February 2016 Moms

baby shower dates

Dilemma when to plan the baby shower will all the holidays coming up. Is November too soon for a Feb 2 due date?

Re: baby shower dates

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    I think I have seen something like this posted (a WHILE back) and most of the replies were that November seemed good. I would think so because normally people are trying to recoup financially from christmas in Jan so they may not bee a good time. Just my 2 cents. 

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    Mine is being planned for November
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    I made a post about a month ago with the same question and the consensus was November was good! Mine will be 11.14 and my Due date is 2.2!
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    I think my sister is going to shoot for the first weekend in Dec for feb 17th due date.
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    I was 29/30 weeks at my baby shower for DS. I thought it was good timing. I was cutely pregnant without being huge and miserable. Had plenty of time to sort out and return/exchange gifts and get whatever else we needed. I would hate to be doing all that organizing and returning in the last month.
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    We are doing a November baby shower as well!
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    My best friend is planning a late November shower for me and my sue date is 2/15. I think it is perfect timing.
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    My shower is Nov. 1 and I'm due 2/5. My sister is hosting it about 4-5 hours from where I live now, so earlier will be way more convenient.

    imageLilypie - (zxAe)

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    My DD was also born in Feb (2014) and I was thrown a shower the first weekend in December and the timing was great.
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    I don't think doing it early is a problem at all.  With my first we picked a date when I was going to be 35 weeks for my shower.  Well guess who decided to arrive at 33 weeks?  Let's just say the shower had to be postponed and my son was actually able to attend his shower outside the womb after he got out of the NICU and that is just not ideal in my opinion.  

    After that experience I'd sat that any time in the 2nd tri would be a good time to do it. 
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    Oh gosh! I have heard that happening... I think it's best to have plenty of time to get everything washed, put up, exchanged if needed and see what else you may need after. Like PP said, I would hate to try to get all of that done at 36-38 weeks!

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    My son was born Feb (2009) and I had a shower in November. My daughter was born March (2011) and I had a shower early Feb. My third baby was born in Nov (2012) and I had a shower in Oct. I agree it's better not be so far along because I was just weeks before giving birth. I think around 7 months would be a good time to have a shower. :)
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    camusoh2011camusoh2011 member
    edited August 2015
    I would prefer for family who feels the need to gift or do a baby shower to just include a gift for baby at Christmas. No need for an extra gathering in the winter here when weather can be unpredictable. I feel like being just over a month to my due date at that point that it would be okay. I of course won't be asking for gifts for baby as we already have so much from our other kids, but I just feel like that would make way more sense.

    ETA: A friend just had her baby at 37 weeks because of pre-e. She had JUST had her shower the weekend before. They were in a bind because someone had purchased the car seat they wanted, but it hadn't been delivered yet and they were at the hospital freaking out. A little early never hurt anyone.

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    My mom booked a venue a month ago ha! Mine is booked for November 14th, and due date is 2.4!
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    I'm thinking sometime in early Jan. Weather is not a huge issue where I am. I'm due 2/10 with my first and I am sure I'll be late.
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    I'm thinking November as well. I'm not due until 2-22 but I don't want to do it in December or January because of holidays and waiting until February seems like a bad idea. I dont want to wait until last minute because anything we dont get at the shower daddy and I will need to get. Ill want to wash everything and put it away and have it all organized for when baby arrives. Plus I live in Illinois and family traveling in the dead middle of winter doesn't seem like a good idea either.
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    My SIL is planning mine and has decided middle of January. 

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    I live in southern Cali. So weather is never an issue here. But I do like gatherings that can be outside
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    Is anyone else thinking of doing a long distance shower? We are stationed in Maryland but all of our family is in California and we are too broke to miss out on gifts and family time! We hardly get a chance to talk to everyone and I've seen a ton of ideas on Pinterest and a website which name I forgot. . There's that pregnancy brain.
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    I think I might have mine right after New Years. Or even right before. Haha. Because people are just looking for extra things to do between Xmas and New Years, right?

    I'm a teacher, so if I can get mine done over my winter break, that will be best for me and several of my friends.
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    I refuse to have mine in December. It's my bday month, my husband's, christmas and Chanukah. It's a hard time for money for everyone too and a busy time of year with lots of parties.
    I'm due feb 2nd and last ultrasound dated me at jan 31st so jan is too risky for me (maybe if I was end of feb) so I'm having mine the weekend before thanksgiving.
    We looked at a venue today and my mom is booking tomorrow.

    Feb '16 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Thing About Fall: Haunted Houses and Scary Movies! 

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    We will do early-mid Nov to avoid Christmas season and give my sister who lives out of town a reason to make two trips. My mom really wanted to do it AT christmas so she would be there already but I am really against it. I don't want to expect people to pay for Christmas AND my shower. I'll be just into my third trimester

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I think November is good! I personally get Christmas shopping done in October of every year!
    Happily Married to Tim {10-11-2003}
    Isabella {09-02-05} & Savannah {03-02-07} & Bradley {02-06-10}

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    We're doing late November since our family is all up in upstate New York and I don't want to interrupt the holidays, nor will I travel through winter weather to get there, especially getting anywhere close to my due date (2.15)
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    My parents live out of state and they are worried about me flying in the third trimester. My DD is Feb. 28 so consequently my mom is planning a shower for mid November. My mother-in-law is planning a local shower at the end of January.
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    I'm due on February 3rd and I am having mine the first Saturday in December, so December 5th. It works out nice because because it's the week after Thanksgiving and all of the sales have begun :) 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Hi all!  First time pregnant, and due date is Feb 26, which is later than most people posting.

    I was also thinking of November for a baby shower, especially because its our first, but we are already going to Hawaii the last two Saturdays in November.  Is early November too early?  On Nov 14-15, I would only be 24 weeks!  But I feel like otherwise, December is out, and I already have one weekend booked out in January.

    Is there like a week time frame that is "appropriate"?
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    gmjpeach1 said:
    Hi all!  First time pregnant, and due date is Feb 26, which is later than most people posting.

    I was also thinking of November for a baby shower, especially because its our first, but we are already going to Hawaii the last two Saturdays in November.  Is early November too early?  On Nov 14-15, I would only be 24 weeks!  But I feel like otherwise, December is out, and I already have one weekend booked out in January.

    Is there like a week time frame that is "appropriate"?
    Pretty much 2nd trimester is fair game.

    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBabysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
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    I'm doing mine early in my second trimester because here in my state, no one takes care of the roads and we will have family traveling from over 300 miles. I want to do it late October, I'll know the sex then, and harvest decorations will be at at dollar stores! Which always seemed so beautiful to me(: plus most of my family gives gift cards for Christmas, and then I can use the gift cards for things we don't have yet!(:
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    I figure I will have mine the first weekend in December. My due date is February 28th and I know that I don't want to wait until January because that will only leave me a month to exchange and buy things for the baby that I don't receive at my shower.  Also, my aunt brought up a good point in that if I get my registry out before black friday shopping my guests may be able to get some awesome deals on the presents they're buying me!  (additionally I want to take advantage of Christmas sales myself after the shower :)
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    I'm so glad there are so many others doing November showers! My mom keeps asking me "are you sure it's not too early?" But I agree with others that the financial stress of December/early Jan as well as crazy winter weather make it seem like the best option!
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    I live in CA and my family is in PA. I'm planning to be in PA Oct 23-31 and also around Christmas (maybe Dec 14-26) and I likely won't be able to come back for a third trip. Is October 24 better than a December shower or is it too early? Neither is ideal and I'm not sure what is better!
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    I vote December!
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    I'd love to not have one at all, but my mom and best friend will throw one whether I attend or not, so I'm thinking the first or second week of December, because at least that way I can have a Christmas themed shower.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I am going to have the family baby shower over Thanksgiving weekend since all of my family lives on the other side of the state and we will be visiting then.  The shower with all of my friends and co-workers will be the beginning of December.  This is the perfect time of year to be able to take advantage of sales!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
                           -1st MC- June 2014 at 6 weeks 
                      -2nd MC- December 2014 at 7 weeks
                     -Braxton Bradley has arrived!  1/4/2016
                              (original EDD was 2/2/2016)

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    So I am from Alberta, Canada, and it's not like a totally different planet or anything, but we seem to do showers SOO different! I have never heard of any of my friends or family having a baby shower until the baby is born!! Generally we always purchase the car seat/ stroller/ crib and other essentials ourselves and gifts from friends and family are kind of everything else! Up here, the point of the shower is to meet the baby and have yummy snacks and visit! While I understand concerns about baby's immune system and being around sick people, it has never really been a problem. We usually wait until baby is a month or 2 old and then throw a bash!!
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    I want to do November too! A friend of mine had a February baby and had her shower in november and she said it was perfect. She wasn't too pregnant or uncomfortable and had plenty of time to get anything they still needed for the baby
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    We are going to do mine the first weekend of December because several of us are also going to run a marathon (half for me) that weekend!
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    @jamieruns YGAPM

    Baby F.......02/02/2016
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    jaimeruns said:

    We are going to do mine the first weekend of December because several of us are also going to run a marathon (half for me) that weekend!

    Can I just say I'm super jealous of your running ability right now. Super. Duper.

    BabyFetus Ticker
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