November 2015 Moms

Am I the only one who hasn't bought a single thing for LO?!?

I'm not even sure where to start or what to start buying. I'm just dumbfounded. I don't even know what the sex is either. I've had 4 ultrasounds and every time the legs are crossed. :(

Re: Am I the only one who hasn't bought a single thing for LO?!?

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    I'd suggest going neutral in all the big items and at least some of the clothes. That's what we did with our son and since we are having twin girls it's been pretty helpful. I waited til I hit good odds viability (28 weeks) to make any major purchases. This time my goal is to be done shopping by then because twins tend to be early. You still have time.
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    I haven't bought anything but I did do my registry already. I agree with ^, go neutral with everything until you find the sex.
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    Don't feel bad, we haven't bought anything and don't have a registry set up either! I like to research everything before buying so I'm not surprised that we haven't bought anything lol.
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    tayzavtayzav member
    I have only bought a few clothes cuz I couldn't resist, but other than that the only thing we've bought are diapers and wipes. Started stalking up in the beginning. My BF's mom bought our co-sleeper just to "test out" our registry cuz we were having problems. Other than that that's all we have.
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    I decided that even though I would love to, I'm going to wait to buy anything until I have my showers - I know I'll get an excessive amount of clothing at the showers and probably not some of the items we actually registered for, so I don't want to but anything yet.
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    I haven't bought any clothes but we've picked up an item or two when it was on sale.
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    We didn't buy anything for dd until 33 weeks. We were on team green so everything we bought was gender neutral which is great this time because all newborn and 0-3 month sizes are gender neutral as we are team green again. My daughter was also a November baby so her first Christmas we asked for clothing for her that was 3-6 months and up. It worked out perfectly!
    We did it that way so we wouldn't buy anything until after our baby shower.
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    At this point in my first pregnancy I hadn't bought anything.
    This time I bought a new carrier, some cloth diapers and my daughter picked out one sleeper. That's it so far.
    If you're having a shower wait to see what you get.
    I'm not buying beyond 0-3 clothes because I'm waiting to see how big he is. My daughter grew out of most of her clothes before wearing them.
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    I don't know how far along you are but I'm 22 weeks and I've bought nothing. We are just starting to get around to looking into big ticket items and room furniture.
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    The only things we have really gotten so far are a pair of shoes, a few clothes if we happen to find some we like at a garage sale, a baby carrier DH found unused at a garage for only $3 and a bag of 12 month close I got off the yard sale page for our area since we won't get bigger sizes like that from people most likely. Otherwise we are just going to wait until after the shower so we know what we need yet.
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    We haven't really bought anything yet. Family and friends have given us clothes, bibs, blankets and burp cloths because they have been so excited for us. I'm going to wait until after the shower to buy the big ticket items because I don't want to take up too much room in my house. At the shower I expect mostly clothes .
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    Team green with DD and team green now, I will be able to reuse a lot but haven't bought anything new for baby
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    I'm the opposite I am just so excited and love baby stuff so much u have bought everything.!! Not many clothes yet but have been buying all the major stuff as it comes on sale
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    I haven't bought a single thing yet. Also, the nursery is currently the office and we haven't even started thinking where we'll move all the stuff (no spare room). We might not even do the nursery until LO is 6 months or so ( planning to have him/her in our room until then anyway). 

    But this will be #2 so technically we have everything we need even though most of it is pink lol
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    We've only ordered the things that you have to order in advance (cot+ dresser/change table + pram) everything else will be bought a few weeks before due date /after birth. The baby doesn't need much in the beginning. I'm 26 weeks and ordered things this week... They will arrive 3 or 4 weeks before due date. Some items have a long order times so if you're fussy with which pram/colours etc you want best to order those now. Everything else can wait!
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    Kanne0729Kanne0729 member
    edited July 2015
    Nope. I haven't bought anything either, granted we have most of what we need from previous, but there are still things I need to get and just have been putting it off. Actually, nevermind, I lied and I did buy four onsies for him so far.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    You may want to look into furniture early. The set we wanted from Buy Buy Baby will take 14 weeks to ship and won't arrive until October, so we decided to purchase at week 19.
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    We're fortunate that we have so many friends who've already had babies and we're getting a ton of hand-me-downs, including a crib.  it's not put together or anything, but it's sitting in the soon-to-be nursery.  I've only actually bought a couple of cute nerdy items, a dalek bib set and a Gryffindor onesie.  I figure after the shower (mine is next month), we can decide what hand-me-downs to take and start thinking about buying the big stuff we don't get gifted. When it hits September, it'll be crunch time.
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    I'm also due in November and still don't know what I'm having. I have bought nothing yet, and thought I was the only one!
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    Haven't bought a thing only because SO won't let me
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    kwaldykwaldy member
    I've bought a few things... literally like 2 onesies and a changing pad. We were given a crib by some friends but it's certainly not put together yet. Not team green, but our LO will not reveal what it is either. Because of this, my mom is throwing a gender neutral shower. Honestly, I'm thinking this is beneficial - especially because we plan on having more children so it would be nice to be able to reuse things.
    As for where to start: a lot of places have registry checklists as a guideline. You don't have to put everything on there, but it's helpful to have a place to start.
    Relax and take a deep breath. You'll be fine!
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    I thought I was the only one with naughty lil one, it's my first child and after 5 scans, we are still unaware of the gender. Bought a travelling system atleast, but I need to start stocking up on diapers and other general big items. Just incase this angel decides to come early..
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    I have a stuffed animal, a pacifier, two crocheted blankets and an adorable pair of size 1 shoes.  That is it.  Absolutely none of it is useful if I go into labor early.  I'm going a little bit nuts with my lack of preparation. 
    If there's something strange underneath the hood.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  If there's something weird and it don't look good.  Who you gonna call?  Your Doctor.  Immediately.  If it's new, painful, and possibly pregnancy related get your ass off the internet and call your doctor.  It's for your health and your child's. 

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    DH and I have both bought one outfit each that we just couldn't pass up, but that's it. We don't want to buy anything until the showers (families live nowhere near each other) are done. I'm going to head out today to look at paint chips for the nursery though!
    DS1: Born 11.18.15
    DS2: EDD- 09.08.17

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    bellie1223bellie1223 member
    edited July 2015
    I started getting really amped up about two weeks ago and was ready to make some big purchases like the carseat, stroller, start painting the nursery, etc. Then I found out I have to have surgery next week for a mass they found in my bladder at my 20 wk scan, so of course now I'm starting to feel really superstitious about buying anything else, or nesting in any way. We basically have a used crib that is sitting in pieces in the garage, no mattress, about 10 cloth diapers with inserts, and like 4 packs of wipes. Trying to focus on staying positive instead of worrying that we have nothing done. 
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    I haven't purchased anything either. I was given some neutral baby clothes, so that's about all I have. My family is throwing me a baby shower at the end of September, so I'll probably wait until then to buy anything.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    I'm really sorry about your surgery, and all the best but you can't blame yourself. You are an excited mother, last I checked it wasn't a crime
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    This is our third so we are pretty set on things. I made a car seat cover and diaper caddy and bought less than 10 outfits. Clothes are a big thing this time since we have 2 girls and this is a boy so I need to start stocking up since no shower.
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    I bought a single onesie today, which is the first thing I actually bought (it was a batman onesie and on clearance!)  I have furniture on my registry that I'll purchase after we move, because there isn't any space for it in our apartment.

    Personally, I'm more worried about the timing of the shower vs when we can start moving.  We might have to leave all the shower gifts at MIL's house for a few weeks (thankfully the shower will be at her house, and she has plenty of spare room, but I'll still feel bad!)

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    This is our third boy so no need to buy much. I've ordered his blanket cause each of our boys has gotten a custom blanket. Ordered some decals for the walls. Gotten a blankie. And his older brothers picked out his coming home outfit out today. :) We are more focused on the nursery and making it different for this one. But we've also gotten to do another bedroom for our middle one as well.
    image BabyFruit Ticker VOTE on my Name List
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    I'm in the same boat. All I have is a diaper bag, 7 outfits, and 3 pairs of shoes. Lol. I don't plan on setting up the nursery until later September/early October so I thought it was pointless to buy right now. I have however, completed a registry and created a nursery board exclusively to links of everything that my husband and I plan on buying like the crib, changing table, glider, etc. Basically the essentials. Still plenty of time, don't stress yourself out! :)

      FTM due 11/06/2015
    Married 09/21/2013
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    Yup now I feel crazy.. I have almost everything ready at this point except I have been holding back on clothes because my mom and best friend are throwing my shower.. But besides clothes and blankets I have a bunch of stuff..
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    gkfkgkfk member
    After 5 hours trying to decide on diapers, i gave up and ordered the book "baby bargains" off amazon. I'm literally going to buy all the must-have items/brands that they recommend (in our price range) and call it good. Haven't started buying yet though (other than crib and bedding set.)
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    TKG83TKG83 member
    We haven't bought anything either. Baby boy's room is getting painted next week and then furniture is being purchased. So we're in the "planning to buy" phase I guess. Although, he did get his first gifts today! Some friends who can't make it to my baby shower sent some lovely gifts and they arrived today! I was so excited!
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    wulfpackgirlwulfpackgirl member
    edited July 2015
    I've bought a handful of clothes. That's so much fun to buy but I have to stop myself because I know I'll get a lot at the showers. One of my best friends gave us her practically brand new $500 crib, a monitor, a diaper genie, stroller and bouncy seat. And I bought for $100 off of a former classmate her practically new infant car seat, stroller and two bases for $100. Another friend is giving us their carrier. We love all these hand me downs. So we've gotten a lot of stuff without spending much. Our big purchase is gonna be a dresser to match the crib. Gonna order that next week. It's getting close!
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    japostolovajapostolova member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 30 weeks pregnant and have bought a total of 0 items for this baby. I've been really busy with work, we're closing on a new house and trying to rent the current place we're living at, I'm trying to save money for home renovations, a bigger car ( we have sedans and now 2 kids under 2)... Baby stuff just seems like at the bottom of my list. We have a crib, and a bouncer/ walker from his big brother and some clothes we saved but next month I'm going to have to get a car seat and newborn clothes and diapers at a minimum. We'll see.... I'm still trying to hold out because I don't want to be backing more crap when we move. I'll be around 9 mo pregnant and the thought of moving seems less than ideal lol
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    So I'm going to get our crib today and still have next to nothing.. Outfits and blankets and a couple of little animals but that's it... It all fits in a zulily box... This is making me super anxious...
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    So I'm going to get our crib today and still have next to nothing.. Outfits and blankets and a couple of little animals but that's it... It all fits in a zulily box... This is making me super anxious...

    I'm moving at 32 weeks and having a sprinkle or whatever at 35 weeks. I have a small stockpile in the corner of the bedroom right now, but I'll be ordering all the big stuff next weekend after we move. I had everything done for DS1 by 6 months, so this is considerably late for me especially since DS1 was 2 weeks early.
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