As I have been enjoying the kicks and jabs these last couple months and dreaming about holding my sweet baby boy, I would ask myself "What was it about pregnancy that I hated so much last time? I seriously cannot remember. Maybe all the sweating because I didn't have AC in Germany and worked in a hot-ass kitchen? Was I just being a baby?"
This little stinker has been crowding the hell out of my lungs ALL DAY LONG! Sitting is the worst! I had to pull the car over today so I could get out because I could feel him pushing himself into my ribs and couldn't breathe. I'm extremely claustrophobic (why we have big cars) and it's really stressing me out. Currently, I am relaxing with my arms over my head in the recliner just praying this kid will chill out. Anyone else having these problems now? He's such an explorer in there!
October Siggy Challenge
Oct 15 Glitter Bunnies
Re: I just remembered my least favorite part of pregnancy
Also, I've noticed that I can't kiss DH normally anymore. I have to stop kissing him to breathe. Hahaha