May 2015 Moms

7/23 Feeding Support

breastfeeding, exclusive pumping, formula, reflux, gas, poop - lets talk about it!

Re: 7/23 Feeding Support

  • My boobs still feel so full!!!! Anyone else?? There are still times (especially in the night) that I get so ridiculously engorged and DS can't latch. I thought my body would adjust by now but it doesn't seem to be. DS is 9 weeks. I hate watching him cry when he can't latch. I try to express into the burp cloth but he screams when I don't let him latch on immediately. I feel like such a crappy mom when I'm holding him and he's just screaming his head off because my boob is so hard. Sigh.
  • mars8kmars8k member
    @chambersbaby2015 i would try pumping for a minute before you let him latch, go to the other room if his screams distract you.

    Is any other exclusively breastfeeding mama feeling exceptionally hungry?! I mean i got my appetite back a month after delivery but this week has been insane!! I'm not only hungry i crave certain stuff, although Lo has been having longer feeds i don't know if it's increased appetite or lower supply on my end. please tell me it's normal so i don't dwell in my fears of being pregnant! I haven't had my period yet at 11 weeks pp
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  • @mars8k - thanks. I often end up pumping a bit off but I like to have him at least try first. Sometimes he is successful when I thought I would have needed to pump for sure.

    I go through waves of being super hungry but I haven't had it recently. My DS is 9 weeks. You're hitting 3 months soon and that's when you apparently start to lose the most weight while BF. So perhaps the increased in burned calories is starting for you now!
  • For those of you that have LO's that poop only once a day or less: Is it a TON of poop when your LOs finally do go? I dread the poopy diaper changes...He gets poop from the top of his penis to the top of the back of his diaper and sometimes almost leaks out of the leg holes too. As long as I change him right away it doesn't achieve blow out status but it gets pretty close!
  • mars8kmars8k member
    @SmrBrd2012 my LO used to go on e every 3 days and yes it was a lot and the thing is she only wen when i would let her play without a diaper, so you can imagine the mess but boy did it put me in a good mood! Lol since 2 days ago she's been going more than once a day but now i think she might be creeping back to old habits! I hope i'm wrong and she continues to go multiple times a day
  • For those of you that have LO's that poop only once a day or less: Is it a TON of poop when your LOs finally do go? I dread the poopy diaper changes...He gets poop from the top of his penis to the top of the back of his diaper and sometimes almost leaks out of the leg holes too. As long as I change him right away it doesn't achieve blow out status but it gets pretty close!

    Typically, my son poops about every 4 days. That said, it's definitely a lot of poop once he finally does go, about enough to full 3 diapers!! But it's not usually all at once, it may take him up to an hour before he's actually done pooping. So he'll poop and I change him and he'll poop again like 20 minutes later and so on. But sometimes he'll also finish going right as I finished cleaning.
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