January 2016 Moms

Feeling baby move yet?

I'm 17 weeks today & can't wait to feel her swimming around in there!

Have ya'll felt baby yet? Or when did you feel your previous babies move?

Re: Feeling baby move yet?

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    I'm 17 weeks going on 18 weeks Tuesday and I've felt movement. It's an indescribable feeling! It's precious! This is my first. However, my OB asked at my 16 week appt if I was feeling movement and I said "idk it feels like gas" and he said "well get ready, you're small framed so you'll be feeling it soon!" I'm looking forward to more movement!
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    I'm 16 weeks will be 17 on Wednesday and this is my first, I'm sooo anxious to feel him move for the first time!
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    I can't wait. 16 on Tuesday so I know it's early. FTM too so I'm not too hopeful that it'll be soon. But u ant wait. It's the next big one (if it happens before next ultrasound at 20 weeks). I'm looking forward to more stories of movement and finally being able to share my own :)
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    Hi! Congrats on your baby girl! There is actually a sticky on the 2nd trimester board about this, with a lot of responses. Here is the link:
    Hopefully you will be feeling her soon! :)

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I'm 17+1 and started feeling movement at the end of 15 weeks. It's becoming more and more frequent as the days go on. Now I'm feeling him/her at least once a day every day. It's the best!
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    I felt movement yesterday  just before I was 17 weeks. I was at the beach with my DH laying on my stomach and all of a sudden I felt this wallop and I started to laugh and rolled onto my back. I told my DH and he put his hand on my stomach and sure enough she did it three more times. In fact right now, she's really active. I'm pretty small, 5'3 and 107 lbs so I think that's why I can feel movement so early. It's pretty exciting!!!!! I can only feel it when I'm laying flat. Sometimes it feels like rolling and at other times its more direct hits. Gonna have a little athlete on our hands. Hope you feel things soon :)
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    I'm a FTM and plus sized. I was convinced from what I read that I wasn't going to feel anything until closer/after 20 weeks. Surprisingly, I just started feeling the baby at 17 weeks (5 days ago). I wasn't sure at first, but the tapping/flutters happen daily, especially after I eat.
    I'm also plus size and 17w today. I am pretty sure I've been feeling the slightest little bit of baby as I've gone about my day. Feels like a very light brush of a feather.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Lilypie - FiGB
    Married DH 11/15/08
    Formerly MissMheMhe
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    I'm small framed but I do have a little fat on my tummy and I can't feel a thing.... I know it's early (17 weeks) and there is a chance it won't be a while before I feel it, but God these post get to me! Lol! I just want to feel that movement for reassurance!
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    I felt movement for the first time last night! I'm 16 weeks 5 days.
    With. With my first, I didn't feel movement till week 19 or 20. I tend to always feel the most at night time laying on my back.
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    STM started feeling this baby move at 16.5 weeks, but with my first I didn't start feeling movement until 18 weeks or so, I thought I felt movement at 17 weeks, but wasn't sure.
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    No way!!! I've been having an ache in my right side for over 24 hrs, it didn't feel severe so I was ignoring it but still feeling concerned disputed my better judgement... Was laying here thinking about it and felt 3 little taps in my belly! Much lower than I would have thought that they would be!! I think maybe that was it!!! More like popcorn than butterflies!! I hope so!! I really hope so!
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    I wish. Impatiently waiting at 15 weeks. 
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    16 weeks and one day and can't wait :).
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    18 weeks today! I've felt popcorn or fluttery feelings for a few weeks but the last couple of days I have felt bigger rolls and strong kicks. Tonight I had my hand on my abdomen and my hand visibly lifted with a strong kick!! It made me giggle instantly. Loving this phase of pregnancy. So much better then the barfies. Also like other posters have said I am surprized by how low if is. I would get others to try and feel but it's kind of too far into the pubic zone for me to want other people to feel....
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    I'm 17w 5d and I don't feel the flutters yet, but I can feel her stretch or she likes to rest, what I'm guessing is her head, in my pelvis a certain way that is noticeable to me. Still anticipating flutters!
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    I've felt a lot of pressure in my low abdomin and left side.. But nothing defined yet. Just rolling around I guess, not so much punching or kicking. Excited for it though!! Patiently waiting. 18w3d
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    With my first I didn't feel anything until after 20wks... This is my 2nd and I started feeling baby at 14wks! It was always in the evening like dd, but I wasn't feeling it very often. Now at 17+2, I'm still only feeling it occasionally. I want to feel baby all the time already!
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    Curious...what does size have to do with it? Moms often feel it internally before it can be felt externally. I felt DD and DS long before others could feel it by placing hands on my stomach. I don't understand what being plus sized would have to do with your uterus and the baby. Enlighten me, please? I get others feeling it, but not yourself.

    DD 12/20/99, DS 12/14/12, M/C 9/2014, M/C 1/2015

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    I was wondering the same thing @SummerOH . I know being overweight can make abdominal u/s and doppler a little more difficult, but I never heard of it blocking the feeling of the baby moving.
    I'm constantly feeling thumps, flutters, and poppings, but they're always above my belly button. Since my uterus won't even reach my belly button until week 20 I just assume it's my digestive system getting used to it's placement.
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    I felt my first actual tiny kick last night, loved it!!!! I am 16 weeks with my third baby. I have been feeling squirming for a few weeks but very light. It's just now starting to get stronger. Love feeling baby :) It's my favorite part of pregnancy.
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    I'm not really sure being plus size has anything to do with it. I have been feeling internal flutters for nearly a week now and I'm very plus sized. No way could it be felt in the outside but I can certainly feel it inside. I think maybe since we're told it will take a long time we assume they also mean a long time for us when they're really just talking about the outside. FWIW I had no problems having an external sono at 12 weeks or picking up the HB with a Doppler. My tummy isn't insanely fluffy (more butt and thighs) but it's pretty fluffy and no issues.
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    I read about it in a bunch of places, but maybe some of it was a myth. There wasn't much explanation. I assumed it was because we had extra padding in that area. I do have lot of fat below my belly button where I'm feeling the baby. I think the latest I saw was that I wouldn't see/feel the kicks externally longer because of the extra padding.

    ***BFP and Loss Mentioned in Siggy***

    Me: 39 (PCOS)
    DH: 47 (slightly low volume...considered MFI)
    TTC since 11/2012
    10/2013:  IUI#1 BFN - 50mg clomid, two .75mg shots of Bravelle, ovidril trigger...1 follicle
    11/14/13: IUI#2 BFN - 50mg clomid, two .75 mg shots of Bravelle, ovidrill trigger..2 follicles

    IVF #1 w/ICSI:  ER 3/12/14; ET 3/17/14:  BFP!!!  Beta #1 3/31/14=1540;  Beta #2 4/2/14 =2551

    Twin A became an angel on 4/30/14 (8w6d)

    Twin B became an angel on 5/21/14 (11w6d)

    D&C 5/23/14

    FET#1 - 9/2/14 - BFP!!! Beta #1 (9/15): 926.  Beta #2 (9/17): 1946.

    MC -9/20/14
    FET#2 - 4/20/15 - BFP!!! Beta #1 (5/4): 1277.  Beta #2 (5/6): 2817.  US#5 -153 heartbeat.
    Due Date: January 6, 2016
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    @amyelise25 it makes sense that we wouldn't feel it on the outside for quite awhile but I do think the inside would be whenever you feel it. Honestly I started feeling definite taps/flutters at 15.5 weeks. Especially if I'm sitting low and crouched over/squishing baby a little. He/she kicks back lol.
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    I'm 16 weeks today and my weekly update from The Bump says you can start feeling movements now. I was sitting very still on the couch a few days ago and felt a flutter right in the same area the doc had the Doppler positioned to hear baby's heartbeat the day before. I couldn't believe I was feeling movement already since I didn't remember it being so early with DS, but I'm almost positive that's what it was!
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    I am also plus sized and had a perfect abdominal ultrasound at 8 weeks, and Doppler at 12. No problem at all!

    No movement yet for me. I keep thinking I'm feeling something and then I fart :/ Soon, I hope!
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    I'm 17+3 and felt her move today! It was like butterfly wings! :D
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    Married: 2012
    BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 <3 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
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    I'm almost 17 weeks and have been feeling my little butterfly since half way through week 15. Especially after eating lately. With my first I think I was around 18 weeks when I first realized I was feeling him move.
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    I'm 18 weeks and FTM ! Still waiting as well
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    Still waiting at 18w4d... Come on little nugget!
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    18w exactly and still waiting here too!
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    I started feeling movements right at 17 weeks, now I'm almost 18 and feel baby about once or twice a day.

    For girls waiting for movement, eat dinner and lay down flat, lay still and relax and you may catch the 1st few wiggles! I know some people say you can confuse it for gas bubbles, but it'll be low....you'll know it when you feel it ;)
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    18 weeks and finally feeling baby and i know its not gas:)
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    With my first, the placenta was attached anterior (I think that's what it's called?) so I could badly feel her kicks till 25+ weeks and my husband didn't until way later in the pregnancy. This baby is attached "normally" so I felt kicks at 15 weeks and just saw my stomach move when this little one kicked tonight. I've even felt 2 kicks! I know some are skeptical but This isn't my first rodeo and it's so freakin' awesome!
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    I am 18wks with my third and have definitely felt kicks since about 12wks and now I can feel them on the outside too. I love laying in bed with my hand on my belly just feeling the kicks, it is my favorite part of pregnancy and I am so greatful to be able to feel if so early this time
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    Impatiently waiting! I thought I might have felt a few little flutters but it's so hard to tell. I am FTM and so I guess it's harder to tell... Still on high alert ;).
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    I am plus size as well and have felt a few things here and there, waiting inpaitently for more.
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    reishiareishia member
    edited August 2015
    My little guy moves a lot when I'm laying/sitting still. I have noticed after I drink ice cold orange juice he gets a little crazy In there my DH thought I was joking until I did it before my ultrasound yesterday and the little man wouldn't stop moving. Needless to say I drink OJ a lot these days to get a good laugh
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