Hi there!
I just figured I'd introduce myself! I'm CC an educator from Florida. I love the beach, fishing, scuba diving, and hammocks.
I thought I might try this board along with my usual TTC board since I searched for polypectomy and found that some of you have a similar story. We've been trying since October, found the polyps and fibroids in February, got them removed in April. I've only had one regular period since. I'm petrified that they'll come back and feel like 10 years of birth control couldn't have been good for the situation. Oh women and our self-blame. I'm in that awkward herbal remedy, old wives tales, BBT obsessed, OPK peeing stage (or at least I hope it's a stage!).
I hope to get to know you all! Please feel free to introduce yourselves too!
Re: New to the Board Intro.
Welcome, I hope you find the support you need here! And hope you don't have to stay long!