I just would like some insight on when you other mamas either stopped BF or how to deal with the emotions of stopping. I am a FTM who is also a full time nursing student (I get my BSN in less than a year from now) I am at school for 5-8 hours about 2-3 times a week and I also have 12.5 hour clinicals where I work in the hospital once a week. I went back to school 3 weeks after giving birth and since I knew I was going to have to go back so soon, I supplemented with formula, pumped and BF from day one. My supply was great until I went back to school and now I'm starting to get depressed over not having enough milk to supply my child as well as the pain that goes through getting swollen with milk and not able to release when I'm at school. While my school is technically BF friendly and has nursing rooms that I can utilize I am unable to pump because even though I'm at school for so long we are given 1-2 15 minute breaks in a day. So I either don't eat or attempt to pump but with so little time I'm unable to do so properly which is resulting in clogged ducts. DH is guilting me for "not giving our child my best" by choosing to stop BF. My LO is a week shy of 3 months. What do I do and am I a horrible mom for not wanting to be in pain anymore and stop BF. She only gets about 2 BF's a day which typically still have to be supplemented. am I holding on in pain for no reason? HELP
Re: Guilt over having to stop BF/should I stop?
As for the pain if you really want to stop completely, skip a pump or go longer between pumps to start. Then just keep increasing the time between pumps/feeds. It took me about 2 weeks to stop completely.
I'm sorry DH isn't supportive.... if only they could walk in our shoes for a day! You have done great keeping this up for so long! It's time to let go of the stress and focus on the rest!
If your husband needs convincing, look up the article calm down about breastfeeding. There is some research that contradicts the idea breastfeeding is the best. Not a lot, but some things to think about.
I don't know if this is possible but could you try to wean off of pumping and just nurse morning and night. I read that 3-4 oz of BM gives benefits. So you could have the best of both worlds.
Or would you feel comfortable pumping during lecture? I've been able to easily set myself up so no one can see anything so I don't have to leave when I'm with friends. But clinical a would be tough...
Your husband needs to support you. Helping you figure out a way to sustain this is appropriate. Guilting you is not!
If none of that works then you gave 3 months of milk and there's nothing wrong with formula for the next year.
A happy, sane mom is super important!
As PPs have mentioned, most of the studies that show breast milk is superior to formula were done prior to the addition of DHA and ARA to formula.
With all that said, I believe you should never make such a big decision on a "bad" day. Wait a few days and see how you feel then. It's much harder to get your supply back once you start to ween.
Also, please know that what you are feeling is completely normal. Many women have to make this difficult choice, and lots of moms mourn the "loss" of breastfeeding. Just remember, you will be okay!
Good luck in whatever YOU choose! Because it is 100% your choice.