November 2015 Moms

trying to get motivation to start exercising

I'm 24 weeks and never exercised regularly before I was pregnant. Now that I'm showing alot, I'm feeling nervous of how huge I will get in the next couple months..I have a hard time getting motivated enough to exercise regularly and haven't so far yet. I feel like I need to start asap before I get any bigger but just not motivated.

Re: trying to get motivation to start exercising

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    I was really motivated to exercise with my first - I was worried about avoiding gestational diabetes and excessive weight gain. And I was super glad I did - I was able to run 4 weeks postpartum and felt great. I feel like my recovery was so much faster because I was in shape before my C section! Maybe one of those reasons will help you? And you don't need to go nuts - walking 30 minutes 3-4 days a week is a good start!
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    For motivation can you have you SO or friend work out with you? If you did not exercise before getting pregnant I would take it easy, walking is always good. Maybe just a walk in the morning or after dinner.
    If you are eating healthy most of the time, try not to worry too much about the weight, your body gains what it needs to for the baby.
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    Are there any pregnancy classes running near you?
    I just started antenatal yoga and I'm really enjoying it. I am also hoping to try a pregnancy aqua aerobics class.
    I lack motivation too, so I find that committing to a class helps. Plus it's nice to meet other local mums-to-be.
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    Do you have or could you get a fitbit or some other activity tracker?  I've always been a bit of a gamer and found that I really like to try to beat my "high score."  This motivates me to get up.  It's not hard core exercise, but it gets me more active and is helpful in keeping me moving.

    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    edited August 2015
    Accountability works for me. Try to latch onto a group of any kind who are getting up and doing their thing. I'm on mobile so can't link it but we have an awesome fit mamas thread going if you need support and ideas! :)

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    I was more active before I got pregnant but have adjusted my routine to accommodate my larger and much more tired body. I try to walk 3-4 times a week, usually do 2.5-3 miles each time and then yoga once a week and light arm weights at home. Squats & lunges are easy to sneak in while your home as well. I completely stopped going to the gym, I'm just too tired most days to make the trip there and I'd rather work out whenever I feel like it vs. their timing. Set a small goal for yourself like 3 workouts a week and then slowly increase over time, if you track your workouts with a Fitbit or my fitness pal app it will help you be accountable and it's fun to look back and see how much you have done.
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    Don't push yourself too hard since you aren't used to exercising. I'd recommend a daily half hour power walk and prenatal yoga once a week. I'm loving that so far and it keeps me active.
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