3rd Trimester

Things you actually NEED for hosptial ?

hello! FTM here, My name is Kaity and this is my first time posting here but I frequent the high risk boards! My DD will be arriving quicker than planned, I am being induced Monday morning at 37 weeks due to her iugr.

I have been reading tons of article telling me what I need to bring to the hosptial, and now have ended up with what seems like way too much stuff to lug around...but then again I live an hour from the hosptial so maybe better safe that sorry?

Just wanted to know your opinions on what was really useful at the hosptial/what you wish you had and what you wish you would've left at home!

Thank you in advance

Re: Things you actually NEED for hosptial ?

  • there is a thread 5 down from this one that asks the exact same question. Try using your search function.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • With my first, I went to the hospital with NO bag because I didn't expect DD to come when she did.  The hospital supplies you with all essentials for baby: clothes, swaddle blankets, formula (if you choose that route), diapers, wipes.  They also bathe baby for you while you're there.  For the mamas, they supply post partum underwear/pads, gown, socks.  My husband was able to run home and get my stuff.  You will need pjs, a pair of sweat/yoga pants, tank top (if you're nursing), sports bra or nursing bra, shoes, and your preferred toiletries.  My hospital offered a breastfeeding class so I didn't want to be a complete disaster for that :)

    Married June 23, 2012
    TTC #1 December 2012
    DD born December 2013 
    BFP  January 2015
    Due October 2015

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  • Safi12Safi12 member
    She wasn't being hateful kaityhylton. She was just directing you to a post that would be of help.

    I hope your induction goes well and you have a healthy baby.

    Be strong and don't be nervous. You can do it!
  • You could always leave a larger bag of stuff you probably won't need in the car since you live 1 hour from the hospital. 
  • I didn't use most of the things in my bag. All I ended up using was my nursing bras, wipes (my hospital only provided gauze squares moistened with water from the sink for diaper changes), a swaddle with Velcro (because I can't do a real swaddle), a pacifier, onesies, and pajamas for my last day after I was able to shower. I was in the hospital for 2.5 days and almost didn't even need my phone charger bc all I wanted to try to do was sleep. Don't forget clothes for you to go home in unless you wanna wear pajamas in front of the whole hospital.
  • No need to be hateful. Clearly I didn't see her post. So sorry that it was SUCH an inconvenience for you to see two similar posts, I'm sure that never happens on here.
    It happens all the damn time and clogs up the board. Hence why we point out the search function (which the Bump Guidelines, pinned to the top of each board, also indicates you should use). YOU are the one in the wrong here, not Snoflakes. 
  • snacks, and seriously, your own pillow!! just had my baby, and these things were an amazing comfort to me in the hospital
  • Just saying ..sometimes trying to find a duplicate thread is harder than just posting the question. Simply overlook it if it's duplicate and u don't want to respond. Thank u kaytihylton for asking the question. I gave been searching threads for the perfect packing list as well
  • I took an outfit for me for each day I would be there (never know if you'll bleed through) I took my own "support" panties because I heard horror stories of the ones they supply!! I took my makeup for the last day (I just ended up using mascara), my shower supplies, a pair of shorts/sweats, comfy shirt, nursing bra/nursing tank, house shoes, my own towels, my own pillow, and phone charger!!

    They supply everything for the baby but the bring home outfit!! Worst case scenario there is ALWAYS  a walmart!!

  • Clothes for you and baby, charger, toothbrush, shower stuff. Snacks
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