October 2015 Moms

I just remembered my least favorite part of pregnancy

As I have been enjoying the kicks and jabs these last couple months and dreaming about holding my sweet baby boy, I would ask myself "What was it about pregnancy that I hated so much last time?  I seriously cannot remember.  Maybe all the sweating because I didn't have AC in Germany and worked in a hot-ass kitchen?  Was I just being a baby?"  


This little stinker has been crowding the hell out of my lungs ALL DAY LONG!  Sitting is the worst!  I had to pull the car over today so I could get out because I could feel him pushing himself into my ribs and couldn't breathe.  I'm extremely claustrophobic (why we have big cars) and it's really stressing me out.  Currently, I am relaxing with my arms over my head in the recliner just praying this kid will chill out.  Anyone else having these problems now?  He's such an explorer in there! 
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Re: I just remembered my least favorite part of pregnancy

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  • Right there with you. My ribs are this baby's favorite place to hang out. I was making phone calls all day at work and had to apologize a couple times for pausing because baby was making it hard to breathe. 

    I may have resorted to a couple quick hops to try to get baby to move down. It didn't really work. Stubborn child. 
  • I have been rubbing downward on my belly, kind of hoping the light pressure will encourage him to move back down a little and take it easy haha  
    October Siggy Challenge

    Image result for horrible pregnancy halloween costumes

    Oct 15 Glitter Bunnies


  • J1DJ1D member
    I seriously can not breathe!!! It's so bad! I get super breathless just trying to talk sometimes.
  • @J1D YES!!! I was trying to read to my daughter tonight and would get 4 words in and start struggling!  So frustrating
    October Siggy Challenge

    Image result for horrible pregnancy halloween costumes

    Oct 15 Glitter Bunnies


  • J1DJ1D member
    I find myself saying, "sorry" constantly. Sorry I can't finish my sentence cause I can't breathe. Sorry I have to sit down cause I can't walk or breathe. Sorry I need to use the bathroom, again...
  • I have literally be able to feel my liver when ever I lay on my right side since 21 weeks or so, that's been the weirdest for me. I'm dreading if he does get high up enough to start noticeably messing my with my lung space though... I have scoliosis and really big boobs that take away lung capacity as it is lol.
  • Ok yes this was me today. I feel like the last couple days I'm having a little bit of trouble breathing while sitting down. I went to OB appointment today little guy is doing great.. But on my way home I'm sitting at the red light I have the AC going and window is cracked but having trouble breathing lol I can feel a kick right under my ribs (not touching them). But it's getting close... I find now that I can literally hear myself breathing up the stairs lol I sound so out of shape!
  • This is awful! Babe has definitely been cuddling with my organs the last couple weeks. My hubby and I went to see the USS Lexington this past weekend and the tour had several sets of hot, cramped stair cases to scale. Yikes that was hard on my body!

    Also, I've noticed that I can't kiss DH normally anymore. I have to stop kissing him to breathe. Hahaha
  • I'm definitely lacking the ability to breathe deep! My LO loves my ribcage. I can feel it trying to get comfortable by slowly adjusting limbs and stuff! What's the most weird is that while I can feel it in my ribs I can also get punched or kicked down low -- it's so weird that this baby is filling out my torso!
  • DD was tucked high up into my rib cage and I ended up with a dislocated rib for more than a month at the end of that pregnancy! Now this LO is so low that I wish he'd pop up just a little so he'd have more room than he does in my pelvis. Why can't they find a happy medium??

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My baby is transverse, so she's not really high or low. It's nice because I don't get the low pressure or the lung crowding. But, I'd like her to be head-down and her tiny little feet and hands are hanging out next to my cervix and bladder :(
    CafeMom Tickers

  • Yes. And anxiety means I already have a hard time breathing half of the day so now I'm like ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Although it's really cool that I'm able to interact with him now, I can tell where his hand or foot is and if I keep rubbing that spot he'll push out further. I try and just focus on that until I calm down enough to (attempt to) catch a little breath. 
  • @anorthro those sudden bladder/cervix punches are so startling. It's really only a matter of time before I startle myself into needing a change of clothing after an episode. Sigh.

    @tate62610 this is my least favorite part too. I get downright panicky when I know it's almost bedtime. I'm up to a Snoogle plus 4 king pillows at night, within which I barricade myself upright and safely removed from any affectionate gestures from my husband or dogs. Only then can I sort of catch a breath. It works (marginally), until I have to climb out of my nest for those 8-11 nightly bathroom trips, and then reassemble it for the next 45 minute stretch I get to sleep...
    O15 August Siggy Challenge
  • I'm *pretty* sure my boy is horizontal so he doesn't affect my ribs too badly yet, but it's still uncomfortable. Even when I lie on my side, It feels like his feet or something is being squished by the side I'm lying on. Additionally, I had my first kick/punch (he likes to do them at almost the exact same time, and they're on opposite sides of my belly, hence why I think he must be sidewackers) that actually hurt yesterday. I'm not sure if he kicked an organ or nerve or what but I was surprised. I have noticed that if I'm not sitting up perfectly straight, breathing is impaired... good incentive to maintain good posture! 

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Yes! Baby girl has been kicking the crap out of me! And she has decided her favorite place to stick her feet is right up in my ribs. It isn't painful (yet, at least) but kind of tickles. It's so strange. It happens the most when I am sitting at my desk.
  • Breathing is tough enough, and now I think he's enjoying kicking what's left of my stomach. Between the current overcrowding and morning sickness, I've never wanted to vomit as much as I have in the last 7 months.
  • Baby girl likes to do this at night after I've eaten a big dinner. Oh, your stomach is full? Allow me to sit on it. ;)
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