May 2015 Moms

8/20 GTKY How would your closest friend(s) describe you?

Shy or outgoing? chatty or quiet?  What are some words your friends would use to describe you?

Re: 8/20 GTKY How would your closest friend(s) describe you?

  • A few years back, one of my friends described me as the person she would most want to be with during an emergency or natural disaster- lol. So, organized, I guess?
  • I'm the Honest friend. I'm the one my friends come to for advice. They know if they ask me something, they are getting my truthful opinion or the honest truth. I'm the worst liar. I also hear I'm pretty funny, and have a trash mouth. Lol! It's true.
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  • Currently my best friend would describe me as a bitch because I couldn't come to her birthday dinner. It happend in the middle of Jax's bedtime routine and my hubby works long hrs this time of year. I felt terrible but my kids come first. Hopefully she gets over it.
    Typically my friends would describe me as the quiet but dependable friend. Maybe not anymore...who knows???
  • My oldest friend describes me as a rule follower lol
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