Why does your child need a cutesy, precious name? She's only going to wear it well for maybe 5 years. I agree with PP, find a full name you can use the cutie, babyish nickname with until she's a few years old and realizes it's a little too childish to grow up with.
Love the nn Winnie. How about Winona with that nickname? That way, she can have a more refined formal name for when she's an adult.
I also like the name Cosete with the nn Cozy!
Married 10/4/2014 (10-4, good buddy!) Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17 Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
"It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird
Melinda, Minerva, and Miranda are nice names that could work with the nickname Minnie.
Cosette is okay. I'm not a big fan of names that automatically make you think of something/someone else so I can't get over the Les Mis association, but I wouldn't side eye a child named this.
Thank you for the help! I totally have cute little toddler girl in my head when thinking of names bc that's what baby's sister is I need to think adult name too!
So the Minnie Mouse reference wouldn't be something we could overlook? I guess that makes sense, and we do watch a lot of Mickey clubhouse over here. Thanks ladies
I don't think children should be given names that are nicknames. Give them a complete name and then call them a nickname. Or just go with Cosette. Le Mis is cool.
So the Minnie Mouse reference wouldn't be something we could overlook? I guess that makes sense, and we do watch a lot of Mickey clubhouse over here. Thanks ladies
So the Minnie Mouse reference wouldn't be something we could overlook? I guess that makes sense, and we do watch a lot of Mickey clubhouse over here. Thanks ladies
Nn Minnie is totally overlook able.
Full name Minnie is front and center Minnie mouse. And down right cruel.
Full names for sure but I like Winifred or Winona nn Winnie. If there's a second baby girl in our future, her name is going to be Oswin (which I know this board hates, don't worry guys ;+) nn Winnie.
Re: Cosette Winnie or Minnie?
Winifred nn Winnie or Minerva nn Minnie would both be nice too.
If I had to pick though I'd say Winifred and you could call her Winnie as a child. It's definitely not a full name.
I live in Orlando and only crazies name their kids Minnie. It would be like cruel and unusual punishment here.
I also like the name Cosete with the nn Cozy!
Baby Boy #1 born 1/9/17
Baby Boy #2 EDD 11/4/18
Where are we going with this? If you're looking for baby nn's I think you've hit the nail on the head with 2/3. Cosette doesn't really fit that bill.
None of these makes a good, real first name.
I like Winifred nn Winnie. Winona is good too.
Wilhelmina could lend itself to both nicknames.
Melinda, Minerva, and Miranda are nice names that could work with the nickname Minnie.
Cosette is okay. I'm not a big fan of names that automatically make you think of something/someone else so I can't get over the Les Mis association, but I wouldn't side eye a child named this.
Reminds me of the other lady who wanted to name her kid Eponine. Maybe these two can play together.
With nickname Winnie.
Otherwise she will get called Winnie the Pooh or Minnie Mouse and that will just get annoying.
Full name Minnie is front and center Minnie mouse. And down right cruel.
Kids deserve full names.