Baby Names

Billy Joel's Daughter's Name

Della Rose. 


Re: Billy Joel's Daughter's Name

  • I actually like Della. So overall I like it and for a celebrity it's an A+

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  • I love it. I won't ever get to use it as I have boys but it was on my list for girls.
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  • della is terrible

  • Very nice!
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    Kinda cute!
  • I actually don't mind it, I think it's kind of pretty. And for a celebrity it's pretty darn good, nothing too crazy!!
  • I like it.  It's cute.  It's also unique without being a fruit, color, or direction.  No issues with pronunciation or spelling either. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

  • I love Della! I have been trying to find a way to use it as a nickname, but don't like any of the immediate names that come to mind!
  • I think Della is beautiful (I may be biased, my grandmother's name was Delle and I always thought it was gorgeous). Rose is a little cliche as a middle, but Billy Joel is a legend and no matter what, he can do no wrong for me!
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  • I think Della is beautiful (I may be biased, my grandmother's name was Delle and I always thought it was gorgeous). Rose is a little cliche as a middle, but Billy Joel is a legend and no matter what, he can do no wrong for me!

    Rose is for Rosalind, his mother who passed away last year. There is a song called "Rosalinda's Eyes" that was inspired by her.

    I'm just relieved they didn't use my chosen baby name! I am the biggest Billy Joel fan ever, and if they had used my name, everyone would have thought I was copying them for sure!
  • I actually think it's pretty given normal celebrity naming trends these days!
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