our first sons name is family related, so we're trying to come up with another potential boys name That is also family related (baby #2 due in April)
Other male family options are:
Or we could go with no family connection, but I'm having a tough time selling these cause dh thinks they are "random"
We like older, traditional, and non gender nuetral names... What would you pick?
Re: Sibling name for Frederick David
I also like Marshall the best, because it sounds more southern to me (and I'm originally from the south)
Stanley and Arnold are both old school, but feel REALLY old school to me, so I'm iffy on those
Stanley Graham and Marshall Allan are my fav combos
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Douglas Allen
Vincent Allen
George Stanley
Bradley Arnold
Thomas Marshall
Leonard( nn Leo) Allen
Ooh I really like George and Bradley!
I'm also pleasantly surprised by the positive response to Stanley and Arnold. I wasn't s huge fan of Frederick at first, but now that he's a real person, it just fits him so well.