Baby Names

Prelim name considerations

LC122LC122 member
edited August 2015 in Baby Names
We never fully decide on names until late, but here are a few that have come up and I wanted to get a general sense of thoughts/preferences for these.
Feel free to add suggestions in the comments.

Prelim name considerations 113 votes

6% 7 votes
13% 15 votes
7% 8 votes
10% 12 votes
45% 51 votes
15% 18 votes
See comments for suggestion
1% 2 votes

Re: Prelim name considerations

  • Nms but not bad. I would take out Asa and Lachlan though. I voted Alistair but I think Winston is nice and you don't see it often.
  • Sebastian than Alistair. Not a fan of the others
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  • I can't say I dislike any of the names. Sebastian has climbed the popularity charts quickly so although I love it it does make me love it less.

  • My three year old is Sebastian. It was #50 when we picked it; now it's in the high thirties. Ugh... That said, we get lots of compliments on the name.
  • ecwkecwk member
    I like Alastair the best. I used to have a friend named that and we would call him Ally.

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  • I love the name Asa!
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  • How is Lachlan pronounced? That one boggles my mind / I would dump it unless it has some significance in your family.
  • I actually like Lachlan. I went to school with one and he was always really nice (and cute!).

    I also love Asa and Sebastian. I like Alistair but I personally don't like the nickname Al - which is what people call the only Alistair I've met.
    Winston and Laurence are nms.
  • susanb15 said:

    How is Lachlan pronounced? That one boggles my mind / I would dump it unless it has some significance in your family.

    Lachlan is pronounced like Lock-Lan (Land, without the D), accent on Lock. It is Scottish. We have a Scottish last name.
  • I like Sebastian and Winston, but voted Winston since it is less common. I think it is a fantastic name!
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