We practice head control and look around in the Bumpo Seat, do tummy time and watch the mobile on his play mat, read books, and spend time in the bouncer. But, I'm looking for other fun ideas to do with my 2 month old (he'll be 10 weeks on Wednesday). I'd love to take him to a park or for a walk around the neighborhood, but it has been so hot here that being outside isn't really an option for us right now.
What fun things do you and your little one enjoy doing together?
Re: What activities do you do with your baby?
We've also started playing with a rattle. I have to put it in his hand but he looks surprised whenever he moves his hand and he hears it shake.
I also often will lay him on my bed and just talk to him. That's especially good if I have laundry to fold. I'll pat his head with the clean clothes and just smile and talk. He will "talk" back and smile. It's good for babies to have "conversation" with you
Sometimes we chase the dog. We'll sneak up on him and scare him and then run after him. Her face lights up when he jumps and runs. lol
We play dress up. I'll change her outfit or put a hat on me and do a fashion commentary like Joan Rivers.
We make games out of pretty much everything and talk and sing all day.
In the afternoon we often set up a blanket outside to lay on... Often looking around is enough with some chatting and singing songs
Im looking forward to when she notices the toys I place in her hands a bit more