January 2016 Moms



Re: Bookworms!

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    @ah1013 Yes! We actually have three beautiful females. One just turned 7, another (rescue we've had for almost 3 years) will also be seven in January and last one will be 6 in September.

    They are mine and DH's first children and are completely spoiled rotten. Their whole world is probably going to be turned upside down when baby comes but I am confident that they are going to be so interested and gentle.
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    @shaybe90 THE FOURTH IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE OF THE SERIES? OH. Oh. We...we cannot be friends ;)

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    edited July 2015
    Glad I'm not the only one that re and re and re reads HP over and over again haha.

     I'm also a fan of some YA. I read along the thread that somebody mentioned "Bumped" by Megan McCafferty. I have had that book downloaded on my kindle forever, but haven't read it. I downloaded it because her other series is one of my all-time faves. "Sloppy Firsts" is the first book in a series of 5. It's hilarious teenage angst at its finest. I love to laugh out loud when I read. 

     I also just started the Outlander series. Loving it so far. 

     My husband raves about GoT, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Definitely plan to. 

    I know there was some consent that most didn't like 50 shades, but I read all three and liked them (the movie was AWFUL)! I do enjoy some good fluff/smut every once in a while! If you thought that 50 shades was a little too much, I recommend the "Bared to You" series by Slyvia Day. It was SOOO much better!

    Anyway, I'm glad that I'm not the only self-proclaimed book nerd around these parts!
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    ah1013ah1013 member
    @aleigh553 aww!! So many furry kids :) we are most nervous about our little Boston. She does not like change. She was so upset when we moved into our new home a couple years ago. Hopefully she loves her new sister or brother :)
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    cawalpcawalp member
    I just spent an hour updating my goodreads and putting holds at the library! I had to pause Supernatural cause I was missing stuff lol. Thanks so much and I will be at the library tomorrow thoroughly making my husband miserable by spending loads of time there :)
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    This thread made me squeal like a little girl! So many good books listed already!

    @vvitchhazel Don't be afraid of how many Sherrilyn Kenyon books there are! All of the Dark Hunter books interconnect and it's totally worth it. You get so attached to the characters!

    On the paranormal romance thread, JR Ward's Black Dagger brotherhood series is amazing. It's vampires in modern times and any author who effectively uses FUBAR frequently in a series is fine by me.

    For sci-fi I like The Magician series by Raymond Feist (another long series, but worth it). Also The Last Dragonlord series by Joanne Bertin and Dragon Riders of Pern by Anne McCaffeey (I may have had a giant obsession with dragons as a teenager).

    I also read a lot of YA as a middle school English teacher. 13 Reasons Why is a great book and will make you cry, but it is very well written. The A Wrinkle in Time series by Madeline L'Engle is also a classic.

    I could go on and on about this topic :)
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    @Snoopylovesbelle Julia Quinn is another good historical romance author. All of her Bridgerton family stories interconnect so it's best to start with the first one - I believe it is called The Duke and I.
    They're set in 1813-1825.
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    I guess I like some flowery language with a decent plot. I loved reading Pride and Prejudice and the like.

    It wasn't easy to read because it's so different from modern American English but I enjoyed the challenge.
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    @Snoopylovesbelle Julia Quinn is another good historical romance author. All of her Bridgerton family stories interconnect so it's best to start with the first one - I believe it is called The Duke and I.
    They're set in 1813-1825.

    Love that series! Her newer stuff is not as good
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    @KaraEpp16 I love Jane Austin
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    I read the sign of 7 trilogy that was a Nora Roberts one. That one was about the 3 brothers and the curse they accidentally uncovered that takes over their town every 7 years. The girl characters that come in are really good though.
    The JD Robb series is so good- set in New York after 2058. Centers around a top New York detective named Eve Dallas.
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    @christianks104 I loved the Crossfire books! Can't wait for the next one! I'm the same as you, I didn't mind the 50 shades books... I mostly skipped over the sex bits and I hated the movie. And I have no interest in reading Grey though. Mostly because Gideon Cross is way hotter than Christian Grey!

    @Cricket99 I know I'll get around to them eventually, but if I'm reading a series, I have to read the entire series and can't read anything else in between. I'm the girl who rereads the first four books before I'll read the fifth.

    I mentioned it in the other thread we were discussing books in, but I LOVED the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness. She's a historian and the second book takes place in Elizabethan Europe. She successfully weaves historical figures into the books and it is so good!
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    @Snoopylovesbelle I read your post about Nora Roberts, I love a lot of her books too. Yes that was what the 7 trilogy was about, I just thought it was so well written and I really loved the three female characters. It was the first series in awhile where I equally enjoyed all three books. I'll have to check out the futuristic one you described about New York.
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    shrsrishrsri member
    Has anyone read the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer.. Finished the 5th book sometime back and it was really good!

    Earlier this year I got through all the three books of Gillian Flynn like it was a packet of M&Ms... It was bloody brilliant with 'dark places' being my favorite !!!!

    Reading 'Brave New world' at the moment.
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    I like Gillian Flynn but I hated every single one of her endings! I feel like she creates these great characters and mysteries and then wraps it up in the worst way possible where I just never believe it, after investing all this time in getting into the book!

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    Oh guys, sign up for Book Bub! It tells you about the deals on Kindle in the genres you like. I use the library a lot but I get a lot of free/cheap books this way too. https://www.bookbub.com/home
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerMarried DW <3 08.2013; AI 2x; IUI 6x; IUI #7 05.2015; DD born 2.2016 o:); Reciprocal IVF FET #1 on 11.18.2020 
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    @Snoopylovesbelle I read your post about Nora Roberts, I love a lot of her books too. Yes that was what the 7 trilogy was about, I just thought it was so well written and I really loved the three female characters. It was the first series in awhile where I equally enjoyed all three books. I'll have to check out the futuristic one you described about New York.

    I love the JD Robb series- the murder parts can be pretty graphic and some of the main characters back story just FYI
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    @Snoopylovesbelle I never mind when books are graphic haha! Sometimes I prefer that to fluff. ;)
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    l4rkl4rk member
    Just an update that I cancelled my online order, and went to the bookstore! Bumped was out of stock, but I purchased it on order. Then I picked up The Testing for this weekend. Thanks to everyone who has given their thoughts and opinions on books! I'm so excited to find a new title. Being an adult, I'm not really in the loop on YA books and it can be hard to find the gems. :D
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    Definitely charging my ipad tonight. I've been so busy with work k haven't read in ages.... I'll have to skim through my library and list out some of my faves. You guys have covered at though.
    Married the love of my life: 11/12/2009
    1st BFP ever : 11/19/2014
    1/9/2015 our miracle baby was welcomed in heaven.
    BFP #2 : 4/21/2015
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    @claireloSC A quarter of the way through The Passage and I'm loving it so far!
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    @Snoopylovesbelle I read your post about Nora Roberts, I love a lot of her books too. Yes that was what the 7 trilogy was about, I just thought it was so well written and I really loved the three female characters. It was the first series in awhile where I equally enjoyed all three books. I'll have to check out the futuristic one you described about New York.
    I love the JD Robb series- the murder parts can be pretty graphic and some of the main characters back story just FYI
    My mom just sent DH and I the entire JD Robb collection. Excited to try once Dh reads the first one... he called dibs. Im not sure if its my thing, but we will see.
    STM - EDD June 24 '18
    DD - January 2016
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    nickicb7 said:

    @Snoopylovesbelle I read your post about Nora Roberts, I love a lot of her books too. Yes that was what the 7 trilogy was about, I just thought it was so well written and I really loved the three female characters. It was the first series in awhile where I equally enjoyed all three books. I'll have to check out the futuristic one you described about New York.

    I love the JD Robb series- the murder parts can be pretty graphic and some of the main characters back story just FYI

    My mom just sent DH and I the entire JD Robb collection. Excited to try once Dh reads the first one... he called dibs. Im not sure if its my thing, but we will see.

    I'm re reading from the beginning...I've read the whole thing.
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    @l4rk I just finished The Testing series! It was really good!
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    I have found my tribe!!!!
    I am on goodreads, my user name is RobynD ScentsyD and my favorite genre is Urban Romance/Paranormal Romance and I have to add I love me some Motorcycle Club smut.

    My all time favorite author is Krelsey Cole (Immortals After Dark Series) but I also love me some J.R. Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood anyone?!?)

    N (2004)A (2007), N (2010), and L (due 1/2016)
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    @CaraBoonie I know, I know, it's terrible. :) Order of the Phoenix is my favorite though and I'm so happy I'm almost to it, haha.
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    @shaybe90 I just always love stories that involve many different tasks, it's all very mythological haha

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    I'm reading The Art of Racing in the Rain and it's unexpectedly good! It's a whole book from a dogs perspective about life. The author is Garth Stein!
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    @TinyDancer51510 I really liked the Matched series and I just read Atlantia by the same author (Ally Condie) and liked it. Did you read the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver? I liked those too.

    And for everyone who liked Hunger Games, you need to check out Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. I think Suzanne Collins was HEAVILY influenced by this novel. As much as I liked the series, I always felt like it was a bit of a rip off of Battle Royale.

    Oooh! I haven't heard of either of those! I love having new things to read. And yes, Ally Condie!

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    edited July 2015
    @Cricket99: Yes! The girl I nannied recommended '13 Reasons'. Very good.
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    cawalpcawalp member

    @TinyDancer51510 I really liked the Matched series and I just read Atlantia by the same author (Ally Condie) and liked it. Did you read the Delirium series by Lauren Oliver? I liked those too.

    And for everyone who liked Hunger Games, you need to check out Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. I think Suzanne Collins was HEAVILY influenced by this novel. As much as I liked the series, I always felt like it was a bit of a rip off of Battle Royale.

    Oooh! I haven't heard of either of those! I love having new things to read. And yes, Ally Condie!

    There's another that reminds me of the Hunger Games, it's called Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines. I just started reading it today but I really like it so far. Not sure when it was written and too lazy to check so it may be pre-Hunger Games like most books that people say are like it lol.
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    leap_frog said:

    I have found my tribe!!!!

    I am on goodreads, my user name is RobynD ScentsyD and my favorite genre is Urban Romance/Paranormal Romance and I have to add I love me some Motorcycle Club smut.

    My all time favorite author is Krelsey Cole (Immortals After Dark Series) but I also love me some J.R. Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood anyone?!?)

    Black Dagger Brotherhood for life! I think I have re-read them 10 or more times!
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    So exciting to see someone else loved the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness! I love so many books already mentioned on this thread, but this has to be my favorite. I suggest it to everyone I know. I'm looking forward to reading others recommendations as well.
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    l4rkl4rk member
    @cawalp, I just read Looking For Alaska solely because your recommendation stood out in my mind when I was in the bookstore on Friday. Read it start to finish yesterday. Wow. Great book! Thanks for that suggestion. I was kinda done with John Green after the angst of An Abundance of Katherines (and I only somewhat liked Fault in Our Stars because I felt the teenagers' wit and eloauence was too unrealistic), but this was definitely his best that I've read.
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    l4rk said:

    @cawalp, I just read Looking For Alaska solely because your recommendation stood out in my mind when I was in the bookstore on Friday. Read it start to finish yesterday. Wow. Great book! Thanks for that suggestion. I was kinda done with John Green after the angst of An Abundance of Katherines (and I only somewhat liked Fault in Our Stars because I felt the teenagers' wit and eloauence was too unrealistic), but this was definitely his best that I've read.

    Yes! I am so so glad you liked it. I have no idea what he was doing with An abundance of Katherines, or Paper Towns, and totally agree about the Fault in Out Stars. I actually finished reading it while visiting my husband before he deployed last year, and had to drive home about 6 hours starting at 7pm. The book haunted me the entire drive home! I love when they can have a lasting affect like that. So happy you enjoyed it :)
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    I'm an author but I write mostly LGBT genre fiction.
    For general audiences, I recommend Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. It was so much better than Gone Girl. (Sorry if this has been suggested already, this is a long thread)

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    This thread is amazing! I'm always wondering what book I should read next!
    Still Alice
    My Life in France
    The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Gone With the Wind
    Without You
    Down and out in Paris and London
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    I love this thread! I absolutely love to read so all these book suggestions are great because I have been having trouble finding a good book. I keep picking some up and then just putting them down because I can't get into them. :(
    Love: 03.04.06
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