Baby Names

Fill in the blank! B/G

What name sounds nice with these? Its early days, so looking for both boy/girl names.
Bonus points for adding E middle names!

Aidan, Charlotte, Gwendolyn, and ____

Re: Fill in the blank! B/G

  • James Edward
    Oliver Edwin
    Liam Elwood
    Thomas Elliott

    Maureen Elaine
    Bridget Elise
    Lucille Elizabeth
    Josephine Eve
    Audrey Elena

  • Dominic Edwad
    Lawrence Edgar
    Samuel Emmett
    Zachary Elias
    Leon Edmond

    Felicity Edna
    Helena Edith
    Olivia Elizabeth
    Marjorie Elaine
    Teresa Eleanor
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  • MyCousinVinnyMyCousinVinny member
    edited September 2015
    I tried to choose a different E middle name just for the sake of having options.

    Oliver Ezekiel
    Henry Eamon
    Noah Emmett
    James Edward
    Colin Elliot 
    Alexander Everett

    Violet Elizabeth
    Josephine Emily
    Evelyn June 
    Winifred Esme
    Murron Eleanor
    Abigail Elizabeth

  • Thanks for the name suggestions! You guys are amazing... I am especially floored by Violet Elizabeth, Audrey Elena, Collin Elliot, and Alexander Everett.
  • Marcus Edward and Ingrid Eileen
  • Stella Esme
    Clara Eloise
    Grace Evangeline
    Lilliana Elise
    Alexandra Eden

    Micah Elliot
    Luca Edwin
    Anthony Elias
    Benjamin Everett
    Zachary Evan
    Jack Everett
  • bbiutmcph said:
    James Edward
    Oliver Edwin
    Liam Elwood
    Thomas Elliott

    Maureen Elaine
    Bridget Elise
    Lucille Elizabeth
    Josephine Eve
    Audrey Elena
    Audrey Elena is GORGEOUS. I second that suggestion.
    It's a boy! Born 42 weeks, 2 days.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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