & Clifton Michael
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  • I really like Josephine. It's just a classy name, through and through, for any age.

  • Estella - I think a little old ladyish, but I do like StellaLois (I was thinking maybe Eloise?) - Like EloiseLucina - Love, as long as it's pronounced the proper Italian way.  Could also shorten to Lucy or LucieJosephine - Like this name, especially love nn JosieNellie - don't like at allAmore (my grandmother's MN, I was only thinking of using in the MN slot as well) - pretty mnMargaret (I much prefer Margot) - NMS, but pretty and classic
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  • Estella and Josephine are my favorite.  I don't care for the others as much.  Amore is a cute mn though.

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    In all your ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct your paths.
    Proverbs 3:5-6

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