Baby Names

Looking for name ideas!

Baby 3 is on his or her way, and I'm looking to start a list of ideas!

DS is Carter and DD is Hadley. I know these are not the most popular names on here, but my husband tends to like trend city names (think Brynlee and Jax) so I'm happy with where we landed for them! :)

Other names I like but can't use: Violet, Kate, Maggie, Eliza, Miles, Milo, Henry, William.

Names with a long I sound (Eliza, Miles) sound weird with our last name. I want to avoid another H name, and probably avoid another C name. I definitely want to avoid another surname!!

I'd love to hear your suggestions that you think would go well! I was also a teacher for a long time, so a lot of names will probably be ruled out from that!

Thank you so so much!! :)


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