Please let me know if there is a thread already for this! Saw that July '15 is already talking about this and I'm interested to hear what my fellow June '15-ers are thinking....
When are you all planning/wanting to have another baby, if at all?
One and done? Trying right away? Waiting a couple years? Etc?
Have your thoughts changed??
ETA: I did a search, but not sure if I did it correctly!
Re: Pregnant again?
That being said, we do want to have one or two more, but I'd like to wait (maybe a year?) to give my body and sanity a break! I think DH would start trying again in a couple months if I gave the go-ahead. Eeek.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
My professional timing for this baby was perfect, though I didn't realize it at first. I don't think I'll be in such a good professional position again only one year out... But I know there probably never seems to be a perfect time. This LO has taught me that things just work out.
TL;DR - One more, two if we hurry and DH allows it, but not for at least a year
A girl I work with had her 2nd baby the day after baby 1's first birthday so she didn't get her birthday recognised because they were in the hospital. I always feel a little sad for her and think she's lost her mum in a way but kudos to her for feeling as though she can manage both babies.
I agree about the title of this post though...I saw it and was like OH SHIT and maybe let it a little cackle that said "BETTER HER THAN ME".
We're using the good old condom for bc until I start menstruating again and can go back to temping so I can avoid for now and then conceive when I'm ready. I'm breastfeeding so who knows when my period will come back. But I wanted to avoid hormonal bc so that I wouldn't have to wait on my body regulating itself when I'm ready to start trying again. Not foolproof as far as bc hoes, but we won't be mad if it happens a little earlier than planned, so no big deal.
In all seriousness though, I would love another. I've always wanted three (I have two siblings), and figured I would have two and adopt the third (overpopulation and whatnot). However, after experiencing pregnancy and all the pain that went with it for me, i'm not sure I can do it again. While pregnant I just thought we would just adopt two... no big deal. But now i'm kind of sad and torn about it. I know I will love any adopted children the same way but there is something special about giving birth to and holding your child for those first weeks. And... I would want to be done within the next five years max so I don't have a ton of time.
I guess the short answer is no more biological children for us unless I magically get my fibro under control.
And next time I say I'm having the baby, none of this 'do I have time to make a protein shake?' BS. I was 9 3/4 dilated by the time we arrived at the hospital last time!
I second @KonaCoffeeBean .. My stomach dropped reading the title of this thread. I couldn't imagine being pregnant while taking care of another child, let alone taking care of two kids! You mom's with more than one are superheroes!
I am not interested in having a newborn again... And not sleeping. But we did discuss not having an only child, so it was either zero kids or more than one, in our minds. I'm 33 and DH is 35 and he's panicking about being an old dad... So maybe in another 2 years? I'm also not against adopting.
But I've also been thinking that I could handle being a single child family. I'd like to focus on work more after my year of SAHM and having another would make me want to take another year off, if possible.
I am 31 and we'd like 2 kids. I've always been in the camp of wanting them close-ish together so I could see trying when LO is 15 months or maybe a little more. Closer then that and I may lose it! (And that's with a great, calm, happy baby!!)
But to answer your question - Hell. No. One and done, here. For a couple of reasons... 1) We never planned on children, ever, and LO was a surprise. 2) because we never planned on kids, we are old - DH is 38 and I am 37, if we waited even 3 years that puts me at 40. Of course women can have babies at 40, I just don't want to be one of them.
I have a sister and step siblings and half siblings, and I admit my relationship with my sister is awesome. We are 5 years apart, which wasn't really annoying except when the younger is a baby, and when the older becomes a teen. I do think siblings are great for kids, but if we were to have another it would either be another accident (and we are using condoms right now before I get a Mirena implanted, so that's pretty unlikely), or DH and I would have to agree *very soon* to have another, cause if we were gonna have another, I'd rather just get it the hell over with.
If LO asks us for a brother or sister when he's bigger, well then... Hopefully he won't. But if he does I guess we'll talk about it again. I can't predict my mind 4 or 5 years from now, but my biological clock may take that decision away from me anyway. So if LO asks for a sibling, we would probably adopt - DH was adopted as a baby and we have always liked the idea of giving another child the opportunity he received by being adopted by a loving family
That being said ideally I want a second one but they will probably not be close in age.
My brother is 9 years older than me. We are close now, but we've had serious sibling rivalry issues most of our lives.